RIP :(

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't this the guy who spoiled the movies he was about to show? What a jerk.


TCM is the only channel worth watching on American television

Damn that sucks, you always knew you were about to watch something good when you heard that guy's voice.


literally who

PBS has some great stuff from time to time.


Congrats to Ben Mankiewicz who will undeniably get the call-up.

I guarantee you most of the plebs and shitposters on this board will have to look up who this is.

Damn I'll miss this guy. I hate that Ben Mankiewicz jewfaggot.

never watched much TCM because no cable for the past 5 years but this guy is a legend and I know my pap-pap is catching some serious feels over his passing

fuck mankiewicz

One of the few things Ted Turner did right was preserve all those films and hire Robert Osborne to present them



literally the fuck who?

If this were a board about film and television I'd agree, but this is /shitpostingandcunny/, so this thread will probably archive within the hour.

mankiewicz already got btfo by based jimmy


i remember i used to do an impression of this guy when i was a kid to make my mom laugh. she loved the dude. now he is in heaven with her bros


I grew up watching TCM.

He probably fucked kids. I can see why you like him OP

Literally why?

I saw Robert and a white old man. It looked like Robert Morse


And? Sorry we can't be all so sophisticated like you, prick.


I believe the point he was trying to make is that Robert Osborne is about as entry level (not in a bad way) as a film historian gets and the fact that people on the television and film board don't know about him just goes to show why there is basically zero actual film discussion on this board. Most of the userbase doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to film and just comes here to shitpost.


Literally pretty pictures that you look at to pass the time. There is nothing to discuss.

Point proven.

he was part of a small group taught by Lucille Ball

>That voice and those looks plus he's tall

My God I'd have asked him to marry me on sight.

Hope they run a marathon of his favorites with his intros.


God damn, best channel on TV.


>You will never lay in bed with young Robert Osborne and listen to him talk about films for hours on a rainy day


Tcm is a good time, rip.


The best thing about this guy was his love of the process of movie making.
He wasn't some fuckface critic like ebert.
He just simply loved the magic of movies.

You're dumb. Ebert was a great promoter of cinema besides being a very good writer.


RIP Robert, TCM won't be the same and hasn't since you started taking time off


Ebert was a hack and he got his shit pushed in weekly by Gene Siskel. You would know this if you weren't twelve. He was also a failed screenwriter that made one of the biggest pieces of shit in cinematic history then got laughed out of the business. Go back to film 101 at the "University" of Phoenix and try to learn something.

Literally fucking who?
Can you name me one (1) film/movie he played in?


My mistake replying, you're just angsty to some internet fight. Keep up, child.


>My mistake replying

Yes it was. Next time try to have some knowledge on the subject before you interject your retarded opinion, kid.

That sucks. I used to watch TCM all the time as a teenager and he introduced most of the stuff. You could tell he really loved movies.

>tfw no TCM access
>Filmstruck looks underwhelming

I really don't want to sell my left nut to watch classic movies.

I'm really considering setting up a Plex server for Sup Forums that only shows great classic films 24 hours a day. Do you think that would be possible, or would I have to use some sort of other server because the load would be so high?

I don't know who he was and I don't care to know. Let this thread sink into obscurity like this dead fool.

No, not for that. The reason is because you're just someone stupid shitposting on the thread for no good reason.


fuck i can't believe martin sheen is dead

RIP in pieces based old man who introduced movies

I have no idea what streaming like that would entail. I'd like to think it would attract a modest but sizable audience. Classic movie threads don't usually hit the bump limit but they're usually civil and comfy

Joe Estevez is dead? NOOOOOOOOOOOO

>The reason is because you're just someone stupid shitposting on the thread for no good reason

You said something dumb being a dickhead and I told you why you're wrong. Now you're just assruptured you got told and crying about it.

Now we're stuck with fucking Ben Mankiewicz.

There will never be a comfier movie intro host

No, I didn't. I called you dumb for saying a dumb thing, and very unnecessary on the context.
You're just continuously shitposting while believing to have proved something here, which never happened.

he's great on the young turks

meat your new TCM host

i always liked him.

Goodnight, sweet prince

>You're just continuously shitposting while believing to have proved something here, which never happened.

But it did. Like I said. You're just assruptured.

>Ebert was a great promoter of cinema besides being a very good writer

Arguable once and completely wrong once. Now please remove yourself from the thread.

There was always something comfy about seeing him appear on your screen. He really loved cinema and he loved sharing his joy for the industry with everyone.

I'm sure this whole coming weekend will be nothing but a tribute to him.

It's sad you believe you're actually doing something worthwhile shitposting. You never 'proved' anything, nor could because you just have nothing except some stupid grudge against Ebert.
Why does someone like you have to come into a decent thread and try to make it bad?

You're the one that came in here and sucked Ebert's jawless dick you fucking idiot. You're the one that shit up the thread. Again you are wrong and a complete imbecile. Go cry somewhere else because I'm done with you.

Also, /veddit/, for future reference, talking about the thread subject and telling an idiot he's an idiot isn't "shitposting".

First my grandpa yesterday, now Robert Osborne. Fuck this week.




More shitposting. Your kind is the cancer responsible for Sup Forums's quality. Always buzzwords, alway making threads bad.
You really should stop doing that.


TCM is the one channel I miss after cutting the cord


stop using buzzwords wrong and make an attempt at an actual rebuttal or get out of my thread

The losers they replaced him with are really awful.


Can you please fuck off because you are embarrassing yourself.

Have you seen that Ben Mankawits ad where they make him drink wine and he says he's afraid of it?

RIP to a legend

Thought you were done trying to defend your shitposting, as said. This is not 'your' thread nor is 'your' board for shitposting.

You again, craving attention. Stop making the thread bad. Go back to your original boards.

Damn, haven't seen that intro in years. TCM is top comfy

Please stop shitposting. It's embarrassing and disrespectful.

Can you imagine?

That's your resort, now? Okay, then.

Is TCM still commercial-free? if so its based

This is such a beautiful promo. It brings me back to when I was ten or eleven and I would be obsessed with TCM (since I have Asperger's Syndrome). Alas, where I live now with my parents, I am not able to watch TCM anymore due to us having Dish (more money for more channels you probably wouldn't watch anyway just to have TCM - how sad). Plus, I'm the only one in my household interested in classic and foreign film. Listening to this brings me back to a time of childhood innocence and now, at age 21 as an aspiring actor/writer with an Associate's Degree in Theatre Arts pursuing a career in the arts regardless of what most people say, makes me feel hopeful in what I can accomplish through my personal, professional, and artistic life. Thanks TCM!

Sorry about your gramps user. Grandparent's deaths are the worst.

Was he based?

More than I can say.
Imma miss him alot.

I guess? I mean, they advertise what they are going to show in the month, try to get you to join a wine and cheese club, and try to upsell you their branded DVDs, but no outside ads


Where the S T I C K Y at?

Literally who outside US, so he's gonna get a sticky.

Promos between movies, but no outside ads. Plus they don't edit the films, so yes, based as hell.

more like Ben Jewiewicz

You forgot MeTV.

Based Svengoolie every saturday night,


Wow still no sticky.

Sup Forums mods need to be gassed.


I cant watch it with that Ben Macovitz cuck

you forgot about CBS. Nothing but quality shows on there