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Alligators can't shoot you.
Even dangerous predators are safer to handle than niggers.
Alligators cant steal a gun and shoot the police officer that easily desu.
Alligators are less common
even an alligator knows when to quit
If someone told me to go fuck around with a nigger or to go fuck around with an alligator I would feel safer fucking with the gator.
Based slpd
And also, there hasn't been in murder in sugar land in almost a decade
Who /sugar land/ here?
Neither can unarmed citizens and people not holding their gun, but hey
Apologise for what? Wild alligators are worth far more than the life of a nigger.
>Every cop everywhere is the same.
Would rather live next door to a pond full of gators rather than a house of niggers.
No, just enough to create a significantly skewed justice system.
Alligators are much less dangerous than niggers
Alligators don't have human hands, pants, or guns. Here's your (you) though.
And I'd rather you were wiped off the face of this earth. But I can't have bliss and you can't have gators.
must be less of a mess to tie the gator than to blow its brains out. otherwise I can't see why they left it alive, gators around here are practically like deer in Wisconsin, tags are super cheap
>Neither can unarmed citizens and people not holding their gun, but hey
Since (you) can't read:
Neither can unarmed citizens and people not holding their gun, but hey
niggers aren't humans, though
An alligator literally has 0 chance of using let alone owning a gun.
I'm pretty sure OP was talking about danger, you autist. Alligator's don't have a 0 chance of danger. Go flip your nonsense somewhere else.
Why should I apologise?
One is a wild animal that's hard to control, often violent and lacks any knowledge of laws, and the other is an alligator.
Why do you care about the niggers so much?
I'm probably less likely to be killed by an alligator than a nigger.
issue being, law enforcement officers can't always determine with 100% certainty whether or not a citizen has a gun
on the other hand I will bet you any amount of money that the gator was not carrying. sure the officers in OP pic had about the same odds in mind
this is the point that was being made. apparently it went over your head
>An alligator literally has 0 chance of using let alone owning a gun.
Clearly you've never been to Florida.
only to retards
Alligators are safer to be around than niggers
And now that you realize your critical thinking is subpar, you seek to destroy the messenger.
Go fetch.
Alligators are pussies. Crocodiles are what you need to watch out for.
Alligators are worth more than niggers. At least they look cool.
I forgot all about cops nifty x-ray specs that let them see through clothing.
Glad they stopped giving them to kids.
The alligator LITERALLY costs millions of dollars less than a nigger.
Your point is a red herring, a sub point to mine. Stay low, retard.
Why do you care about the niggers so much?
To be honest with you, I care more about alligators than niggers.
Fetch again.
I have more chance getting killed by niggers than an alligator.
2010 has 5 recorded alligator death.
So do we agree that all guns should be removed from civilian possession?
Why do you care about the niggers so much?
I can kill a gator, skin it and make several hundred dollars or a nice pair of boots. A dead nigger isn't worth anything.
Show me the last time an alligator raped a murdered an innocent family of white people. Go on, I'll wait.
Good boy. Now go fuck your owner's sister.
It is now my life's work to train alligators to operate firearms so I can prove you wrong.
Sadly for those two fellows, they were holding their guns.
The issue with what you just said is when police go into encounters with this mentality they're violating the citizen's fourth amendment right to due process in favor of their own paranoid feelings.
>A dead nigger isn't worth anything.
It's worth more than a live one
Why do you care about the niggers so much?
fuck off cuck
You have my moral support
I have a 'pet' alligator that lives on my property - he's harmed no one, yet a few months ago my neighbors home was broken into by a nig.
alligators are safer than nigs
I'm sorry you're a nigger.
Niggers should be banned from having guns
(Mudshits too)
in Florida? hell no
no, I think it's a pretty salient point. the odds of you suddenly losing your life because of not shooting an alligator are slim to none. they'll only attack if directly provoked and if you stay more than like 30 feet away from them, or inside a vehicle, they can't harm you
this is a different situation from a civilian that may or may not have a gun. make the wrong call and your head could have a hole through it in before you can react.
Wrong. Niggers are a liability, they almost never create any value.
Gators are predictable. Uncertainty is what makes people jumpy
Don't talk to me or my wife's wife ever again.
oh I don't think it's a good thing. I think it's rather unfortunate. but it's the reason why gators won't get shot in a panic as often as civilians, lol
That's a crocodile you stupid shit
you dumb cherry picking nigger, post the info graph for over all crime, what's the white on white crime levels. Your skewing the picture by only posting about black on white crime.
If I put a marshmallow on a nigger's head, will they be able to get it?
ok lol
I think youre on the wrong board....
Black on black is even worse
Bear in mind they're 14% of total population in the US.
Is the alligator trying to pull a gun?
i thought blacks are animals
Was the alligator carry a gun?
Man (niggers) are the most dangerous animals.
both had guns though
I'm sorry Mr. Gator we will return you to Disney
did I just get redpilled.....wtf
animals cant use tools let alone a gun.
so how are niggers animals again, mr dipshit?
not an argument
>no qt croc gf
How can Alligators even compete?
Niggers ACT like animals (mentally as well)
There are more legal protections in the US for alligators than for niggers. Cops who shoot endangered species actually get punished.
It's open season on nogs
>Let me just reach behind me where I keep my wallet and also where my gun is
>Oh by the way officer I have a gun that is directly where I am reaching for as I tell you this
>i thought blacks are animals
animals with opposable thumbs yes
You've missed the point entirely. The reason the guy in MN is dead has more to do with Clinton and Obama than anything or anyone else. Cops are recruited from the general population. The same idiot population that has been fed (and now subsequently wholeheartedly believes) that anyone who exercises their 2nd Amendment rights is a "dangerous lunatic" or "domestic terrorist". So, naturally, when the MN cop (who likely had more than of those, "how to spot a domestic terrorist" classes under his belt) comes into contact with a man that says, "Hi. I'm exercising my 2nd Amendment rights lawfully and want you to be aware" the switch in the cop's head immediately goes into danger mode, because this guy must be a lone wolf domestic terrorist using this girlfriend and daughter as cover...I mean, that's what all the Obama DHS classes taught him, right? So as soon as the guy flinches he gets blasted because the cop actually believes he's some kind of lone nut gun-hugger.
The liberal media and marxist liberals killed that guy as much as the cop that pulled the trigger.
Because gators are smart enough to know not to resist arrest
People here have alligators as pets
alligators aren't endangered.
Plot twist: she is a nigger
Found the nigger.
Who asian men?
shiet patna
taste better too. they're a lot more hygienic