Let's settle this once and for all:
Where do you stand on this shooting? Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nig gets shot. Idgaf
hmm. Should have made this an option.
For just this once, the dindu becomes did not do.
I don't know, the one in SC was shady too. I'm pretty sure he got charged for murder.
The other ones were bullshit though.
Sterling? Deserved it and it's his own fault.
Castille? Genuinely innocent and the cop had no reason to shoot him.
So many options
I tried to give as many as possible. I forgot "who gives a shit?" though.
Sterling was a dindu
Castile actually didn't do anything.
It's lucky the cop was Asian in Castile's case lel. That must really be frustrating the race baiters. Not that any of them even fucking check so just assume he's white.
Was that the one where the cop shot the fleeing black guy in the back? Yeah, your right. That is against procedure.
>video shows cop holding the suspect's hand when he supposedly reached for the gun
>2 officers restraining him on the ground and not flipping him onto his stomach
>bodycams "fell off"
I'm usually all for the cops in situations like this but it's just far too sketchy desu. Still not a race issue. Never was.
Yeah that's the one. Although, I'm still not too entirely convinced that the cop's goal was to murder a nigger that day. Cop probably thought the dindu took off with his taser, which is grounds to kill. Too bad he didn't.
This pretty much sums it up
>Not that any of them even fucking check so just assume he's white.
They usually say that asians are white whenever it fits their narrative, and that they aren't when it doesn't.
Please develop a conscience. Something that makes you a worthwhile human being.
Based Castile sacrificing himself for the upcoming chimpout. Thank you based LA cops for taking out the trash.
No opinion until more info is available.
Remember at this time in other dindi shootings the media was broadcasting pictures of 12 year old treyvon and airing eyewitness accounts of officers putting Mike Brown on his knees and executing him.
I take these things on a case by case basis, it's just usually the case that a dindu gets exactly what he has coming.
So far this one sounds like that is not the case. If the information so far is confirmed then I would fully support a Murder charge.
I still don't support chimping.
This has legit had me in tears today. But nothing has touched me like this video:
For real Sup Forums is so disgusting right now. How can so many of you be so cold and callous in the face of murder and tragedy? Does nothing matter to you?
Based black man gunned down by some stupid pig, rip.
Other nig that was selling his fire mixtapes was guilty af and deserved to be shot.
This guy seems like he was a black man who held a carry permit like an upstanding citizen and was shot for exercising his 2A rights. Fugg da pohlees.
Innocent white and black people are killed all the time by thugs. Why are we not parading in the streets to stop this?
Nearly 150 people died in the Orlando shooting. Did you see any protests on this scale?
Why should I give a fuck for one more death to add to the pile?
My conscience tells me that niggers are evil sub-human creatures not fit to be a part of any advanced civilization.
When did Sup Forums become so soft?
who cares about that nigger, we are remmeber castille right now.
>How can so many of you be so cold and callous in the face of murder and tragedy?
Welcome to Sup Forums, now get out.
you are both fucking disgusing.
but watch that video. see that young black man...that kid...for what he is. see him as a person.
seriously, just watch the video i linked to. tell me you don't understand his loss and feel for him. tell me his is just a nigger. i fucking dare you.
you are better than this. seriously, YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.
i've been here way longer than you. it's one of the prices of getting older, you start to care about things.
we don't know all the facts yet, and it doesnt help she decided to start recording after he was already shot
I'm going with false flag, funny how a black man was found hanging in atlanta and another din du (who more than likely had it coming judging by the rap sheet) all get killed within 24 hours giving BLM the excuse they need to riot.
Meanwhile, everyone will forgot about shillary getting off by Monday if they haven't already
In this particular instance he really was a good boy who dindu nuffin. He was one of us and he got murdered despite following the law and notifying officer gook about his gun, this was the cop's fault
Based fucking Sup Forums
Stormfags BTFO
Yeah who cares about an over militarized and untrained police force that continually kills more law abiding citizens at an exponential rate. Fucking Commie.
This the first time Sup Forums has agreed that he actually dindu nuffin
I can tell you've practiced
>Jones poster
Why am I not surprised
>nearly 150 people died in the orlando shooting
lma fucking o?
we are mourning philando right now, please dont post niggers in this thread.
Pretending to be an oldfag is literally newfag 101.
I doubt they shot him as a false flag. It's just a matter of finding a likely happening and letting the media jews run with it.
this is so fucking sick and typical. when a black man has been murdered and you can find anything...ANYTHING...from a facebook photo to a crime a dozen years ago you use it to smear them and say they deserved death, But here you have a man you cannot smear. And instead of doing the intellectually honest thing and starting to grapple with the endemic racism and brutality in this country you just fucking say it is a false flag. Well i fucking guarantee you if there was any way you could make it his fault he was murdered you wouldn't think it was a false flag,
fucking racism and ideology is a hell of a drug. wake up.
I can't stand the guy but I felt his pic was appropriate
Whites are shot every day by fucking niggers. They brutally murder and rape, loot and thieve.
I'll spend my time feeling sorry for the families of noble police officers shot by dindus, not some ghetto people.
I think we need to see what an investigation turns up first. Fuck this knee-jerk bullshit. That's for nigs.
I've been here since before Sup Forums was a board so chances are I've been here a lot longer then you. And I can honestly say the longer you're here, the less likely you are to give a damn about shit like this. If anything, it's good entertainment.
i've been on Sup Forums since 03/04. also who gives a shit, this place is sick. i can usually deal with it but not today.
Keep crying mate.
Castille is unfortunate. I'm a licensed concealed handgun carrier in Texas. Part of the training covers what you should do in the case that you're stopped by police. He fucked that part up. Some states require you to inform the police you are legally carrying, some don't require it. You do not under any circumstance reach for your gun. You wait for their instruction, they may disarm you they may not. The seconds before that video clip starts are what we need to see. If there is body cam footage it will most likely be released.
IDGAF about the pedo criminal nigger that got shot through the heart.
>Multiple felon illegally carrying a gun gets shot
No Fucks Given
nah, people who were here from when you started are still newfags to me. i've been here since newfags still complained about missing w.t. snacks.
How fucking new are you?
the dude was a convicted pedo and had the cops called on him that night for pointing his gun at someone, keep sticking up for him though and making it all about race and not his actual criminal intentions hes had all his life
i'm glad that i feel things. i'm not ashamed to be a human being. it is disgusting and the ultimate degeneracy to laugh this shit off
>person raises their hand
american "law enforcement"
>being this triggered
Your Tumblr is showing
i feel sad for you user. angry at you, but also sad.
Where is the "I don't care" option?
Niggers die daily, who fucking cares? Who fucking cares at all? When Tyrone is gunned down by a fellow ape in the ghetto nobody bats a fucking eye, when Tyrone is gunned down by a white suddenly there's uproar.
Not even niggers think nigger deaths matter, why should I? All these rabblerousers care about is stealing shit in mock outrage and setting things on fire.
Niggers gonna nig, end of story, I don't care who was right or wrong.
Shut up, nigger.
Do you realize where you are? Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums? I thing reddit is more suited for faggots like you
whats the joke?
So you hate someone for being black and take pleasure in death yet he is the evil one.
You need to take a look in a mirror.
how is that an excuse? i hate reddit and never go there. i mostly stick to a few boards on 4chinz that aren't white nationalist edgy teenagers, but fuck i've been here longer than you. and i can still tell you when you are fucked up.
I feel even worse for you considering you can't even think of a logical excuse or sound reason as to why he shouldn't have gotten shot when its crystal clear in the video hes resisting.
Can someone give me the facts of the shooting? I tried googling it but I don't trust MSM sources.
Oh look, now a chimpout is in progress and a cop has been shot.
This is why I fucking hate these sub humans. This is their response every time. When I sometimes start to think "oh, I guess this was kinda bad", I see he news and more dindus being chimps.
Fuck them, I have less empathy for them than I do for the diseased fucking rats in the sewers. Glad his ass was shot.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2001!
Guess I'll have to remember to keep my firearm at home while driving my 1976 hooptie with a broken tail light
This is bait
Wrong shooting. Your thinking of Alton sterling, he was complete scum. The guy in OPs picture however was shot for nothing. He went to school, got a job, voted conservative, supported trump, was a member of the NRA and had a legal gun permit. He was shot when he confessed to the officer who pulled him over for having a broken taillight that he had a legal gun on him as he reached for his licence and the cop opened fire. That was a tragedy, black men like that are hard to find. The cop should be jailed.
if you haven't been on Sup Forums since at least 1998 you are sub-human
Looks like someone already posted this poll on reddit.
So many nigger-loving cucks, holy shit.
We don't even have all of the details and people are acting like the nog was Trayvon Martin's reincarnation being gunned down by George Zimmerman all over again.
you don't have to be like this. i know you are afraid, but don't you ever wonder if you are in the wrong? does the murder and subjugation of people in your country because they are a certain race not matter to you? or do you really just think they aren't people, and so they don't matter? i get that you are surrounded by white racists who taught you to think and feel like this...but does it never feel wrong? don't you ever wonder?
Or you can be like any sensible person and tell the cop you own a gun BEFORE you reach for your pocket.
>a crazed power hungry cuck has been killed
Who. Cares.
1 dindu that actually did nothing changes nothing because the rest of them are still shit
>a cop has been shot.
Niggers killed 4 cops in Dallas, just now
they are animals, they can't live in a normal society
Its not soft to sympathize with an innocent man getting killed for no reason. Go stormfag elsewhere, particularly at a local mosque brit
Ha! I was shitposting here back when the Afrika Korps was still in action!
Def 2 whitey
I think you're ok Brazil
Dallas, it's not one cop it's four
this is the response of a weak and stupid person
Alton Sterling was a nigger who got what was coming to him. Castille, on the other hand, was a based black man who didn't deserve to die the way he did at the hands of an incompetent chink.
I'm aware of that, OPs pic more than likely didn't do anything however we still need to wait for all the facts to come out, like I said earlier, it doesn't help we don't have any footage of the actual shooting
Man, that happened in 2012 or something. It felt like it was just yesterday. I've been on Sup Forums for too long.
Get off this board right now you fucking fag.
Take your tears elsewhere.
does shitposting and making everything about race feel wrong? The guy in OPs pic I understand probably didn't do anything, I'm talking about the degenerate bloods member Alton Sterling
The Cops voice alone made it sound like the situation wasn't controlled, and ultimately most likely unjustified. I'm willing to accept the fact that most of us wouldn't know how we'd react to such a situation, but I imagine he's trained for that.
Seeing a white dude call a guy who was just murdered by police a nigger makes me fucking sick. I fucking despair about the future of my fellow white people. Like...do we have no empathy? are we really not human?
The average nog IQ is in the 80s, they are functioning retards that only disrupt societies. On top of that they can'take seem to stop themselves from stealing, raping, and killing everything they see. Why should we care when a violent subhuman is killed by law enforcement?
I think your inability to separate individuals from the group just shows you are pretty dumb. You should probably stop worrying about what others do and focus on improving your emotional intelligence.
wrong shooting
Your ALL thinking of Alton sterling who was actually a fucking scumbag sex offender who'd been in jail numerous times for various charges including possession of an illegal weapon.
The guy in OPs picture however was shot for nothing. He went to school, got a job, voted conservative, supported trump, he dated within his own race, was a member of the NRA and had a legal gun permit. He was shot when he confessed to the officer who pulled him over for having a broken taillight that he had a legal gun on him as he reached for his licence and the cop opened fire. That was a tragedy, black men like that are hard to find. The cop should be jailed. It's not being "Reddit" it's called being a reasonably logical thinking white man. The dude was bro tier. If your supporting the cop just cause the dude was black that's some communist tier hypocrisy.
Blacks are really pushing for a race war, it's almost like they think they can win. I don't think blacks really know anything about history.
>Everyone under 36 is sub-human
ok my dude
IQ tracks socioeconomic, not racial facts. the fucking racial-disparity-in-iq meme was debunked decades ago.
also i didn't know it was fair game to murder people who didn't do as well as you on standardized tests.
they just shot a cop coming out of his car live on TV (FOX) pic related