post more good tv shows about fat people
Fat Kino
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I fucking hate Americans.
How can these people stand to make such fools of themselves? I would just jump off a bridge after the 5,000th time someone laughed at me on the street for being a man in a wig.
How much do you weigh Sup Forums?
So this is the US?
I though Europe was bad...
6'0 @ 65kg
Wow, I would molest the shit out of you.
when do we eradicate amerilards?
How do I gain weight user?
healfy innit
Secret Eaters from the UK is good. There are about 10 episodes on Youtube that non-brits can stream.
Fatties claim to eat 1500 calories a day. They're eating 3500 to 4000. Entertaining show
No fucking way that's 2.5k calories
That's like 500 max
>No fucking way that's 2.5k calories
>That's like 500 max
how fat are you?
>like 500 max
how can it be less than the cream he poured in.
i was 6'0 55kg at my lowest. years later i'm now 75 kg. it's a fucking struggle.
I'm pretty sure that's Andy Milonakis playing a prank on TLC
>a bowl of heavy cream
fat people are fucking disgusting
>not enjoying the sounds of a morbidly obese woman gasping for breath while she speaks and moves gently
This is disgusting, what is your obsession with it?
What kind of dog is that?