So which one is the superior WW2 miniseries Sup Forums?

So which one is the superior WW2 miniseries Sup Forums?

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Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater

They're both good in their own ways.

I felt more of a connection to the guys in band of brothers that made me way more invested in the series. The pacific had the better battles though but I prefer BOB still.

Yeah I think the 3 main characters of the Pacific is the one main fault

I understand you need to have very separate characters if you want to cover all the pacific theatre but still

I watched Band of Brothers and thought it was great. I'm interested in watching The Pacific but it's apparently hated around here. Why?

It's not hated, it's just most people prefer BoB.

Generation War is the best.
Both of those are great though.

The Pacific no question.

>When you star a BoB episode and the theme comes on.

I don't care if it's long, it gets me hype.

>Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?
>Grandpa said no, but I served in a company of heroes.

They are both amazing, The Pacific needs more love.

The Pacific is leagues better. Europe side of the war was boring as fuck outside of D Day and BoB glorifies it too much.

>Europe was boring as fuck
>Pacific has an episode dedicated to Basilone at home and Leckie pissing his pants

obviously band of brothers what a stupid thread this is

And then there's THIS pleb...

Die Wochenschau you plebs

>Generation War is the best

I think you meant to say Generation Kill

Are you implying it wasn't great to get a glimpse into their home life and the stresses of war?

Stop being such a fucking pleb. Don't you have some Disney movies to watch?

It's wierd because the intended goal of the pacific was to highlight the personal aspect of war, yet I find that BoB did that better even though they never really intended to. BoB feels more of a story, but the Pacficic feels more like an action movie

I can see that they tried to follow the structure of Eugene Seldge's book 'The Old Breed', where he spends a lot of his book talking about his feelings and emotions, and the emotions of other around him. But they didn't convey it very well.

However I guess BoB just set the standard so high that the Pacific unfortunately pales in comparison. Still good though

Not true whatsoever. BoB is more about the glorification of war and how those men were heroes.

The Pacific is all about how they werent heroes, how they were boys in a fucked up land that had to do terrible things and mostly came back broken from it.

Is that Teddy B?

The pacific was a very different kind of fighting.
Europe was most maneuvering around the enemies flanks and pushing around old men, children, and czechs.
The pacific was basically point blank meat grinders over desert islands the size of a football fields against fortified and entrenched enemies.

Generation Kill.

Sledge's episodes were kino, Leckie and Basilone's not so much, even though Basilone was the most accomplished and heroic of the three

so stupid it hurts to read

sure is

if you look closely the women has water all over her, the caption of this photo said something along the lines of Ted purposely splashing and pouring water on the girl


mein schwarzer

BoB hands down, although is massively unappreciated.

generation war was pretty good.

but why

>However I guess BoB just set the standard so high that the Pacific unfortunately pales in comparison.

Unfortunately yeah, the hype around The Pacific was insane, and you could hear that balloon deflate worldwide.

The one where they fight the Germans

This is the correct answer. Anyone who said anything else is a cuck

I've been watching through other war series trying to find another generation kill but they're all slightly dissappointing

Holocaust? (1978)

Listening to Allied WW2 veterans speak is just gut wrenching.

Found the redditor

BoB, i really wasnt a fan of how much time The Pacific spent out of combat. Even when BoB broached a love story with Doc Roe, it was in theater. All the Australia shit just pulled me out of it.

I found the Webb story overall better then Lucky's even though they were similar "this guy got hurt and sent back, ect" stories.

I also think that the appeal of BoB is that there were more developed characters. I feel like i knew more about more guys then at the end of The Pacific

Now if they would just make The Mighty 8th