*teacher rolls this into class*
What's the name of the movie that is going to play?
*teacher rolls this into class*
Other urls found in this thread:
schindler's list
Probably some shit nova documentary she stole off pbs.
True story: when our teacher was out of the room one of the kids was looking for something and found a VHS porno in his desk. Swapped it out with the movie we were supposed to be watching and when he pushed play a porn came on.
Same teacher was later fired for giving one of the students a backrub after class. He was a legit perv.
Osmosis Jones
All the kids giggle at the plane scene
>watch this movie in class
>teacher skips all the bad parts
American History X
Nuit the cristal
Julius Ceasar
Citizen Kane
Cyrano de Bergerac
Damn i had patrician teachers
Bruce Almighty
english teacher played orson welles' macbeth junior year
Finding Nemo
Poor little white boy 3
>school as a kid
>last day before christmas break
>teacher puts some 80's/90's flick on
Shit was dope.
The Indian in the Cupboard
They wont play a movie because they'll spend the entire session trying to plug the VCR into the TV, and when they finally get it right the VHS has to be rewound. But they are trying to show Of Mice and Men.
tfw that annual Scrooged showing
Jesus I forgot all about that. There were VHS tape rewinding machines you could buy. That's all they fucking did, rewind VHS tapes. There used to be a fee at our local rental place if you didn't rewind your tape.
October Sky
All day, everyday
Stand by Me
Lilja 4-ever
Hip Hip Hora!
Schindler's List
G - som i Gemenskap
Twister, we all laughed at the beginning where the father was killed because of how badly it was done
An episode of NOVA that the teacher taped.
romeo and juliet
the good one
>all the boy's faces when sex scene outta nowhere
they got a projector for our school and after 2 old people came on stage to show us their tattoos after for a Q&A
the next day it was about slavery in america, I got detention for saying I don't care what happened in america years ago when they tried guilt tripping the class for owning slaves
we were not american
we watched this in our german language class when the german exchange students were there. Most awkward shit ever.
Don't know how many times I watched "Les Choristes" during french class over the years.
The first half of Shrek for the tenth fucking time this semester
american history x
not joking.
>it's a SCIENCE RULES class period
movies we watched in our class in religous education:
Blade Runner
La Ceremonie (1 chick started crying and ran out of the room)
I learned everything from this man...
I'm so incredibly happy that i will never have to watch Slumdog Millionaire again.
So comfy
>It's a geology episode.
I was diamonds for like half the movie
I'm afraid you may have autism
>Slumdog Millionaire
You were still in school in 2008?
>Nearly 10 years ago
that cartoon where the black kid goes back in time and hangs out with martin luther king jr. as a teenager.
>religous education:
the nun at my school put on Mel's passion
then we proceeded to throw drawing compasses at each other
I'm 20 years old, with a bit more than 1 year of job experience.
I'm basically a 50 year olds stuck in a 20 year old body.
das it mane
das it
Goodnight Mister Tom, a British staple.
I concur with your findings, doctor
I feel sick
Basketball Diaries i'm absolutely certain
this was literally the last movie i watched when the teacher rolled that into class
I grew up in West Virginia, literally every single class showed October Sky at least once per semester.
>I'm basically a 50 year old stuck in a 20 year old body
What's your favourite movie?
some football movie named remember the titans or some shit
muh niggers is all it was
we also had a game where we had a hat with all the names of the pupils of the class. Everyone had to pull out a name and write something about the person, the teacher then read them out loud.
50% of them were bullshit that ended with our teaching reading out "To hell with Flanders" over and over again. We thought we were geniuses back then...
man i forgot how awesome the last before before christmas/spring/summer break was in school
Call me a pleb, but my favourite movie will always be The Raid Redemption.
Its martial arts kino of the highest caliber.
Can't let these digits go unchecked
I'd fuck Lynda
I don't really see it. Watching a movie about Jap warcrimes with a Jap exchange student would be awkward as fuck, because those cunts pretend they didn't do anything. But in Germany they make a point to teach their kids about all that stuff, because they know that that's how you stop people from making the same mistake of looking the other way. Schindler's List shouldn't be anything new to them.
>tfw 2 whole months? That is like forever!
>dat bus ride home where everyone is happy
Nothing wrong with that, user. Van Helsing is in my top 10
But what would be your favourite non-cheesy movie?
>forcing kids to watch jew propoganda about a movie based on a work of fiction
>Hip Hip Hora!
Vad är du, tolv?
fucking pleb
>Van Helsing
not that guy but Van Helsing is somewhat special because it was the very first DVD format movie I rented
Fucking Forrest Gump or American History X, almost without fail. Two exceptions were 12 Angry Men in law class and Monty Python's Holy Grail for history.
>and Monty Python's Holy Grail for history.
>12 Angry Men for law class, not My Cousin Vinny
The name of the game.
You are just supposed to say/shout the obscene word (in this case "kutas" - really vulgar for penis) louder than the other "player".
Usually ended up with someone standing up, and yelling it at the top of the lungs in front of everyone.
>Hocus Pocus
every Halloween week forever
Thats honestly a really difficult question.
There are a couple of movies i enjoy quite alot, Silence of the Lambs and The Deer Hunter are some that i rewatched recently so they're probably at the top of the list at the moment.
Then again i dont actually watch alot of movies and when i do, its usually more silly stuff, Goldmember, naked gun, REC, Evil Dead, shit like that.
Got some good stuff on my HDD that i havent watched yet though.
I once had a teacher who was in his final year before retirement. He showed us Bad Boys II saying it involved "race relations" and that I Am Sam was a documentary about Sean Penn.
>saying it involved "race relations"
I mean, it did have them break up a klan rally... That's race relations, right?
What kind of cuck school did you go to? The narrative we learned when being taught about the slave trade was how America is evil and we were better than them. Pretty weird actually
I'd assume he's from a country that also traded in slaves.
It's quite ridiculous how many Brits/French/whatever people think it was only Americans who had the chance to get rich or benefit from slave-labour.
Brits had fleets to stop it
>the teacher tries to pause before it but ends up pausing on the titty frame
Roots so we can all call the only black kid kunta kinte for a week
Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land
After they finally abolished it, yeah... Before that there were plenty of British families who made their fortunes in slaves or plantations.
It's like saying Americans are against slavery now. No shit.
the version of romeo and Juliette with the 16 year olds tits
Dont worry the germans were probably used to it.
Out of the 8 years history class i had about 6 were just holocaust guilt trip.
Sister Act 2
or alternatively that old Macbeth with random shota dick in it.
Space Jam for the 50th time.
>tfw german
>tfw only talked about the holocaust for one or two lessons in 12 years of school
I dont know how they did it, but they did.
The Goonies. Every single time. I must have seen The Goonies up to 100 times, all in class. The kiss in the cave always gave me a boner.
>Signs if we're in RE.
>mfw they let us watch Braveheart when we did the Scottish war for independance.
>mfw the history teacher also let us watch the patriot
I get the feeling based Mel supplied the ciriculum.
>Teacher accidentally leaves in her Sex tape and presses Play
Wew, that made for an awkward semester
well there has always been a problem with inbreed aristocrats
you can't go into a working class school and say you are evil because old money in a different region did something
they were avoiding the law in the first place even back then
>*teacher rolls this into class*
I can remember this happening a couple times but it was almost always projectors and dvd players. In high school the teacher would just use the built in projector and their itunes account.
Nature documentary from the 1980's
t. faggot born in 1997
men in black.
>inbreed aristocrats
If anything it was upstart shipping families that made mad dosh, user. Only the more desperate/low-level aristocrats would sully their names by going into something as common as shipping to procure funds.
>they were avoiding the law in the first place
Not prior to 1807 they weren't. We're not talking about bringing slaves back to work on your farm in England, we're talking about buying and selling them to make money or using your money to buy a plantation somewhere and using them there.
If you're a Brit then you and your ancestors benefited from the slave trade and every other shitty thing the British Empire did, because the money the British families made from selling slaves to foreigners were then spent in Britain and made it the powerhouse that it became. Should you feel everyday dread for what your ancestors were a part of? Of course not. But you shouldn't close your eyes to it and how your life has benefited from it.
Trying to make up this story that it's only the evil Americans who are to blame for the slave trade is fucking retarded. Plenty of European countries benefited from it. They just didn't lose the hot-potato-game of being one of the last ones to abolish it.