Disney shill reviews already counted

>Disney shill reviews already counted
>RT score still dropping, probably going to end up in the low 60s

Seriously what went wrong?

Seems like bad singing and miscasting is part of the problem.

...and the poofery...

jeez if this fell that much with a week left I can only imagine how far Kong fell


No one wanted this movie, that's why. Why should I watch this when I could just watch the original?

In all honesty, they got a director who never made a good film. Dropped the ball there.

>Bad singing

Lmao emma gave up lala land for this?


Mr. Holmes was pretty legit.

P-pick one?

gay character

Disney shot itself in the foot by hyping a gay character.

The faggotry probably increased the score by 65%. 5% went into set design and picturing Watson naked.

emma watson's singing is unsurprisingly autotuned shit though

When he reverts back to human, is he a man of color? I certainly hope so. It is 2017.

>giving this much of a shit about the reviews of a Disney movie because of your infantile political viewpoint
pathetic desu senpai

what did they mean by this

I mean are they wrong? Women shouldn't hang out with dickheads and hope they're good guys deep down.

Sup Forums and old farts giving it shit reviews bc they're afraid of gay people.


>gay romance
>feminist is supposedly the most beautiful girl in the town


Your director

Your writers

It's fiction man, stupid to get politics into this

>When The Huntsman is the best film in there
Fucking hell

Normies are becoming aware of Cow milking

Remaking something that didn't need to be remade
Emma Watson is box office murder
Going gay agenda when it clear that at least 40% of Burgers do not care for that shit.
No hype.

Disney know that their properties are money printing machines regardless of the quality of the finished product

>Seriously what went wrong?

They made a live-action remake that no one was asking for.

He should be a gay, black man, and turn Gaston around with a kiss.

it's a gratuitous adaptation of a movie that's not that old and was well done in the first place

they made a remake of one of their most successful films, ever.

That's great.

How does it prove what I said wrong?

Unironically that'd be better than the blatant rehash. It'd be retarded. but that's still something.

From what I can tell, it's the same fucking movie, but live action.
>As Above, So Below
Oh, damn. Everybody's got at least one fleck of gold in them.


Do remakes typically make a lot of money? It's a genuine question, I don't know.

I would surmise not, as you're basically pandering to the nostalgia of a small subset who saw the original, and aren't put off by the idea of a remake 'ruining' the legacy of a film they enjoyed originally.

If I was marketing it, I'd have changed the title, and stopped trying to rely on the audience already understanding the premise. Which is what Maleficent did successfully.

It's just a bad movie, has nothing to do with agenda this or politics that. The difference with this live-action remake as opposed to the previous ones is that Beauty and the Beast is by far the most beloved Disney property, so it falls under the most scrutiny.

Well thank fuck you're not in charge

remaking a family classic with a not fitting cast and small weird changes

would be my first guess but the movie is probably still going to make billions


everything by Disney with a princess in it sells like block busters

little girls, moms, depressed women and girls with boyfriends eat that shit up

it basically covers the entire female demographic

Makes me wonder if Disney intentionally 'hyped' up the gay character just so they had a homophobia scapegoat to blame once the movie bombed

Feminism aint money


Absolutely true, but women don't have brains that work that way

"He's so hawt teehee~ Please cum on my face"

>6.4 while Beauty and the Watson is 6.3

>casting Emma Watson

literally when I knew it wasn't gonna work

but Sup Forums told me that ALL the reviews are shills!!

oh wait Sup Forums is fucking retarded

Gods & Monsters and Mr. Holmes were ok.

It was completely unnecessary to remake any of their classics let alone a recent one like this. It's just a quick cashgrab.

They're not done. Jungle Book did gangbusters. This is tracking well. They're already in pre-production on Mulan and other of their 90s animated movies.

>emma watson
I like the story but I don't watch anything with this bitch.

What about the fucking Lion King. What's the point of that remake outside of money?

At least Jungle Book had Mogwli be an actual actor. Lion King will be entirely CGI... in other words they're just remaking an animated film as a more realistic animated film because... shekels.

no, beast is Legun

>What's the point of that remake outside of money?
That's literally the point of all big budget films.

one good weekend doesn't mean shit, the average fall off from weekend 1 to weekend 2 is nearly 60% which is why if a movie doesn't make over half it's budget back it'll be a financial failure.

Yeah, but I doubt that the movie states that behind EVERY rough man there's a prince. Just that some PEOPLE who look like monsters can actually have a charming side, women can be rough cunts aswell.
This just sounds like SJW man hate to me, and I'm not even a Sup Forums faggot.

I agree with you but something tells me that's not exactly what she meant

I love it when they start eating each other.

Emma Watson is an overrated manface on the level of Kristen Stewart

stop putting these skinny white bitches in movies

well yeah

No wonder feminists hate shoujo.

Disney was the one to cross that line. Audiences just finished it.

can you have a gay character without it being about the gay agenda?

The shots I've seen make it look like that tape with the Dragon Strike board game. Does it look that bad?


the original movie is the reason we have "best animation" category at the Oscars. It's one of the most influential animated films of all time.

Angry lesbians that are upset that any woman can still like males, especially cis white males, are the only ones left out

I think you mean women of a healthy weight you fat subhuman trash. The world would be a much better place if all self righteous fat """"""men"""""" who get triggered over healthy people just jumped of a tall building.

skeleton lover btfoed, cry more manchild.

Cynical old mate doesn't think people can change.

Oh, did this release?

I don't think Emma Watson realized her entire fan appeal is in her tits and we can see those for free online

They should have genderswapped it.

>behind every rough man is a charming prince
>this is regressive, if not lethal

Even feminists believe in the Coal Toll deep down

yiff in hell furrfaggot

The movie will be shit, but will make an assload of money from all the kids that go to see it.