Visited Sup Forums for the first time. No longer can feel comfortable around Caucasians, I feel nervous and like I'm being judged. The things you guys say here is literally incredibly evil. It's actually kind of heart breaking that humans still think like this.
Mixed Spic Here
Don't worry, it's the current year, I'm sure only a small percentage of white holds such reactionary beliefs.
After all, you don't judge the whole based on a small part, right? :^)
We are a board of peace.
Full white colored spic here
You're shit skin is why you're afraid mestizo dog
Pick one.
On second thought.
Pick one.
everyone judges everyone constantly. this place is full of insecure white boys, but don't be retarded
It's heart breaking because you aren't human enough to feel the way we do.
Are you here legally?
Damn portubro, nice
>We love legal immigrants.
stay away then, you obviously don't have the heart for Sup Forums
Dual citizen here. Idgaf.
1 post
sage this cunt
>swede non American cuck
Pick two you bitch to nigger cock
Sven you posting from the cuck shed again?
While Muhammad bangs your mom and ex gf.
>1 post by this ID
This board is incendiary on purpose.
Most of the spewy bile is from kids who want to appear cool to the older posters or feel adult for saying all the slurs mom won't let them.
It's kind of neat to read some of the opinions posted here, though. It's like seeing a manual typewriter at a garage sale or something.
>spooped by reactionary racism from whites
>pay no attention to how fucking racist against whites spics are and how it led to this point
Go back to fucking mexico you mestizo piece of shit tavi.
>still think like this
they always will. suppression of thought is the only thing that has protected you.
>giving OP shit about 1 post by ID fucking FIFTEEN POSTS INTO THE THREAD
>full white colored spic
I bet you would stick out like a sore thumb among actual whites.
This is why I don't reply to "American" posters
I'm an adult and I consider spics as sub-humans. I hope you feel better faggot
Kys amigo
>spics flood cities and vandalize while waving that disgusting beaner flag of theirs
>expect us to take it lightly
You better move back while there is no wall Paco.
Im half peruvian but I never learned spanish so i dont jibber like a faggo or dont act like a fucking clown.
It's more about assimilating and being part of things, identifying with neighbors instead of whatever shithole part of your parents came from
In 20 years commie shitskins like yourself will have turned the US into Brazil 2.0.
If even half of Caucasians actually shared the viewpoints commonly illustrated on Sup Forums, this would be a very different America
Yes, there are many whites who hold controversial beliefs and simply remain quiet about them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they hate anybody.
Keep an open mind and don't just assume that if somebody views the world in a "racial lens," they are automatically filled with hatred. Equating pride in one's ethnicity or willingness to preserve one's heritage with "hate" or "supremacy" is a pretty common trick the hyper-liberal mainstream media uses.
Nope. I assume by whites you mean redneck cousin fuckers who collect welfare checks and are no better than Hasidic Jews.
Or even worse, pic related whites.
I'm going with the first one Cletus.
>wow why do they give such a shit that they're becoming a minority in their own nations and having their communities destroyed by low-IQ shitskins?
I get it, it's evil and hateful for us to have in-group preference but ok for you. I'm glad you're scared, remember that.
In reality, most white people are cucks who would get a dopamine rush of pleasure if you even smiled at them "gasp! a vibrant youth noticed me!".
>self hating spic
How original
>Mixed Spic Here
10/10 chance this was posted by a white guy
You're Muslim, who cares what you think.
>It's actually kind of heart breaking that humans still think like this.
USA was founded on racism. Get used to it?
A look here, another appeal to emotion thread created by another useful idiot,
just doing their part to ensure humanity is protected from scary opinions and hurtful words.
>muh raza taco faggot confirmed
You're non English fat abuelita and you have to go back anchor baby
You can't escape now. Also Sup Forums is satire.
Don't lash out at your betters, you pathetic low self esteem subhuman manlet spic. You have to go back
if you are mixed spic you pass as white enough nowadays. nobody cares, unless you speak spanish non stop or act super hispanic.
adapt to reality faggot. 'Oh my god this thing is scary!'
what are you a fucking child? Deal with reality.
This board is literally what 100% of people feel on the inside.
Here people are just allowed to let it out.
>You're Muslim, who cares what you think.
t. pic-related.
You're some hick who brings nothing to your color. But keep believing you're superior faggot.
Burgerfriends make up like half this board's userbase, though
Surely some of them have spit some hot fire bantz worth respecting by replies
its just a satire, why do you gotta be such a kuck about it?
You will never escape. Embrace the memes mate.
t. genuine spic
>Ah yes even though your country is only 4% Muslim everybody that comes from Britain is a Muslim
Kys sub-human
And Paco finally reveals his true color(s)
The shitskin color, of course
>Come from a place where Narcos will rape a hundred kids and burn their bodies before siesta time.
>Come to a country built by white people where there is peace, except for the crimes of spics and nogs
>See people aren't such a big fan of your horrible race
> "It's actually kind of heart breaking that humans still think like this."
Go the fuck home.
Nobody really has a problem with race, they have a problem with shitty cultures.
We don't want your lazy Mexican, crazy Muslim/Middle Eastern, "dindu nuffin" Black, etc. cultures. No white people I know of hate people that act like a decent member of society.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
I honestly don't give a fuck what whites think of me.
Remember at the end of the day they swallow their anger and spew it out on anime imageboards when they go home.
Whites are so pussified that I only see cucks when I meet them.
They don't pay my bills, I do. I am successful due to my own sacrifices, I couldn't care less what they think.
Also quit taking Sup Forums serious, this place is satire.
ou subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey? How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offer no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfather's skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negro's nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinian obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious and, at the same time, sad. Coincidentally, it's the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early onset Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the pampas with you and your family's corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
really really bad satire
It goes both ways. I know you all think the same thing right back.
Trust no one.
This is the most true post. Have you considered OP that you must accept hate in order to be truly fair? In order to air all grievances honestly and then move beyond, we can't keep pretending.
Think of it this way, would you rather live in a world where everyone was secretly racist and kind to your face but inside, thought the kinds of things we say on Sup Forums? Or would you rather live in a world where people would tell you what they thought honestly? Like it or not, these are your only options. Racism is a fact of nature and suppressing it just means everyone has to go around lying.
Racism also doesn't have to mean hate in the strong sense, although you probably won't realize this now. Here, we hate white liberals probably more than we do any other race, in terms of how upset they make us at least. If you're really a racist, you expect other races (or groups more broadly) to act different as a fact of nature and there's no reason to be upset by that. You also don't consider yourself responsible for them so if they act in a dumb way or something, you don't feel like you're responsible to fix it, you just want to limit the degree to which you're impacted by it.
you obviously have deep emotional issues self-hating user, were you bullied in school or did your mom not pay enough attention to you?
No Cletus. Just trying to explain you're a shit tier white. Like bottom of the barrel Slav/Irish/ white. Even though you think you're white, you might as well indulge in fried chicken and grape drank.
Whites here are just concerned for their race's future. They're under the impression that a white genocide is in the making.
If you pay your own bills and are successful due to your own sacrifices, white people don't have a problem with you.
>projecting: the post
>Ben garrison signature
Portugal bringing the BANTZ
>le civic nationalism
cuckoldry codified
Don't be so autistic replying to
>white people
protip: if they have an obsession with calling everyone non-white they're probably actually not white.
If you came here legally or were born to resident...then who gives a fuck, you're a pure blooded American
Wow! 10/10 my friend
Nothing more original than a copypasta!
Then leave you fat shitskin pussy nigger lover . Not just Sup Forums but the entire country.
You were never welcome here in the first place.
>he says, as he replies to a spic shit-talking whites, calling them "hicks with no culture"
10/10 shillpost, Jose. $0.10 pesos have been deposited into your banco accounto
You're subhuman, on a genetic level. No amount of strawman arguments or projecting or emotional-spic whining will change this.
Just deal with it, Pablo.
>whites bottle up their repressed feelings on pol
>pol is satire
Huh. I guess your bills must not be that big. You can't be making much with a brain like that.
You're proving his point for him. This is the white/jewish version of "muh dik": "oy vey muh shekels"
Golden kek
some mexican spics are whiter than european spics
it's just pretty rare
The only good spic is a dead spic.
The only thing better than a dead spic is a dying spic surrounded by the bodies of his 83924892272 spiclet cockroach offspring.
>The only thing better than a dead spic is a dying spic surrounded by the bodies of his 83924892272 spiclet cockroach offspring.
So like, a bunch of dead spics?
killuminati ALL TRHOUGH YO BODYY!!
Try being a jew in Germany.
Still voting AfD.
How are you feeling?
Did you let out all your anger little guy?
Haha just keep on venting, I'm sure shitposting on Sup Forums will fix the west.
Doubt it. I have a strong feeling you're a spic and surround yourself with many spics that look like the guys who cut my lawn.
I bet it hurts you're progenitors were Aztecs.
I take back the cousin fucker part. I can tell when jealous brown skin Mexican blooded when I smell one.
I bet you want Texas back as Mexican land.
Disgusting half breed
>Mixed Spic Here
stopped reading right there
I only speak English, i was born in America, i grew up in an upperclass white community. If i were you id swallow some glass and apologise for being born
That moist nugget
.410 is a caliber that can be fired through a modified Mosin.
Who gives a shit dude and aren't all us spics mixed in some way anyways?
Look dude, assuming you're here legally and your parents came legally, who gives a shit what the Caucasians think because I assure you the ones with any spine left in them don't care what you think of them.
You're in a country that lets you make a life for yourself and yourself only, only you're going to pay your own bills, only you're going to make yourself successful, only you're going to start your family's story in this country.
And also, this is Sup Forums here, the land of sweeping generalizations, this isn't how every white in the US thinks, most are just regular people trying to get by with their lives.
Its when you've become self-sufficient and a productive member of society that you start seeing things that hold us back like illegals, the jew run media, the degenerates, the leeches on welfare living off our taxes and hard work.
Its then that you'll see what we're all so mad about on this board and its then that you'll come to hate whats holding our country back and the burden on us your fellow Americans.
Some people out there and on this Mongolian Carpetry Emporium will never accept you as a fellow American based in your skin color or ethnicity, you can't change that, just continue working hard and judging people by the content of their character.
We made it this far thanks to tolerance, not acceptance, those are two different things.
That sounds really, really unsafe
You lost me at "modified Moisin"
How much are moist nuggets in leaf land? You can buy them, right?
Stop being a nigger if you don't want to be treated like one.
Black user here. I look at it thus way: humans will never evolve past prejudice. We're all animals (whites included), whether we like it or not. And like animals, we try to compete. This is why racism thrives.
Also many of the whites here are virgins.