He's got a point, y'know.
He's got a point, y'know
When privileged people finally see equality, it feels like oppression
>video game "let's play"er
oh wow it's fucking nothing
tweets that really make you think
he's also a fucking nazi, "y'know".
niggers dont belong on the screen
>Is besties with a Jew
>Not even white
Only thing about Jon that resembles being a Nazi is that his middle name is "Aryan"
>nu-Sup Forums will unironically non-facetiously defend with vitriol the "lol white people r dum movie"
>I watch JonTron
he is not a let's player, sir. he is a video game reviewer. learn the difference or fuck off.
*watches a black movie once*
>I wonder why people express racial tension in art in a time when racial tension is incredibly relevant
Video games are for children.
Just thought you should know.
>dude white people are the devil lmao
Damn, some thought provoking satire in this movie.
Really makes you think.
>video game "youtuber"
kill yourself
Jon took too many redpills.
Maybe racial tensions are incredibly relevant because people keep forcing them through expression?
That wasn't what the movie was about, but alright
watch real film instead, Sup Forums
>racial tension is incredibly relevant
Is this a joke?
>two weeks later
>kids from Sup Forums still triggered by this film
>still making threads about it
>none of them have even seen it
opinion discarded
>I watch The Young Turks
JonTron? The other guy that played video games with Egoraptor?
>tfw jontron wants to be a film reviewer like rlm now
even if he does, what does it matter? blacks and SJW's will just take any opposing points as whitey getting scared because they're so "woke" in "exposing racism"
just ignore it and it'll eventually implode. it's already happening with feminism.
>social commentary
>whilst being spoiled & privileged
everyone on every side who does political commentary is spoiled and privileged that's why people fucking hate the media.
It's making fun of column 3, not column 2
Several large media organizations painted a presidential candidate as a racist would-be dictator so he wouldn't win. Then he won anyway, scaring dumb non-racists and emboldening dumb racists that believed the caricature. Now each side has a segment that believes now is the time to act.
So yes, while the movie doesn't even try to touch on the reasons why it's relevant today, the base concept is relevant.
alt right dipshit obsessed with identity politics?
what a surprise