>There are retarded people on Sup Forums who will try to deny this mans white status
>There are retarded people on Sup Forums who will try to deny this mans white status
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If the man in the picture is mexican, perhaps hes that of euro ancestry. Would'nt consider him White, Mestizo at best.
He's white to me. We don't need to succumb to Jewish infighting about purity tests.
Idk looks white to me
So Paco here is a Castizo with a similar skin tone, and by validating CR7 as White you validate Paco's supposed "whiteness".
Nice try. Now go mow my lawn.
i want him to destroy my boipussy
But the real question here Paco is does he act white?
Stop being a homo, Cuckinho.
That's bullshit, race is a genetic trait, it doesn't determine your actions
Ronaldo in 2003.
Race influences IQ, which in turn influences behavior. There's a strong correlation between low-IQ and criminality.
Lack of sunlight makes them think that "white" means pale and pasty.
Also who gives a fuck what pol thinks.
Hes portuguese not mexican. Hes 100 percent european. he just has a tan from being outside all the time.
He's European so he's white in my book.
Dude Cristiano Ronaldo is know to have cape verde ancestry.
He is not white.
I want to pulverize his.
Because he's not white.
>who gives a fuck what pol thinks.
I do. I want all my opinions echoed back to me, and I get upset when that doesn't happen.
why is he spray tanning himself to look negroid?
He will be white on Sunday
The guy tans. Any Portuguese, Spaniard or Italian will look like that if they spend enough time under the sun.
So he only played indoors all his life when that photo was taken?
>tfw lightskinned but tan super easily
Has anyone seen these ? He is not human,
quite the blessing.
t. Alberto Barbosa
> Portuguese
> white
t. Alberto Barbosa
nice quads, but it's not. I don't like being tan at all.
list of the worst people:
1. adolf hitler
2. donald trump
3. ronaldo
Poorball is such a shitty joke of a sport.
I have no clue. I heard he spent a lot of time in the gym at Sporting exercising his legs with weights. But try to compare the tone of his face with the rest of his body.
why not?
I don't mind being a little bit tan but not like him, though. Still, I don't tan that easily but if I go like 5h everyday to the beach for 2 weeks I will look like him. I did as a kid.
Also, tanned women look terrible, imho. Women get uglier in the summer in Portugal, for me at least, unfortunately.
I'll just leave this here
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