When will Americas police stop treating African Americans like shit?
Honest question:
Other urls found in this thread:
when niggers stop acting like niggers
Wrote Text On An Image
But It Doesn't Tell The Whole Story
African Americans?
I believe they're simply Americans.
We'll stop saying All Lives Matter when Black Lives Matter stops being a Disgrace
Finland has zero blacks let alone dindus so you have no idea how they act
Don't assume shit you don't know
When they stop acting like niggers
>occupy democrats
When they stop acting like niggers
This. And trips
If blacks are so oppressed, why are they still here? North korea has to put a whole wall and execute the families of people that leave to keep there citizens in the country.
The only one I feel sorry for is Philando Castile. It's the first recent example of a guy who wasn't a deadbeat or a criminal who was killed by police in what seems to be extraordinarily unjust circumstances. I was actually crying earlier today watching the video of his girlfriend/fiancé giving an interview about it.
>inb4 "nigger loving cuck"
Did any of them have a criminal record?
Honest answer, when they comply and stop resisting.
If they treated the average person with respect and not acting like insecure, suspicious babies then they'll be ok.
When African Americans stop acting like violent chimps
>If blacks are so oppressed, why are they still here?
Because it's easier to bitch about oppression in America than it is to do it in Africa
Why did it take me so long to start listening to Moon Man?
But they don't.
>Choked to death
no, he had a heart attack which was triggered by a chokehold
>enslave race
>free race
Lol why are they so mad why aren't they polite and act like us?
I think all of them except the Minnesota guy did. The Minnesota guy had a valid concealed carry license
Minnesota guy was complying but the shitbrain cop panicked and shot hit him anyway
Regardless he was put in an illegal choke hold, and it was bullshit that the cop wasn't punished for it when it was completely against policy, especially for such a minor crime
White Americans still have a higher murder rate than all the other developed white countries. The other countries even have their own violent minorities included in the total. Are Americans the niggers of whites?
there ya go
It's barely higher than Finland, Greece and Canada
Fun fact, Canada has a higher rifle murder rate than America does
seriously how to these retards miss this obvious fact
Since when did they care about facts in order to push their agenda?
when there is no niggers left
20% of our inmates are natives despite them being 4% of the population. They commit a fuckton of murders. My point is, even white Americans are noticibly more niggerish than all the resident of other developed white countries. Why is that?
They got murdered by blacks, you dolt.
Damn it I keep forgetting they use manipulation to sway voters instead of reality
I wouldn't consider being 0.5 of a point higher than Finland (which most would consider white and developed), and a single point higher than Canada noticeably more niggerish
You've got to consider self defense shootings are also included in the homicide rates even if it was justified
I misread the graph. Then how does it mean anything in this thread. It doesn't prove that blacks are doing anything wrong. It could easily be said that they are being victimized.
>breaking the law
>shot dead
There should be a dead nigger for every nigger who resists ffs
>It could easily be said that they are being victimized
Yeah by each other
Here's a better graph for this discussion
Well...there is
Stop believing the jewish media.
>1 Post by this ID
Whitey also didn't have two priors and an illegal firearm on him before resisting arrest
When will African Americans stop treating each other like shit?
Honest question:
Why can't blacks police blacks ?
Surely that would help the black race ;^)
>white (hispanic)
what is this? why is this a thing?
>Honest answer, when they comply and stop resisting.
That's what happened with the Minnesota guy
>pushing this class warfare nonsense
To pad the numbers against white people
The shills are on full blast today. Wtf is this hole Clinton case. Tl;dr me quickly!
has been a thing for nearly 1000 years now move on
Woah, woah, wait...It's more like when will the failures of black American culture (teen pregnancy, glorification of violence, perpetual victim mentality) finally be dealt with honestly by blacks themselves along with 'enlightened' white liberals...right guys?
She mishandled classified information and got away with it, while literally anyone else would have gotten a very stiff prison sentence proving she is above the law and will be the next most corrupt president riding the vagina card all the way to the White House
>except no one gets a prison sentence for what she did. Otherwise this is completely correct.
They are ALWAYS prevented from handling classified information again
>becomes president hurrrrrrrrrrr
>except this isn't true either. ya cheeky cunt.
In 7 days there has been 90 fucking shootings in Chicago. On July 4th weekend 63 people were shot. 4 died. Including children caught in crossfire. All black on black crime. One city. One week. 90 fucking shootings.
Black lives don't fucking matter. They don't believe or act like it. I'm not some cucked European faggot, why should I have empathy for them if they don't have it for themselves?
BLM has nothing to do with nigger lives and everything to do with politics and attacking white people. Otherwise, they would be protesting in their own neighborhoods weekly.
what do these have in common? cigarettes, headlights, CD's? there must be a connection.
compliance. learn that and all will be AOK.
everyone of these cases shows a lack of judgement, arguing and eventually attacking a cop. that is the cause of death.
When will Finnish people stop making shitty duplicate threads?
That says homicide death rates you fucking moron. I.e blacks in the us are killed more than anyone
Oh fug I'm with her