What's going to happen when the zika babies come of age in South America, start breeding and forming a new race of people to replace the old people(non-zikoids)? America should be worried, in the next 15-20 years they're going to have to deal with mutant illegal aliens
What's going to happen when the zika babies come of age in South America...
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It'll happen in Brazil so no one will notice.
Invest in hats.
>What's going to happen when the zika babies come of age
they dont, they die early
>start breeding
Microcephalic individuals don't typically live that long and if they do they're severely disabled.
I don't think you have to worry about being taken over by people who can't care for themselves in any way.
Zika babies have microcephaly, (think Hartley hooligans) so they won't be able to have thoughts, much less reproduce
You won't the immigrants that come over are actually have a decent amount of wealth or the smarts to move over, the Zika people will be essentially morons.
I don't think the virus respects borders. We'll have plenty of zikoids of our own without worrying about South America.
Spending a decent amount of money could keep them alive but they would be comple drooling tards, unable to reproduce naturally.
Real mutants are either slightly changed versions of a creature, or fucked up abominations that die fast. Sorry no cool mutants like in movies or vidya.
Zika isn't inherited, moron.
"Zikoid", why do I feel like that's not the last time I'll hear that term...
I have to admit, I stole it from OP. I like it though.
Zika came from Africa in 2014 when the World Cup happened. It could have happened in any country with an international event as big as the world cup.
The funny part is, it came to Brazil in the world cup, now it's gonna spread in 2016 with the Olympics.
It is sexually transmitted, though.
Is the original a potato or zika kid?
Can you imagine what a shitshow it's going to be when all of the Olympic athletes throughout the world go to your cancerous country and contract horrible diseases.... Then they'll go to their respective countries and spread diseases far and wide... Great job Brazil
I think this is already the case in the US and nobody Prette great attention.
the conditions are only possible below the equator, you Brazilians are fucked but we're grand
Comrade, are you criticizing glorious globalization and progress?
You have been scheduled for liquidation.
Hey, they happened in the niggerest parts of country, northeast and Rio.
Fuck, man... That's rough
Who needs Zika when you can do it yourselves with fetal alcohol syndrome, eh Mickey?