any good?
Any good?
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Yeah, remember to download the subtitles though, you ARE supposed to understand the italian parts.
fucking 5 months of that malarky
If it's as good as his diabolical speech then yes
yes, but if you stop watching before ep 9 you're cheating yourself
It's brilliant yes, way better than the deeply flawed Youth, as good as Great Beauty if not better. Episodes 5 and 9 are some of the best episodes of television possibly ever!
what's she trying to prove? you're not supposed to watch the ball bounce up and down while you're dribbling.
>this scene is an instructional video for playing basketball
Cute, CUTE!
Best tv ever in fact.
Up there with breaking bad. Unironically art.
>Up there with breaking bad
You got me
Is a second season confirmed already?
Fug, young mary and esther are so cute.
some good Sup Forums also had very interesting kinomatography, can anyone tell me if there is a season 2 in the works? or is this it? the end?
I never thought I'd watch something that could rival Twin Peaks for being my favorite show of all time but this might be it. The quality is just on another level.
I think you're the one that recd this show to me a couple of weeks back
good looking out user
I couldn't watch past episode 1 because it was INCREDIBLY edgy. Like crazy forced stuff. If you can't see that, you're not as subtle and of aquired tastes as I am
What did they mean by the Greenland shit?
Someone pls explain
The first episode is a ruse.
I've only seen the first 2 episodes but honestly I love it so far, it's seriously worth checking out. I found it refreshing even if it's a little bit edgy... but I like that
What's there to explain?
I'm just over halfway and I'm really losing interest and finding it all a bit too ridiculous. I'll stick with it for the aforementioned episode 9 but it's just tacky at this point.
>diabolical speech
The one in the first episode?
>when Sup Forums is so contrarian you don't know whether user means he's insulted for the young pope to be compared to one of the most critically acclaimed tv series of all time or if he's such a contrarian that he's insulted that breaking bad is even mentioned in the same breath as the young pope
I just watch episode one and I am definitely missing out on the Italian scenes like says
I mean yeah I'm one episode in but it really does seem like House of Cards with crosses. I'm sure it will continue to be good, I just don't know if I will be investing my time in it
>House of Cards with crosses
It's literally nothing like House of Cards.
>I mean yeah I'm one episode in but it really does seem like House of Cards with crosses.
Why user.
Why would you continue to perpetrate that shitty fucking meme?
It's not funny, and it's not clever but hey YOU GOT ME EPIC TROLL XD
Fuck you.
His under the ice shit was about breaking the ice; flirting
>seem like House of Cards with crosses
>I can't watch something because of le buzzwords
Imagine living like that
I downloaded it but didnt watch it yet
Probably will this week. If it disappoints imma be mad Sup Forums
>If it disappoints imma be mad Sup Forums
Make sure you have the subs, user.
>he's such a contrarian that he's insulted that breaking bad is even mentioned in the same breath as the young pope
This one, but actually because the Young Pope is a marvel of telekinography while Breaking Bad is only occasionally good.
>Read american TYP critics
>Trump this trump that
>Big fat mistakes in the characters interpretations
>Only a 75% in RT
Jesus Christ on his cross, how can a country be so fucking plebian.
>Jude Law is an asshole so it's bad
Imagine being a fucking amerigoy right now
>House of Cards with crosses
Fuck the marketing team forever for starting that fucking meme
I would hate to think anyone ever said that in a news outlet, first place I ever saw it was here and it tickles my sphincter even now..
>mfw I realise Diego Armando Maradonna is argentinian therefore black
>mfw Diego Armando Maradona is a coke head fat bastard
Why is he so based, bros?
>not good Bernardo
>House of Cards with crosses
>he's insulted that breaking bad is even mentioned in the same breath as the young pope
Are you new?
Thank you for a 10/10 reaction image
Was the disabled kid a metaphor for American audiences?
Because he's what turns the show into an interesting subversion of expectations.
A shady adviser. Egotistical. Unfeeling. He's been pulling the strings behind half a dozen administrations. He knows where the bodies are buried.
We've seen this character before. We go in expecting a conservative cynic, set to oppose all the young, vibrant protagonists aspirations. He'll use dirty tricks to bring our hero to a grinding halt. It will be hinted that he doesn't really believe all the problematic things he pushes; he does it for money, or maybe for power.
And then as the show goes on, all that is turned on its head. Voiello is the liberal one, and his questionable tricks don't work on the Hero. The hero does want to change the church, but he wants to take it "backwards." And the scheming adviser isn't a cynic, he actually wholeheartedly believes what he's saying.
It was a nice break from the "Evil Republican" that we see in every other bit of media.
His blackness is trying to squeeze out of his face.
The show defies almost every archetype and cliche.
>God actually does live under Greenland, like some Lovecraftian monster
Good response, user, agreed. Voiello's arc was really poignant. Sorta Pete Campbell-ish in how it subverted my expectations and endeared me to him.
No, it's Reddit the show.
I don't think season 2 was ever really on the cards initially before it's positive reception. 'The End' seemed definitive. Part of me knows that TYP should exist only as a 1 season mini series and that season 2 is a mistake. But I selfishly want to see the continuation of these characters.
Yeah, right, because that scene would have been better if she played basketball like Catwoman.
metaphor for the pure, virginal white girl shedding her chastity and succumbing to the culture of the black man, enjoying every bit of it as she writhes in ecstacy.
Ball so hard the pontiff wanna fine me, but first he's gotta canonize me.
I wasn't huge fan of him falling in love with Sister Mary. I don't think it was very built up, aside from that one tsuendere scene in the trees in episode 7
its a literal plagio of house of cards, with frank underwood as the pope
Don't mind me just posting the best scene
BrBa is a cartoon for soccer moms and other simpletons to turn of their brain and enjoy. It is in no way "great" or "artistic" no matter how many shitty, ridiculous critics and other buffoons praise it--which by the way is a logical fallacy to support the argument that something is "good."
Feel with me now
The script was being written before the european premier.
Sky just didn't green light it until after the first 2 episodes aired
I think you mean:
I can't make up my mind
Great show. Last 3 episodes are pure kino.
who killed the kangaroo?
FEMEN bitches
Those retarded roasties who flashed him
Finally someone got it right.
>not speaking Italian
You're missing on the best lit, kino and music.
t. spaghettinigger
I kinda agree though. But I hope you also speak german, russian and old-greek
I laughed, I cried. This was a beautiful show. I'm not religious but this was top tier television.
which episode?
I cried.
What other show would dare to have a 15 minute conversation like that one between Lenny and the prime minister?
Honestly think the disabled kid was a metaphor for American audiences. The final episode confirmed it for me when Voiello refused to tell him what happened to the goat preacher. It was a very meta scene.
Imagine how intimidating this monologue would've looked on the page for an actor.
Me too.
>Blocked in my country
Why do people block other countries from enjoying videos?
Entitled little shit.
truly the most enlightened board on Sup Forums
how have none of you niggers posted the best scene yet
worst scene
forget it user, it's popetown.
The BASTARD scene? I thought that was a vision.
I have a friend who thought it was a vision too. Why would you think that?
how would the femen be able to infiltrate the place?
because how would a bunch of random sluts get that close to the pope?
I need to know if he dies at the end?
Also, fuck his parents forever to be desu.
If that wasn't a vision this show just took a huge step down in my opinion
>fuck his parents forever to be
what does this mean?
It's up for interpretation.
It's probably just a look into his thoughts though. Reflecting on the consequences of his decisions
so who killed the kangaroo?