weakest films by kino directors
i'll start
weakest films by kino directors
i'll start
sure OP you start
t. watched amour and funny games (2007)
>sure OP you start
what did he mean by this?
Was the remake really worse than the original? I really don't understand how this is possible.
Did he purposefully lower the quality for the Western audience? Lol
The seventh continent was his weakest. I havent seen time of the wolf, code unknown and 71 fragments.
it had naomi watts so it was objectively better
what was the need to remake this movie? is not like the first one was good or the story had potential
That movie made me so butthurt that I refuse to watch anything else that hack made. Why would you ever make such a vile movie? Why would you make it twice? I doubt a person who made a movie like this has made anything good anyways.
I rented it on DVD and watched it with my brother way back and remember actually liking it.
Holy shit, so many plebs in one thread. Haneke is literally the most valuable filmmaker alive.
>he thinks Funny Games is bad
Pls op
ok there Adum
Watch The White Ribbon, The Piano Teacher and Amour all great movies.
It's better, if anything.
Also Lynch's Dune
Haneke's adaptation of The Castle is his weakest work.
fuck this movie
>song to song: knight of cups 2
fuck off terrance go back to making nature docs
KoC is arguably Malick's best.
>Perhaps no film in the history of cinema follows the movement of memory as faithfully, as passionately, or as profoundly as Terrence Malick’s new film, “Knight of Cups.” It’s an instant classic in several genres—the confessional, the inside-Hollywood story, the Dantesque midlife-crisis drama, the religious quest, the romantic struggle, the sexual reverie, the family melodrama—because the protagonist’s life, like most people’s lives, involves intertwined strains of activity that don’t just overlap but are inseparable from each other. The movie runs less than two hours and its focus is intimate, but its span seems enormous—not least because Malick has made a character who’s something of an alter ego, and he endows that character with an artistic identity and imagination as vast and as vital as his own.
>As such, “Knight of Cups” is one of the great recent bursts of cinematic artistry, a carnival of images and sounds that have a sensual beauty, of light and movement, of gesture and inflection, rarely matched in any movie that isn’t Malick’s own. Here, he—and his cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki—surpass themselves. Where “The Tree of Life” is filled with memories, is even about memory, “Knight of Cups” is close to a first-person act of remembering, and the ecstatic power of its images and sounds is a virtual manifesto, and confession, of the cinematic mind at work. It’s a mighty act of self-portraiture in dramatic action and in directorial creation.
what the fuck was he thinking?
pure kino
fuck off i've also watched the piano teacher
terrible flick.
It's better. It's almost a shot-for-shot remake except the actors (Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Michael Pitt) are much better.
It's how Haneke originally meant to make the movie. He wanted to make it in the US from the start, but at the time he didn't have the means to.
the dialogue and pacing is odd to me t b c h, idk maybe the og is better in french but if the dialogue was just translated to eng it would explain the weirdness, everything else was fine. The dialogue really stuck out for me
>pic related
solid flick desu. I still can't believe it won best picture.
>argo fuckyourself