On this day, 25 years ago, Mulder and Scully met for the very first time.
On this day, 25 years ago, Mulder and Scully met for the very first time
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A legend was born.
So much love
The start of the best TV show around
Tell me about the glasses, why did he only wear them that one time?
>fresh from reddït homepage
What did op mean by this?
He wore them often while doing paper work
>one time
S1E06, "Shadows"
Pilot nigga. They were testing out looks for the characters. Also note Scully's long, flowing hair, which would soon after become the iconic bob we know and love today.
Recently watched seasons 1-8.
Mulder is a fucking cunt, holy fuuuck, and a gary stu. Is there anything he can't do?
>read this
>it's not true
bring his sister back
>bring his sister back
I like the X files, but David Duchovny is one of the worst actors ever
The dynamic duo that never was.
>mfw I was 14
He's not a great actor, no, but the show still fell apart without the Mulder character.
It's funny how insanely popular and beloved the X-Files is even though the 2 main actors are terrible. 90% of the time they just speak in a monotone voice, almost Ben Stein tier acting.
Should I watch this show?
Dale Cooper as a reoccurring character on the X-Files would have been almost too awesome
Yeah. Lots of episodes are skippable though, someone got an info graphic?
Hands down the best episode is the one where it's shown from other people's POV and Mulder is described as a faulty mandroid incapable of showing emotion.
Was the recent reboot any good?
Yeah like the first 4-5 seasons. Then you need an infographic. They never conclude the main story line, even in movies and the reboot. It's maddening.
>women get raped in a giant tent
>gypsies, tramps and thieves start playing
What did they mean by this?
Yes, it had one episode that was GOAT. On the level of trailer park of freaks episode. But it ends on a cliffhanger a-fucking-gain.
>the only time he showed any emotion was when he saw the body
why are you on Sup Forums papa?
Nice catch.
>never was
You and me both
How does he look more feminine than "Caitlyn"?
Not a reboot. Continuation.
>it's a monster rapes woman, but Mulder and Scully don't care and take him to a Cher concert episode
It was a different time.
Right, I guess that's a better word.
I just figured 14 years after the last season it would be considered "over", and starting again would be a reboot
The infographic is shit - I don't know why you're all so obsessed with skipping episodes of shows. Even if they don't drive the mythology forwards, there's still plenty to the characters of Mulder and Scully in MOTW episodes - even their relationships with other characters.
Because Caitlyn was a top-tier athlete for most of his life, whereas Duchovny is an effete actor whose only "macho" characteristic was his sex-addiction? Also the age difference.
It's not like Duchovny's famous for playing manly men, user.
It was a wonderful time.
Also, if you really can't stand to watch the MOTW episodes for the monsters then I don't see how X-Files is the show for you.
When it first aired I remember me and my friends actually disliking most of the mythos episodes because we didn't give a shit about aliens. But we didn't skip the damn episodes.
>I don't know why you're all so obsessed with skipping episodes of shows
probably because people don't want to waste their time watching the generally agreed upon trash episodes?
Trailer park of freaks? Do you mean the one with the Confederate inbreds?
what are the undisputed GOAT episodes?
>mfw I was almost 3
Surely it's the one with the fiji mermaid killing carnie freaks?
Any Darin Morgan episode
This, but it's mostly the age. Trans Bruce back in the late 70's might have been passable as an attractive woman.
Watching the entire series from dvd is one of my favorite show experiences ever.
He didn't really rape them he just .... uhhh implanted pig semen inside them.
Ok, yeah that's not great either.
The episodes on the infrographi aren't gneerally agreed upon - some autist sat down and made it based on what he thinks, there's no common consensus on most episodes.
You should 'grin and bear' through the standard decent episodes of The X Files, or any show for that matter, and form your own opinion, rather than only watching the episodes someone else enjoyed.
If you end up really disliking an episode then do what I do and either do something else while watching it(in case it gets better) or just skip it. Don't fucking go after what someone autistic enough to make a list thinks.
Scully and Mulder were cute then.
What were the best episodes in this series? Looking to rewatch again soon and I need to know the high points.
This. An autist made it.
Let's also note those hilarious shoulder pads she used to wear lmao
I watched from the DVDs too. Took me like 6 years to watch everything. I'm pretty lazy on watching tv shows.
I used to buy season per season in online shops.
There are literally hundreds of episodes desu. But most people will say it's all pretty good until season 4.
Is this from the blu ray
transfer looks good
why do jews age so badly?
rip in peace pretty mulder
They're mostly 1080x720 but some exceptions are 1920x1080 (for example the Pilot which is where those two are from) so I'm sure they are from the Blu-ray but the original author had not gotten around to getting the images from all the Blu-ray copies. Starting with season 2, you can see by the logo that they were captured from German HD TV.
>tfw no qt scully gf
why must it be so
Even just a few years earlier in the 80s there's a steep drop off of continuing cultural relevance. You see very few people on Sup Forums making posts about how they want to start watching Dallas.
what happened to the latest series that came out?
worth a watch? heard it was better than true detective
1987 was the pinnacle of 'cultural relevance'.
It's worth it for the lewd Scully scene.
Disagree. The image quality and level of technology of the 80s separates it from the current era. The X-files has a look about it that is not disconcerting to a modern viewer.
Even if you go back and scan television shows or movies made in the 70s and 80s and present them high definition there will still look dated due to the photographic processes involved. The X-files was made in the years when television film started to look very, very good and the color timing is more similar to (and inspired a lot) what is seen now.
American Psycho is a meme on Sup Forums, in the general populace it's mostly forgotten.
I wasn't referring to the media-viewing technology.
But I'm sure given a little more time this stuff will see a major resurgence in public interest. I can almost see the same happening to King Kong.
It's kind of weird, I love X-Files so much that I almost don't even like coming in these threads. I don't want to risk Sup Forums trying to ruin my favorite show for me.
I was in a 'top 5 TV shows" thread the other day, and was glad to see people actually were putting The X Files in their lists. Threads here never seem to really take off.
Kind of surprising, but good to hear there's still some love for it around here.
This thread needs more Krycek.
Why are such asshole characters so lovable?
>that moment when Skinner fucking wastes Krycek
>story of the week
>no satisfying conclusion or payoff
>it's never even an interesting mystery
paranormal bullcrap is bull crap
>>no satisfying conclusion or payoff
The journey is phenomenal though.
I had such a crush on Scully back then. I'm all blushing when I remember all the times I fapped thinking of her.
I have this recurring fantasy that I somehow ended up in the early 90s and romanced Gillian Anderson.
Then I imagine an alternate "X" Files where super-young Mulder and Scully regularly have sex and it's some kind of hard-R film.
It took 23 years for Scully to show us her bra again. Sad times.
Prove anything?
7th March is when they head to Oregon. They meet before this in your pic related.
March 6: Scully goes down to the basement to meet Mulder, who she's heard of but never met
March 7: Next day, they arrive in Oregon.
Pic related is literally from their first encounter.
It literally abolished everything that happened in the previous 9 seasons.
It was a huge middle finger to the fans.
The truth is a middle finger to a lot of people.
How did it abolish everything?
Alright guys - who's got the webm?
did the actors ever fugg?
>when you realize 90% of cases go unsolved