>mfw dat fucking episode
Black Sails
After all these episodes we finally got rid of Eleanor, I hope Max dies in the next episode
He is homosex
Once in the ass doesn't make a gay
She's going to survive until the end.
I'm pretty sure he's bi
That's pretty gay to be honest
I'm pretty sure he only was gay for one dude and in a threesome at that
That's pretty true
I'm pretty sure that's also true so I don't know
he takes it in the ass like a sistah.
Notice how beta Flint was before he took a cock up his shitter and how alpha he became after?
What did you mean by this?
I'm pretty sure he was pitching not catching
if Maddie is really dead then Max will become Silver's Wife, she's the only other black(ish) woman
>Max this some nasty ass accent I hate you so much but the pussy game ridiculous
Best waifu is dead :(
She was an annoying strong independent woman
But she looked fine
I hope tits mcgee and featherstone make it out okay
>fucking Eleanor finally dies
>but so does blackfu which means Max will become Silver's wife
Man, Israel Hands is too much of a mad dog not to end up as some kind of villain. Sheer Chaotic Neutral.
Naw Billy saved her somehow
She won't die.
Treasure Island exists. You can easily find out. Also, I think he is more Neutral Evil.
the acting was god-tier this episode.
If there is one thing this show has taught me, is that England is a piece of shit country full of retards who spent generations shooting themselves in the foot, since their prevailing culture to piss all over each other ran in constant opposition to being any kind of enduring empire.
No wonder you all have shit attitudes over there. It's bred deep into the shit you call your blood.
The majority of our country the U.S came from there so yeah if its in their blood, it would be in our blood too, jimbo.
He used to be homosex. Now he's an asexual ubergangster.
[Indistinct Spanish shouting]
Taking dick in the pooper makes you manly.
One unlikable bitch down, only two more to go.
>the majority
There are more Irish, Germans, spics and niggers in the US than Anglos.
Fucking love this show. Going to be quite upset when it ends. I hope they do make a Treasure Island mini-series in a couple of years.
Jack yelling at Max showed how much this actor was underused the whole show.
Is it a known information how many seasons have they planned, how many left?
This is the last season
this is the last season
Yes, he seems to have matured with the show, first seasons it was 90210 shit tier, now he's really on fire.
trips get
Dubs being one of the worst women you could chose. Way to go faggot.
Fuck that's bad. Liked it, maratooned it for last 3 weeks with waifu.
Best show people don't know about.
I have no idea who 5 7 and 9 were
2 or 3 and im a happy man
I've been trying to get my friend to watch this for years and he goes on and on about muh gay pirates and strong independent wymyn
>hangs Vane to protect Nassau
>it gets burned to the ground by spics that also kill her and her unborn child
He stays LJS's man throughout Treasure Island and is killed by Jim Hawkins
>huge tittied bumfu
i guess you go for the trips
Billy was on the other side of the island, with one of his hamstrings cut and with multiple other injuries.
7 is one of the hookers, she was hired by Jack to draw his flag aka the original Jolly Roger.
5 is the governor of Charleston's daughter that is 'rescued' by Vane when he kills Ned Lowe
7 is Charlotte, a whore that was fucking one of Flint's men and milking him for information about the Erca. Anne Bonne kills her and the pirate
9 I don't know either
>i guess you go for the trips
Enjoy your buttsecks
Vane had no ship and still managed to arrived to Charlestown before Flint
anything can happen
Seconded, also, dumb fuck is horribly written.
>no ship
He took Ned Lowe's ship when him and his lumberjack ninja's raided it.
Man this show is so confusing sometimes, I've forgotten half of the plots over the years since it has begun. The whole series is like that parlaying scene in 3rd Pirates of Caribbean movie
He was also a nigger in the book.
I guarantee you, Eleanor Guthrie's grandfather is going to be one of the founding fathers and this entire pirate rebellion is going to segway into the American Revolution. Max's plea to Jack in the last episode confirmed it to me.
>civilization has been winning for 10,000 years
>this war has been fought by men stronger, smarter, better equipped, and richer than you are
>if you want to beat him you have to do it from the inside
The shit writes itself.
gimme dat sweet 2
nigga looks 50 years old and Treasure Island is still 20 years away
I doubt a 70 year old can climb up the sails
Flint was alpha before that, though.
There's that flashback to when he beat the piss out of that naval officer that was talking shit about Miranda.
But Max and Jack left to Philadelphia.
Until the slave village storyline, it looked like Max was going to be Silver's wife due to the shared plot anyway.
forgot to spoiler
dubs pls
delete this
I want Max to die but I know it's not gonna happen. At least Jack told her off a little.
this from the show?
Yeah. From one of the first episodes.
She's revealing herself to a girl in that picture, by the way.
3 plz
>ywn choke and slap anne while you creampie her
>tfw that faggot rackham probably did
Rolling for trips
I'm confused.
How is heading to Philadelphia to enlist the presumed aid of Eleanor's grandfather to get revenge on Woodes much different than what Flint, Silver and co. are doing?
How was Jack so easily convinced to go to Philadelphia? Why should he care so much about getting revenge on Rogers? Jack was there when Anne got hurt and understands that those men abandoned Rogers' instructions and Rogers had nothing to do with it.
Why would Jack want Rogers dead any more than he wants Max dead with all the shit she's caused?
It's segue you illiterate, and the series is set decades too early.
maybe she tries to tell about Rogers' treason, that he ganged up with the spaniards, which is a treason against England in its own, and also those spaniards killed his granddaughter
That's not my question. I understand why Eleanor's grandfather my have some motivation to kill Rogers, but why Jack? And why would he be more motivated to kill Rogers than Max?
And what about the cache? Why doesn't he at least care to follow the Walrus and collect his share?
He's nothing but an errand boy for Max right now.
Did we even get any titties in season 4 ? Let alone a bush, God I love how every woman in this show has a nice bush
you're right... he shouldn't really care. Only reason could be to revenge Bleackbard.
Maybe he just throws out Max near the bay and heads back after the booty ... but then Max all alone could sell them out once again
there weren't really any sexy scenes since season 3 Eleanor+Rogers teaser
I actually felt bad for her in that moment.
I didn't, I was hoping the ghost of charles vane would come up out of the ground and finish strangling her to death in front of rodgers.
Rodgers is my favorite character right now, show got much better with him as an antagonist
She's going to meet Eleonores grandfather on the mainland with Jack and Anne. Max will not become Silver's wife. That's not her role. Max is loosely tied to them via irl Mary Reed dynamic. If they stick to history then Jack will be executed by Guthrie's grandfather for being a pirate and Max and Anne will likely escape or be given clemency for the pregnancy shit. Obviously, they aren't following history exactly, so who knows.
Prefer 1 and dubs. Would be fine with 4
post more webms
I have 3 more but they are with sound and bigger than 3 mb
post to gif or wsg then link it here
Trips obviously,no women there can match Flint.
gotta link the board like
Shit why didn't that work, it's in that thread anyways