Hey Sup Forums I have a problem
I told my co-workers my true political views and now they think im a bigot???
How do I convince them that theyre wrong
Hey Sup Forums I have a problem
I told my co-workers my true political views and now they think im a bigot???
How do I convince them that theyre wrong
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lynch a nigger in the breakroom
Please put a trigger warning on the image of a urine drug test in your OP. It triggered my PTSD that I got from living in a halfway house with a bunch of niggers and having to piss on command by the head nigger. K? Thanks.
It doesn't matter if they hate you, so long as you stand up for yourself. They'll think you're a prick but they'll respect you.
Tell us EXACTLY what you said.
I said that black people need to stop complaining and stop committing crimes and taunting officers, maybe then they wouldn't get shot. And I also said that we need to deport mexicans before this becomes a mexican country
Oh boy.
>being this edgy
wew lad
Is it that bad? I always thought of myself as a moderate
I don't want to kill them, I just want them out of my countryn and back where they belong. It's not racist
You're killing it dude.
You'll be surprised how touchy people are.
This was pretty high level stuff mate.
It's not bad, or even that revolutionary. It's common sense.
But normies are programmed to think everything is racist if it even mentions demographics. You revealed your power level excessively at work. Do this sort of thing with friends who will actually listen, not where it can get you fired. What if some diversity hire is a management position heard you?
What's the matter, you don't like heroin? Hopefully this job doesn't drug test because I'd fail it as you can see in the op
What do they do for work.
I'm in engineering and almost everyone I've met has been somewhat agreeable with my political views.
This why we warn of revealing your power level
Granted, you didn't go full on Ben "See a nigger, pull the trigger" Garrison, but the level of normie-ness present particularly in office and corporate environments (assuming you work in this type of environment) is staggering.
I am working at a well known chain that specializes in burgers
>fired for personal beliefs
But they can't fire me, its freedom of speech
Do you live in a country that's obsessed with Donalds?
being called a bigot basically is fancy-talk for them not liking / disagreeing with your views
If I were at your workplace I'd agree, and so would most of Sup Forums but alas we are not there.
Why the fuck did you reveal your power level you dumb nigger?
They'll find another reason, and you won't be able to do anything about it
Burn down the office, of course. but leave a dogturd in the fridge and blame the merchants to show them who the REAL badguys are.
>wanting the approval of people who base their opinions on what appeals most to their emotions
How old are you? Do you have any comprehension about how things work in the real world?
underrated fpbp
It's going have to start happening sooner or later.
I'll have you know that I'm very mature, I'm 21 years old and know how the world works
i think you'd better start looking for a new job
You challenged the groupthink, therefore you must be ostracized. Never reveal your power level unless you know its safe.
Yeah but now is to early, best thing to do now is just t show them how the left behaves. Like video of violent antifa gatherings or whatever.
wew lad
i work in the engineering trade and most people i've worked with are the generic conservative type. where i work now there are maybe 100 engineers employed, literally every single one is a while male. feels goodman
Lol again. You do not have freedom of speech in the workplace. I mean, yeah, you can say what you want, but they can fire you too for saying just about anything. Your freedom of speech does not mean that you can say whatever you want without reprocussions.
wew lad; you work with a bunch of limpwristed liberals don't you?
>blacks need to learn their place
>keep the mexicans out
>not racist
Lol. This is what happens when you spend too much time in this hate filled echo chamber
But what I said isn't really anything different from what Mr. Trump says on TV all the time.
>this is edgy
You are an absolute cuck.
You put no padding on that statement at all, no wonder they hate you.
I would have said it like this.
On blacks
"It's unfortunate that blacks are being shot by the police, but considering there are quite a number of black people that disrespect the law and commit crimes, the police are always on edge, especially around blacks. Also, although slavery was bad for them, there is a slight silver lining, just look at Africa today. War, rebels, disease, famine, and no it was not caused by US, so compare the lives of blacks here with blacks of Africa, they have a much better life here. Do I think their conditions here in the states could be better? Absolutely, but I want them to better themselves and not be reliant on the government."
On Mexicans.
"I find it shameful that central and south american countries can't provide for their own people, it's not that I don't want them here, it's that I want them to be happy in their homeland where they don't have to assimilate to another culture to be successful. Should they wish to live here, then they should at the very least assimilate and keep traditions in the home."
Always hide your power level user, it's a shame we have to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but you risk everything to the pestilent left.
>Sup Forums is an echochamber
Not if you're able to post here faggot, and no "shouting you down" or insulting you or hurting your precious feelings isn't censorship, it's just you being an even more flamboyant faggot.
Btw, echo chambers are called (((echo)))chamber for a reason.
If you don't realize pol is an echo chamber for the far/alt- right, you are indeed retarded
Maybe it's just your personality because I routinely deny the holocaust and make fun of blacks and Jews and no one gets upset with me.
Ok, wow, great point, you really had me think there.
why the fuck would you ever say some shit like that to normies?
oh fuck
that's edgy
I mean, the views themselves aren't THAT edgy, but the way you said it, everyone probably thinks you'd kill all niggers in the world if you could (which probably is true), and just said something you consider "moderate" to avoid what happened. They've seen right through you.
Also it probably was something more like this, in autistic American way during autistic American smalltalk
>Man, those blacks really need to stop commiting crimes, you know what I'm sayin?
They're right to hate you.
Reminder white people get shot more than cops but americrackercucks still defend them mag dumping unarmed people.