Just watched the entire Firefly series and Serenity back to back...

Just watched the entire Firefly series and Serenity back to back. Suffice to say; it's bloody brilliant and if you haven't seen them yet you've been missing out of something truly fantastic.

Why the fuck haven't they made more?

It's over. Forget about it.

>cowboys in space

>It's over
Quite possibly, but a sequel or reboot isn't too far fetched.

>Forget about it

Indeed. Some of the best sci-fi are westerns.

To be fair it had way too much liberal bullshit in it, but it was alright. Not particularly special.

>literally asking for a reboot
>of anything

Fuck you.

>too much liberal bullshit

I'm sorry, your argument is invalid.

>muh strong womens
>muh anti violence
>muh evil rich people


Get back to Sup Forums, child.

Go back to r*ddit, child.

Said the representative from /r/The_Donald

I thought it was Sup Forums you stupid nigger?

At least stick to your shitty non arguments.

>tfw firefly is already so old they could plausibly remake it with a new cast

Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald is the same thing, you intelligent redneck.

Also, I made no arguments, you very smart person of obvious mature age.

nobody cares about /r/thedonald besides you fags that think you can leverage 4chans dislike of rebbit. you literally fool no one with this.

>I made no arguments

Do you think non argument means argument? Just how stupid are you?

Is this English?

>muh strong women
One of the is a whore, one is scared of everything, one is a backstabbing slut who will say anything to get what she wants, only one actually fits and she's built like an amazon

>muh anti violence
How is this not literally everyone? People always dissapprove of violence that doesn't serve their interests and oh look, the cast of this show have no problem murdering people to get what they need

>rich evil people
I don't even remember rich people as a whole being portrayed as evil in this

These could easily be set in the same universe as Firefly

An admonition is not an argument, no. So your very intelligent "non argument" quip was rather misplaced. Please continue being very intelligent and racist and anti-liberal. It's quite charming.
