Why do Americans drink such shitty coffee?
Don't you guys have expresso machines?
Why do Americans drink such shitty coffee?
I figured out i coud make mocha lattes by putting chocolate syrup and whipped cream in my coffeess
god i love being american
btw, this is what real coffee looks like
Yes every coffee shop has them and theres a coffee shop on every street.
The "shity coffee" comes from diners and fast food joints.
Do you ever go outside?
>2 sips of muddy ass syrup
europoor coffee is shit
Cooper says it's one of the best coffees he has ever had, so it's not shitty in his opinion
Theres now cans that have steam and nozzles so even shitty little diners can make expressos. They probably don't have them in whatever third world europoor country op is from.
>anti-American sentiment
>implied criticism of Twin Peaks
>misspells espresso
okay fine here's your (You)
>2 sips of muddy ass syrup
>shitty coffee
pick 2 famalamadingdong
What do expect from people that buy starbucks?
I love Twin Peaks, I just can't fathom how Coop loves that piece of shit coffee, guess he never went to Europe
You can't fathom how he loves the taste of something you only saw?
In France it's the same :
Half of the ppl in my university drink coffee with sugar.
OP and the people who agree with him are ignorant and just a little bit insecure.
who /tea master race/ here?
>i can tell how coffee tastes by looking at it
I've only ever looked at turds, do I need to literally eat them to know it tastes like shit?
>Why do ppl drink beer
>Hard liquor will get you drunk faster
espresso is weaker than coffee, thats why yurops prefer it
coffee = blend 43 + boiling water
If you drink coffee for any purpose other than to stimulate your bowels in the morning or suppress your appetite in the afternoon, you're a fucking idiot.
Because espresso is coffee for people who don't like coffee.
People who drink 2 ounces of over extracted coffee sludge just to get their caffeine fix, rather than enjoy the taste of a fresh brewed cup.
Italians ruined coffee just like they ruin everything else.
>dude you're an idiot for drinking something that tastes good
Coop always does his best to be nice to everyone, do you think he's gonna say how shit the coffee is to their face?
Coffee is bad for you. Don't drink coffee. I bearely survived.
>fast food joints
It's common fact that mcdonalds has amazing coffee
Coffee doesn't taste good unless you spike it with sugar or cream or milk or all of the above, in which case you're just playing yourself.
Watch while this guy pretends to like the taste of black coffee just to fit in, you're a joke mate
some black coffee tastes okay but its rare to find, most is usually overburnt tasting shit
Seattle here. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
False equivalence
>I don't like thing and neither do you
Do you ever wonder why people hate tripfags?
So i have to go on a scavenger hunt and pay through the nose to drink coffee that tastes "okay" when I could just slam down some instant and get the same effect? Genius
>implying Coop drinks anything other than Damn Fine Coffee
>I don't like black coffee so that means it's impossible for other people to like it and if you say otherwise I'll claim you're pretending to be fit in also fuck you
no ones telling you to do shit bitch, drink your folgers or whatever
Try harder
Can someone explain why coffee is so weak in Europe?
>tries hard to sound contrarian about coffee
>called out on it
>pretends he doesn't
Next level autism
Everyone agrees with me you clown, you're in the minority
All tripfags are attention starved autists.
Europeans cannot handle strong beverages, it is extremely painful for them, this is why they lost the war
american coffee is literally famous for being weak as shit, what are you on about?
>everyone agrees with me
>the whole thread is shitting on his opinion
Sure buddy.
Everytime I had it in Europe I needed like 3 cups to match the one in the states.
Suicide tier stupidity.
I'm sorry but this makes no sense, did you ask the barista to top up your espresso shot with hot water or something?
does she make good coffee
who is this prostate apostate?
>it's a shitting on starbucks episode
why do people shit on it so much?
they use freshly ground beans and brew on top of the line equipment. even if the beans are not great that's still better than 99% of the shit people make at home
i'm french and i like both.
i take filter coffee with milk and i take espressos with sugar :^)
1. It was the 90s
2. Twin Peaks was supposed to be a logging town with like 500 people. They don't have espresso machines, it would defeat the purpose of the town.
it tastes like shit burnt af
Mulholland Dr is a wonderful film.
>Twin Peaks was supposed to be a logging town with like 500 people
Try looking closely at the sign featured at the beginning of every single episode before you look this stupid again
5000, sure, but if you had any wordly experience you'd know that's not much difference. Dick.
If you don't drink your coffee black you're an absolute light loafered cuck
>why do people shit on it so much?
>top of the line equipment
... You're not actually joking, are you? This is exactly why we all laugh at Ameripoor coffee drinkers.
If you think drip filter coffee is anything other than wretched, liquid shit, then you're a complete pleb.
That's a misprint, and that's canon.
I think even cheap coffee is drinkable black if you make it with a press. Surprised the shit out of me actually.
Nice try, but I grew up in a town with
Me too, seriously, we're coming at it from similar angles. Until I was a teen I grew and lived in a village with about 500 people. It was fucking great, to be honest.
But it's a huge difference that 5k to even 100k makes. Lynch, I bet, didn't really give a fuck about the exact number, because it's supposed to feel like a town with exactly or approximately 50-100 characters interacting with each other.
So yeah, my original point still absolutely stands. 500-5k to nothing when you consider the atmosphere of the series itself. Dick.
Coop is a connoisseur of coffee and pie and he's tasted both all across the country and Twin Peak had the best of both.
I'd believe him, it's not like he lies to be nice anyway, Coop is honest in a nice way.
>finely grounded beans through high pressure machines
you'd have to spend 2k on gear just for that shit i'm not even burger m8
yeah that's a hit or miss
Okay look, I was a dick. I get too caught up shitposting in Twin Peaks threads.
But just around pop 5000 is where you actually might see a downtown with one or two "specialty" shops (y'know, like the place where you might find an espresso), as opposed to towns with 350 people where you'd be lucky to have one or two establishments period.
Since I'm a real man with a beard, full head of hair, giant balls and dick, I only drink the absolute cheapest coffee I can find, then I brew it until it has the viscosity of syrup, and then I drink it black.
Any other way is for latent homosexuals.
what about liking the taste and making me a more productive member of society?