What's your excuse for not being a believer in the true religion?
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I was not born a Slav
+ Fuck off JIDF +
im already, god bless,
naturally born yugoslavian orthodox
kys kike
Because I was raised Catholic and I've never had a sect pitch me a good enough reason to change.
Props to the Orthodox, though, as far as I can tell. Are we not all one in Christ or what?
Apparently the Orthodox are butthurt and don't recognise Catholic sacraments as valid
please stop making posts about Orthodoxy and fetishizing it
instead go visit a church, stay for coffee hour, get a hobby, and a gf.
these threads always creep me out.
>catholics: Hey guys we should totally modernise and change
>Orthodox: No fuck off.
it's just an internet thing, genuinely faithful catholics and genuinely faithful orthodox love one another in real life, and rightfully so.
Atheism > Islam > Christianity desu senpai
>some priests misread Vatican II
t. Apostate Muslim
The bar on top was for his head arms and the one on bottom, because all your Ls are pronounces like Rs or some shit
Nope, stay mad Christcuck
Yeah, honestly loving and caring people who want to praise Christ are whats good.
The leaders of Catholic church are satanists and have satanist roots from khazarian khabbalah, google this stuff.
But this doesnt mean every catholic are satanists, ofcourse not, believing this one must be very stupid.
What matters is to acknowledge Jesus Christ and praise the lord.
Anyways who knows, but orthodoxy seem to follow the teaching of the 12 apostles of Jesus, so technically its more correct.
You are raised in a catholic or protestant family, does this mean you are a bad person? Of course not. God bless you.
Jesus cares for you.
who gives a fuck though? just let people believe in whatever they want
islam is the only way we can be true christtians again.
>The leaders of Catholic church are satanists and have satanist roots from khazarian khabbalah, google this stuff.
The more I look into this the worse it gets.
But if you accept Jesus Christ into your heart even a little bit then you get mad battle armor against the dark forces.
>But if you accept Jesus Christ into your heart even a little bit then you get mad battle armor against the dark forces.
Ofcourse, Jesus Christ isnt any kind of bureaucrat.
Whats matters is whats in your heart, the rest is greedy peoples and dark forces work.
If you accept Jesus Christ then thats the most important thing.
I believe all Greeks should die
because it's a cheap oriental knock-off of the catholic church
How is that a historically correct account of what happened to Rome as it split up and died?
You're baiting, right?
Does the Orthodox Church believe in remarriage after divorce?
I hear the Orthodox church doesn't really care about taking in converts. Is this true?
Does the Orthodox church do confession or how do they do penance?
Too busy with Zoroastrianism, the one true European faith. I bow to no Semitic faggot.
yeah i did a zorastrian run in CK2 as well
How was it? I always think CK2 is kind of boring. It is just me sitting around waiting for gold to pile up or waiting on a casus beli