The Internet Movie Database (IMDb), which sees more than 250 million visitors per month, has adopted the ‘F-rating’ system to signpost films that were directed by women, written by women and/or pass the Bechdel test.
It was invented by Bath Film Festival director Holly Tarquini in 2014 and has since been picked up by more than 40 cinemas and festivals across the UK.
“The F-Rating is a great way to highlight women on screen and behind the camera,” IMDb founder and CEO Col Needham said.
21,800 films have been tagged with an F-rating so far, the criteria for which are as follows:
Any film which is either:
>Directed by a woman
>Written by a woman
>Features significant women on screen in their own right
Frozen, American Honey and Bridget Jones’ Baby have earned a ‘triple rating’ as they meet all three, while other F-rated films include Metropolis, Kung Fu Panda 2, The Girl on the Train, Freaky Friday, Animal Farm and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
"The F-Rating is intended to make people talk about the representation of women on and off screen,” Tarquini said.
"It's exciting when new organisations decide to join us in shining a light both on the brilliant work women are doing in film and on how far the film industry lags behind most other industries, when it comes to providing equal opportunities to women.
"But our real goal is to reach the stage when the F-Rating is redundant because 50% of the stories we see on screen are told by and about film's unfairly under-represented half of the population - women."
IMDb adds F-rating to feminist films
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I want an M rating now, M for Man Movies.
i hate women
Nice trips. Which movies would get a M-rating? Terminator, Rambo, Rocky, Predator, Stallone Cobra.
Well now we know why they deleted their forums
The Thing, Twelve Angry Men.
Braveheart, Hacksaw Ridge,
Batman v Superman
>f rated
for being complete garbage
What the fuck is it with feminists?
>quiz show called the chase
>one of the chasers is a woman
>routinely says shit like "my fellow women","I would like nothing more if it was just us girls",talks about her husband as her "worse half"
>gave a lower bid to a guy because he is a man
Nobody calls her out on it.
God, let's me know which movies to avoid.
F for Failure?
>Frozen, American Honey, Bridget Jones' Baby (the one where she fucks two men and cant work out who the father is)
Will this once and for all prove men are superior at kino?
Let me guess, the new one with red hair and problem glasses?
Been a while since I watched, ngl
Watching a movie because it was made by a woman is like voting for a politician because she's a woman... oh wait...
>21,800 films have been tagged with an F-rating so far
where? i don't see the tag.
>the bechdel test
>a joke made in a comic from the 80s
>taken completely seriously by people not alive during the 80s and have no idea it's from a satirical comic
I want this ride to end.
Well, you know what to do...
>Low scores for all films F-rated.
>remove comments
>make this shit
lel, why tho?
F for faggotry
F for failure
F for fucking stupid
F for femanazi shite
F for females watching this movies do not have boyfriends
She does wear glasses and has red hair,but I am talking about croatian chase aka potjera
They have feminazis in Croatia?
Welp, looks like women have ruined another thing for me. First it was video games, now it's films.
Guess it's time to migrate over to /fit/, see ya
Isn't that literally spoiled princesses fighting over a man?
>spergs angry about things easily ignored
I have bad news. Women lift too.
These plus master and commander, LOTR and conan the barbarian.
they try...
I shit you not,they protested against Trump. What the fuck do we have to do with Trump?
considering these people are validating their idiotic beliefs via response, bad idea.
of course they're also counting lack of response/opposition as success...
What No? Go watch that shit you fucking cunt eater.
>croatian chase
F rating
means shit
good to know!!!
Fuck you,we need quiz shows too.
This is really divisive and not in line with the actual definition of feminism at all.
>those comments
jews gonna jew
]>lel jus ignore it
fuck yourself kike
r9k it is then...
Where is the rating visible? How is it used?
>I now have a database of movies that I will always know to avoid
Thanks IMDb!
Because you can voice your opinion in comments.
third wave feminism is all about female superiority rather than sexual equality
You can't see it because you're men. Only female users can see it
I'm trying to look on Frozen's IMDb's page but can't find any F-arting.
My gf loves The Thing
and my thing lmao
Very few women actually lift. They just go to the gym to tweet selfies and do cardio
>progressive feminism is pushing the sexes to "separate but equal"
what in the loving fuck is going on
a lot of women lift now, but just leg and butt stuff.
Yeah, gotta get that phat ass for the naggers!
So will Point Break, the movie that according to Sup Forums women will never understand, get a F rating?
Really makes one think...
IMDb hasn't commented much on it yet either
i don't know what's going on.
cant wait till I fill up my tank with gas knowing that 50% of that gas was mined and refined by women
when will we get real equality
The imbd boards have been generally regarded as total mind poison for as long as they've existed and the only people who ever thought otherwise were people who posted on imdb.
They seriously don't. Maybe 3% of the female population at best. They all still think they'll turn into she-hulk if they even look at a weight.
I'm not complaining. But the fat man thighs disgust me.
>F-rating so far, the criteria for which are as follows:
>Directed by a woman
>Written by a woman
>Features significant women on screen in their own right
Never before sifting out the politicized garbage from quality kino was so easy and simple. I never expected that I'll ever say this but I actually love the feminists right now and want to thank them
They should add a Goy rating so I can minimize my exposure to Jewish schemes.
>directed by a man, written by a man or featuring 2 men talking to each other about something other than a woman
That'd be nearly every film ever made.
like 90% of the girls i see in the gym are either
>running on a treadmill
>using machines with barely any weight
>just loafing around
very few actually "lift", even serious squats, from what i can see.
"What the fuck am I directing" - Kathryn Bigelow
Come to LA.
Point Break and Punisher: War Zone for sure
Lawrence of Arabia
The Godfather
Apocalypse Now
2001 a Space Oddessy
a friend of mine texted me that this was useless, since women are never involved in good movies
one of his favorite movies is american psycho
i want to tell him, i don't think he knows.
to watch shit like this
no thanks
>thought 5 minutes had gone by
>only 35 seconds
Gents, this movie will finally go down in history as the greatest movie of all time
The Thin Red Line
Saving Private Ryan
Bridge on the River Kwai
Dr. Strangelove
Shawshank Redemption
>Why is the F-Rating so important? Why does it matter whether a man or woman writes or directs the films we see?
The stories shown on TV or at the cinema make a difference to the lives of the audiences. So I really care about who is telling the story as that dictates how it is told, what happens in the film, and even the gender balance of the crew. We are determined to help redress the balance in a world where white men’s stories dominate
For the last 30 years, the majority of stories on screen have been told by men, and they usually weave a very similar narrative for women. One where women and girls are in supporting roles, often needing to be rescued or only valued for their perfection and beauty. This has an impact on the inner narratives of women and girls, as they don’t see themselves represented as CEOs, doctors or leaders but instead as the carers, nurses and cleaners or the beautiful ornamental woman waiting to be rescued or proposed to.
How we relate to what is happening on screen is obvious in our house: whenever my eight year old daughter watches a movie she picks a character right at the beginning and says ‘that’s me!’ I want her to have a range of female protagonists (complex or simple, weak or strong, clever or stupid; but never simple stereotypes such as Manic Pixie Dream Girl etc) whose value lies in what they do and not in how they look.
What you show on screen gives so much opportunity for change. I used to work in the television industry making documentaries and was really struck by how TV can change audience perceptions, such as Supersize Me and Bowling For Columbine (both made by men!).
The Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media has been running a campaign called ‘See Jane’ with the brilliant tag line ‘If she can see it she can be it.’ In their research they found that women studying forensic science increased by 75% because they saw female pathologists on screen in TV series.
Lel, is that real, I always thought Bigelow was the only competent woman director because she's SUCCed from Cameron
I can't not read as F-arted.
>make a difference to the lives of the audiences.
Bend It Like Beckham
This looks like one of those /fit/ comics, only in motion and with real people.
Sup Forums should create a J-rating with every film, and meme it into the mainstream. a J -rating measuring jew involvement in a movie's production.
>"This film makes no fucking sense but a paycheck's a paycheck"
- Kathryn Bigelow
Well, the /fit/ comics are based in real life characters.
Why do so many women act like fucking children?
There was something that measured the Jewish involvement in film called J-dar, but I can't find it, and I think it's down.
American Psycho
Pretty sure that was directed by a woman
J Rating?
You didn't think the /fit/ comics were just making shit up did you?
But you can't give it F either because there are scenes that will surely TRIGGER feminists.
well the prostitutes do have a conversation that isn't about a man.
The fact american psycho passes the bechdel test should be enough to make people realize the concept is total bullshit.
But for some reason, it has stuck in the feminist lexicon. Despite everything.
Would One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest pass the Bechdel test?
What's the Bechdel test?
ehhh, american psycho was directed by a woman, a feminist activist even. she wanted satirize the patriarchy
Because so many films still fucking fail it. But when was the last time you heard two girls not talking about males.
wtf i hate dubs man now
A joke from a satirical comic from the 80s that has come to be taken dead serious by third wave feminists.
Even the original author has pointed out numerous times its not to be taken seriously.
>The Bechdel test asks whether a work of fiction features at least two women or girls who talk to each other about something other than a man or boy. The requirement that the two women or girls must be named is sometimes added.
off the top of my head, american fucking psycho.
a retarded test proposed by feminazi comic writer that stated that a film is only women friendly if there are at least two main characters that have an on screen convo that is not about a man.
guess what: all oscar winning movies fail, most if not all romcoms fail
............ and most slasher horror movies pass.
Is this for real? I'm a feminist and everything but Jesus Christ.
Which scene exactly? I haven't watched it in a while.
>the two women look like complete bull dykes
lel, I just watched Stalker the other day, and it failed. I guess that's what happens when you make arbitrary rules concerning sex.
Asuka would probably be a feminist. And now that I've said that, whenever I see that cosplay I'll get sad.
Yeah, except for Agnes Varda, Chantel Akerman, Claire Denis, Kelly Reichardt, Amy Heckerling, Ida Luino, Karyn Kusama, Sofia Coppola, Maren Ade, Vera Chytiova, Lexi Alexander and Leni fucking Riefenstahl.