How can Sup Forums EVER recover from this one? Is this the end?
Other urls found in this thread:
The state is not the good guy.
>disarm police
>arm people
problem solved.
>And why is it usually people of color?
I mean, the quote does specify they're "bad guys".
There is no argument here, guns MUST be banned now.
Really makes you think
>If you think that good people should have guns then why does maple syrup taste sooo good on flapjacks
Nonsequitor clap trap
>and why is it people of colour?
It's not. If I hear this lie one more time, I will vomit.
>implying that being a police makes you a good person
>child raping, gun toting, drug dealing nigger
Why do coloreds who are also people shoot each other the most?
>Sample sizes of 9 and 12
every time someone tweets or updates their status you niggers rush to Sup Forums to validate it
this is a slide thread, total niggerdom at work
We have a problem with overzealous police. It has nothing to do with racism. Cops of all races kill people of all races all the time. It's only in the news when the cop is white and the victim is black.
Top kek
123 cops were killed in 2015. I wonder how many of those were killed by blacks. Can't find any statistics on it.
OP's question pic reads like this.
If A ham sandwich is like Ham then Why Bowling ball have base in the sun with water..
No my reasoning is its my right to own a firearm and it shall not be infringed.
Now go clean your country of imported shitskins.
Any non-retard can see that trying to impose gun restrictions in a country like the USA where there are already millions of guns is dumb, but the UK doesn't need guns.
Probably a huge percentage. I hate corrupt cops as much as the next guy, but you have to put yourself in their shoes.
My step-dad was a cop for over 30 years in Dallas. He killed several people in self-defense before the whole BLM shit kicked off. I mean, just imagine it. They face potential death every time they do a routine traffic stop.
(hard video to watch, even by Sup Forums standards)
If the police are all racist killing machines who MUST end all "POC" life they find, why are they the first ones called when protestors get hit by cars they were blocking/beating on?
Why do liberals hate "the man" but demand bigger government?
If your reasoning for gun legislation is "only the police should own guns" then please explain to me why you're whining about police violence?
Is this actual bait? His/her post argument defends gun rights, it's a complete non sequitur.
Go ahead and say the same when your government ignores the referendum and you are still in the EU.
Did you miss the "good guy" part of "good guy with a gun"?
>Kek you can't even keep the sample size the same.
You already banned yours, so fuck off.