Unlike Harry Potter, this franchise excels in wonder, beauty and excitement, and does not contain any anti-Cristian.
Post your
>favorite Bond
>favorite Bond girl
>favorite movie
>worst movie
>favorite quip
Unlike Harry Potter, this franchise excels in wonder, beauty and excitement, and does not contain any anti-Cristian.
Post your
>favorite Bond
>favorite Bond girl
>favorite movie
>worst movie
>favorite quip
>>favorite Bond
>>favorite Bond girl
Ursula Andress
>>favorite movie
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
>>worst movie
Tomorrow Never Dies
>>favorite quip
"Named after your father perhaps"
Tomorrow never dies
Quantum of solace
'I think he got the point'
>Favourite bond
Pierce Bronson
>Favourite bond girl
Michelle yeoh
>Favourite Movie
>Favourite quip
'I think he got the point'
never watched a bond movie in my life until last year when i watched them all in order, so no childhood nostalgia:
connery: wild ape in a suit, perfect bond
lazenby: vulnerable in a way connery could never be, great fit for his specific movie
moore: stodgy closet homo bond
dalton: gloomy intellectual bond, not great
brosnan: closet homo bond strikes back
craig: finally an acceptable replacement for connery
i absolutely do not buy ironically detached moore bond or the similar brosnan interpretation. bond makes sense to me only if he's a wild beast that likes to fuck and kill people, and all the upper class social signifiers are just a disguise that he adopts because he goes after elite criminals. bond is a vulgar disruption of the civil society that the villains profit from abusing, he pulls the rug from under them, he fucks their women and shrugs when they die. meanwhile, moore is an impostor, an upper class fairy that authentically cares about tailored suits and wine tasting. thank god for craig bringing the animal back.
In my humblest of opinions...
op 007 Tier
>Dr. No
>From Russia With Love
>The Spy Who Loved Me
>Licence To Kill
>Casino Royale (2006)
Good Tier
>You Only Live Twice
>Live and Let Die
>The Living Daylights
Mediocre/Average Tier
>Man With the Golden Gun
>For Your Eyes Only
>World is Not Enough
>Quantum of Solace
Camp/Fun but Shit Tier
>Diamonds are Forever
>View to A Kill
Just Shit Tier
>Tomorrow Never Dies
Die Another Day Tier
>Die Another Day
>favorite Bond
>favorite Bond girl
Vesper or that chick from Goldeneye
>favorite movie
License to Kill
>worst movie
>favorite quip
>>She's dead on her feet
Where would you put Spectre?
I haven't seen it yet.
Is disliking Quantum of Solace the biggest pleb filter?
QoS is not good.
>plot ultimately hinges on coincidences
>action sequences are heaviest on CG
There's some nice spectacle outside of that (including the women) and some neat use of location, but those values make it more comparable to the recent Mission Impossibles, where it loses as an action movie.
Now Bourne Legacy, that's the real pleb filter of the genre.
>Bourne Legacy is the real pleb filter
Alright, you do have a point here
Good taste
Brosnan is the best, no doubt.
From Russia With Love
Die Another Day
>Keeping the British end up
Patrician's guide to Bond
The sociopath: The physical incarnation of the Cold War. Charming and clean exterior, but cunning, apathetic, animalistic interior
The human: only really works for his film, but works non-the-less
The impersonator: The commercial, crowd pleasing Bond. His movies didn't age well, neither did he
The closest to the book Bond we'll ever get on screen: A manic assassin who deals with his guilt and self-loathing through his job, fucking, and drinking. The patrician's choice
The action man: Not much more to say, a combination of all the previous Bonds that works a majority of the time.
The revival: a mix between Connery, Lazenby, and Dalton. Has the potential to be the best but is fucked over by shitty writing
Daily reminder that Ian Fleming approved of only one Bond: Roger Moore's.
>Rosamund Pike or Eva Green
>Die another day
>comparing books to films
Look at this fucking hack. He thinks an adaptation has got to be a strict adaptation. He thinks you're not going to change things between mediums, he thinks the medium is not going to require certain changes.
He even thinks that one piece of media should stay the same as it translates between mediums.
What a fucking pretentious hack!
This guy. He's everything wrong with Sup Forums. He comes and he watches films, but he's got no clue what he's doing. He's probably not even watched RLM, the base-line for being a hack critic. They don't even talk about the films half the time, and this fuck is thinking at an even lower level than them, the fucking base-line of film reviewing.
The best Bond is the one Fleming approved of. Are you kidding?
That's like saying you need Vladimir Nabokov to sign off on your Lolita adaptation, or Stephen Fucking King to sign off on your version of The Shining.
That's like saying a director needs the fucking scriptwriter's approval to do what he wants with the material.
What a joke.
This guy is everything wrong with Sup Forums.
That's some adorable pasta, senpai!
Thanks Sup Forums, you're the best.
He does have a point though. Book to film comparison is the most plebessant form of criticism
He's actually right bud. Sorry you're a genuine pleb.
>does not contain any anti-Cristian
Lol. Except it features voodoo, you clown
Timothy Dalton
Denise Richards
something moore eehhhhh
"For England, James?" "No, for me"
>does not contain any anti-Cristian
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
Not bad user, although I disagree about Craig being a replacement. I don't think he pulls off the suave debonair attitude of Sean Connery. He's just WWF retard strength in a suit. Connery is the tall dark and handsome type, but his scruffy accent and his fighting style (i.e. he just throws people around, unless they're bigger than he is and then he'll just throw things at them until they die) show he's a tough guy.
Spot on with the other bonds though. They must have thought they could teach a fancy pants actor to be tough and crazy, or they thought people liked Bond because he was so smooth, but that's not true.
Fun fact: the creator of the bond comics thought Connery was a shitty choice and bitched about it because he was too gruff and didn't have a British accent. The director then took Connery out to dinners and taught him how to be suave and debonair. They literally taught him to not be such a mongrel and he fucking pulls it off the madman.
Bond movies had awesome title sequences at the start.
The Spy Who Loved Me is my favourite Bond song and opening credits. Love the film too, great opening chase scene.
>The impersonator: The commercial, crowd pleasing Bond. His movies didn't age well, neither did he
Roger Moore era Bond movies are the best of the franchise. The sets and locations are spectacular.
Moore > Connery > Brosnan > Lazenby > Dalton > Craig
>Eva Green
>View to a kill
>Cold Cash
>favorite Bond
roger moore
>favorite Bond girl
diana rigg
>favorite movie
gold finger
>worst movie
casino royale
>favorite quip
Plenty O'Toole: Hi, I'm Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Mind if my friend sits this one out? Shes just dead.
Caroline Munro was best Bond girl and best Bond girl villain.
hahaha classic
Glad I'm not that guy.
I desperately need to rewatch
spy who loved me or dr no with the shells
man with the golden gun
quantum solace
can't think of a quip but the slide whistle with the car ramp over the river in live and let die was great
>>favorite Bond
>>favorite Bond girl
Natalya Simonova, I can't explain it but she makes me drool like a lobotomy patient
>>favorite movie
>>worst movie
Quantum of Solace, because it's just so goddamn forgettable and unecessary
>>favorite quip
"Playing his golden harp"
nu-male craig is the worst Bond ever
>filename isn't "chairforce"
one job
>look up best spy movies
>list filled with nothing but james bond
When will you people fuck off? 007 films aren't spy films.
Bond is shit.
Moore had some of the GOAT openings with some of the worst movies imo
What would you recommend. My favorite movie is Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, you know anything similar to that?
Patrician taste
I hope you're referring the one with Alec Guinness.
qt in Sinbad.
Best Bond movie.
>A View To A Kill
>You Only Live Twice
>Right idea Mr. Bond....Wrong pussy.
Never watched that mini-series since the quality of the episodes on youtube are literal ass
I'll always find it hilarious how they got away with calling a character "Pussy Galore", especially back in the fucking 60s.
No, disliking OHMSS is.
Then get started one way or another.
The movie changed one of the characters, who was meant to be a womanizer, into a homo.