>tfw they actually binned everything that ginger twat Evans brought in
Its quite good so far
New Top Gear Series
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Is it back to just three dudes just hanging out? Even Top Gear America was better than last series.
Yeah pretty much. They still have the guest but he seems to just join in some chat and the paki Tiff Needell seems to be showing his autism with cars in films
Chris Evans was the most unlikable person I've ever seen on television. If he's not involved I might start watching again
Without you-know-who in it, it might be worth watching.
I can't stand the new american show with the old TG cast.
I can't fucking imagine how unbearable the new TG has to be
it is. just finished it
>Matt LeBlanc
>A negro
No thanks
Seriously I can't watch it with a stupid American and a "hey guys, I'm so cool, I'm so street" African man presenting it
Pic related is what the lineup should be
Chris Harris, Tiff Needell, and some random Scottish guy (but at least he's a racing driver who actually knows about cars)
This is from Chris Harris on Cars, which is superlative to so-called "Top Gear" in every fathomable way
What's it like being an edgy racist cunt who only shows his true colours on anonymous boards? Does it hurt knowing you'd get absolutely stomped out by pretty much anybody, you pathetic worm?
Also the new season is okay. It'll never be as good as the old one.
Personally I think the idea is kind of gross. A taxpayer funded program acting as an advertisement for 1 million dollar supercars bought nearly exclusively by Middle Eastern sheikhs. Plus a complete distain for reviewing anything under 100,000 pounds that people with a job would buy.
In the old days there was a bit of affinity for old/classics/rustbucket car challenges.
Do people actually care whether the new McLaren they won't buy goes faster around the track than the Ferrari they won't buy?
>Does it hurt knowing you'd get absolutely stomped out by pretty much anybody, you pathetic worm?
>fighting for and on the behalf of black people
ha ha ha
its entertainment, you know.
I don't want to see people drive around in a fucking fiat. I want to seemultra awesome extreme cars I'd never get to see otherwise.
You're a fucking mong mate.
>blacks are so pathetic some white liberal has to step in every time the words negro or nigger are used to defend them.
Are you intentionally trying to make them fell less human or do you really think your bullshit is helping?
The old TG doing stuff in cars people could actually afford was the best part. The supercars were just an icing on the cake. You can't eat just frosting without becoming a fat disgusting fuck. BBC should know this given they're surrounded by British women all the time.
well said plus ends in a sick burn of women 11/10
shut up you dumb pedo before I fucking murder your disgusting whore mother
fuck off back to tumblr if you're gonna bitch about bantz
I think the last straw was back when they had the olde boys on and they couldn't stop bitching about a Cadillac XLR. They called the Corvette a car for hillbillies. Their burns don't even make sense.