>AYO horr up
*smacks lips*
>so you be sayin
*counts cash*
>so u b saying
*votes democrat*
>that we be-
*brings decrepit old grandma over from China to leach off western welfare*
>that we WUZ
*shoots law-biding African American*
>that we WUZ
*blames white privelege for aforementioned murder*
AYO horr up
Bump an with more Rice Fever antidote
inb4 "but what about muh based rooftop Koreans?"
But on a serious note: the perfidy of Asians has never been addressed on pol. You all pretend like every one of them is Ben Garrison. But in real life and politics they actively work against our interests.
>*shoots law-biding African American*
Try harder Tyrone.
"Whites Against Asian Supremacy" had a much better ring
Nip in Russian Far East.
You know that, if you didn't attack us after you were done with Germany, we would kill off ALL OF ASIA as we had in plans. Enjoy, untergooks and Jews stealing North America from you, enjoy Europe being overrun by Arabs and niggers, Western pigs. I think I will let off all my steam on Russian whores tonight. This Slav bitches scream for Toyota and Nip dick.
Wow. Really makes you think.
I am now a Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka kamikaze missile
I guarantee if a white Chad walked up that girl she'd gobble his cock in a heartbeat.
American Asian women just aren't capable of resisting Chad, even liberal brainwashing isn't strong enough. American Asians don't have hatred of whites ingrained into them from a young age, they learn it in college.
An American Asian woman's hate for white men will never compare to a nig woman's hate for them. The yellow girls learn the hate, niggers are born in it, molded by it.
>baka bomb
I wish I could resist chad...
That style of posting in the OP is retarded and has never been funny.
I can't blame Asians for wanting to jump on the "oppressed minority" bandwagon.
They're the only group of people exempt from the benefits of programs like affirmative action.
maybe next time don't bomb our fucking harbor
Asians live pretty good lives in America; on average, they're wealthier than whites. Not that many people really strongly hate Asians (at least not as much as every other race), so it's not like they're being discriminated against. What more do they want?
I have nothing against Asians. A lot of them are smart as Hell. They're the only race I'd mix breed with. If they're against white supremacy, that's fine as long as they don't want Asian supremacy either.
This. Asians are fine.
good post
You should kill non-Jap Asians. All of them. It's a holy mission of the Japanese Race to exterminate the lesser monkeys who polute lands of Asia with their presence.
Like you would have stayed neutral even if we didn't attack you. Yes, yank and his degenerate cousin Brit would let the Japanese to kill off Asia. Sure thing.
I think it's more like
t. Chinese restaurant employee
ABCs are a disgrace. They couldn't make it in china so they had to go to america