Some new Alien Covenant stuff:
>Scott says Alien: Covenant is a return to the sci-fi horror of the original Alien, which is later confirmed by seeing 20 intense minutes of footage of the unfinished movie. He sees it as one of three sequels to Prometheus that will take the saga to "the back entrance" of the original Alien.
>"What we did really well on Prometheus, considering that it was a ground zero idea that was starting all over again, was I discovered that people do have an appetite for the alien and what he means and his evolution – the egg, the facehugger, the chestburster as we call them.
>"People still want to see it. So I return to a little bit of that but not wholeheartedly; there's a lot in here which is new as well."
>The first Alien, about a deadly stowaway on space ship, was a seminal sci-fi film in 1979.
>"That was fundamentally a film that was seven people locked in a tin can and who will survive and who won't," Scott says. "In a funny kind of way it was very much a genre movie if you like – a B movie done in an A way with a marvellous cast and a fantastic creature. We raised the bar there.
>"Now we've gone further than that. We go from Prometheus into both worlds of the original Alien and a little bit of Prometheus."
>With Scott moving on to make Blade Runner, another sci-fi classic, James Cameron continued the sci-fi series with Aliens in 1986, David Fincher with Alien 3 in 1992 and Jean-Pierre Jeunet with Alien: Resurrection in 1997.
>"Frankly I watched them do 3," Scott says, pausing with a look with suggests he is no fan of Fincher's film. "Wow! OK.
> "Then 10 years later I came back and said 'you know what, I think I can resurrect the franchise.' Alien was special without question; it was unique really. Prometheus was a good starting block to kick off the idea that no one ever asked in the sequels."