Sup nerds. I have this ancient memory of seeing Spock standing alone in some kind of cloud of blue lights alien thing...

Sup nerds. I have this ancient memory of seeing Spock standing alone in some kind of cloud of blue lights alien thing. Eyes closed, or just staring ahead, like mind controlled or hypnotized. Some kind of chimes sound or something too, I think. From the original series. I actually have not seen most of the episodes, so I have no idea which one it is, or if it is even a thing. Did I dream it? Currently reading through synopses trying to find out.

Meanwhile, Spock thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


No, that isn't it. Any other guesses?


>You silly putty, that's just the transporter.

It went on for multiple scenes.

I am pretty familiar with the movies and 99% sure it's not in them.

He was just standing somewhere, in a regular uniform, outside of the Enterprise I think.


Seems it's not in episode 2.

Definitely not in episode 4.

Spock's Brain is pure STkino





He stands around staring blankly a lot, but I don't think it's this one because I don't think there is any blue lights effect.

Something in the animated series or in the Next Gen where he guests? The original series didn't really have the budget for such things.

>Spock reports that there's no good info on this sector, only "space legends".

This synopsis guy is pretty funny, thank goodness. What is your favorite thing about Spock and/or space hypnosis and/or televisions Sup Forums.

Well, I'm wondering now if maybe I'm remembering wrong about the lights, but you might be right. If there were lights, they looked better than the transporter effect from the original series. I guess I will have to look through TNG episodes too.

It was definitely live action.

are you thinking of the barclay episode in tng where he sees life forms in the transporter?

Highly doubt it, as I distinctly remember that it was Spock. Also I remember him as being calm. Basically just standing still.

Apparently Spock was only in two eposides of TNG, which are Unification 1 and 2 where he is ambassador to the Romulans. This does not appear to be it. Appreciate the suggestions, though.

Dubs says I dreamed half of it. Trips says I dreamed all of it.

>It seems like they said "we have these effects that we can use", and they went with all of them to try to describe a feeling of disorientation and utter confusion.

TMP is pretty dope. too ambitious for the plebs

I know a guy who claims to have beaten Gene Roddenberry at chess. He also claims not to be very good at chess. Apparently Gene was upset by this and demanded a rematch, but was denied. Unfortunately I do not know for sure whether or not the story is completely made up.

> "Oh, it's like a time portal," says Spock. "To put it primitively," the Guardian replies, which ruffles Spock's feathers.

>Spock logicks the hell out of the situation

Well, so much for skimming synopses of season 1. Odds that it's all in user's head increase.



Synopsis says spock did not get in it, however.

>it envelops Cochrane completely, and he stands there communicating. Soft music plays.

Really good candidate here anons. Maybe it wasn't Spock? I'm thinking it wasn't Spock now.

Yep, probably this.

"The Cage" version of Spock is like the B-4 version of Data. He has this childlike optimism at times.

I also liked that scene between Captain Pike and the original doctor. That scene has inspired me irl.

>"I groped it," says Spock, "and it basically tasered me, bro."


Not for long however, and this was definitely not the scene that I remembered. It wasn't Spock!

Should I be squicked or what.

So not Spock and not blue. Probably.

>Should I be squicked or what.
What does this even mean?

Could it be the cloud city episode from Season 3 (The Cloud Minders)? With the Elysium plot.

Naturally I have to check all the episodes to make sure there are no better candidates and that my memory of it being blue and Spock is a lie.


I don't know anything about the episode or the scene that your referenced so I'm just making shit up and asking if I'm right (probably not).

>tfw recently got into star trek
>start with tos
>all episodes involve crew beaming down, thinking they see something, turns out it was aliens tricking them along
Is this all of Star Trek or all of TOS? I mean I like the show but the episodes I watched so far in S1 seem to go by this formula.

I actually checked that one, and I don't think so.

He was by himself. Also it probably wasn't Spock (see above)

It's fiction about fiction. You think this guy is a genius, maybe aliens-did-it tier genius, but it turns out that he was just bullshitting the whole time Very postmodern.

ah okay so you are probably thinking of The Alternative Factor
Kirk is trapped in this Blue universe fighting someone else from there.

TOS is a bit overrated, hate to say it, but it was a product of the television of it's time.
I'm not saying it's in any way bad but there is a bit of repetitiveness that sometimes adds and at other times detracts from the stories.
Ultimately, TOS struggles from it's more fantasy like stories compared to the rest of Star Trek.
It was filled with gods and god like beings, even new versions of them every few weeks and had a production value that downplayed realism (which is also a product of the time it was created).

Translation: The original series is what you want to watch if you want to know where Star Trek and science fiction come from and what they really are, which is a modern twist on the same old thing, but if you want the same old thing buried under a bigger pile of obscurity and special effects because you want to believe that all this stuff is really in the future and not in the past, then watch something newer.

Probably not The Alternative Factor, as the effect is different and the person in it was just standing still, not fighting anyone else. It probably wasn't blue either, actually (see above).


could it be the one where kirk was phasing in and out of reality?
sorry if thats already been mentioned.

>we want the 2001 audience


>that file name
What are you implying?


That TNG is sophisticted and advanced compared to original Trek of course.

I'm not sure which one that is, but probably not. It's probably Metamorphosis from Season 2 (see above).


Hey man, this is the future man, it's not like the past, man, it's all the future and shit.

Nope, it's a cloud effect, not a suit.



Showbiz, man.


What a sneaky guy.








These filenames, and files, are really unimpressive.





So much for season 2. Pretty sure there is not going to be anything in season 3.

0-4 check season 3 anyway
5-9 nah its def metamorphosis

Whew. Thanks for all your help Sup Forums.

Try episode 3,4,32,42,49,56,60,65,73. My best guess is 49

Thanks buddy