Eazy E can suck a big fat...
/24/ - watch thread
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m8 nobody is watching this show
I'll bet you 1 dead terrorist they get their fourth "least watched 24 episode" record in a row.
And I got the lyrics wrong. Very embarrasing.
i need a fukkin stream
>falling for the rated jew
>Jews would intentionally give their multi-culti programming bad ratings making the goyim thinking it's bad which reduces its effectiveness
Forsooth, for what pvrpose?
needs more lolly dick suck action
>show is half over and we're only just now seeing terrorist attacks
I miss when a nuke went off five minutes into the season and things only got worse
More like a nuke goes off and 2 hours later everyone forgets about it for the next attack.
Poor Ben. He shaved his beard for nothing.
You should be happy CTU guy, he at least killed a high value gun smuggler
>When your bro wants the puss but she ain't having it.
What the fuck is a subfile
Files are just files
>But you're not a CTU Agent
Confirmed Carter is no Jack.
diabetes dad worst plotline
Hassan is a dick. Kill him.
Shows like this make me not trust mudslimes
Yes..... tell them how you bought dirty terrorist oil to save your company
Back in the day we used to embed zip files in images on Sup Forums, I suppose that would be a subfile. m00t blocked it when people started putting viruses in them. But yeah, probably made-up technobabble.
>Giving top secret weapon specs to a no name soldier
Yeah, ok.
Inb4 he kills the teacher
Yep, I'm not watching it because the actor is black.
What does the teacher get outta this? The puss? Like why is he going along with thus?
the puss
retard he means nobody watches shit on tv so ratings are irrelevant
more people cut the cord and stream every day
Ratings aren't irrelevant though because it's what all the executives and accountants base their decisions on, they aren't making any money from pirates and thus don't give a shit what you're doing. Unless the ratings spike soon (next 3-4 weeks), this shit will not get a season 2.
It's probably more that execs can't just relay on traditional TV anymore to get a good idea to how the ratings are with more sources to watch their shows (like streaming/hulu)
It's a 12-episode ~event~ just like LAD was, there is no second season planned
Finally a real firefight.
Damn, they got out there fast.
They may find that interesting information before they tell their lawyers to send cease-and-desist letters to the sites providing the content, but it won't effect their decision making as it doesn't put money in their pockets.
That may be what they said but you can be sure if they kept the ratings closer to that of the pilot it wouldn't have been.
So, how's the cinematography?
I'm with this guy
The teacher's gonna die now.
Oh good, two jackasses with one stone (or knife/gun combo).
Feels like it's not 24. There's no point in "real time" since it just progresses like a regular show
Then don't? You were having doubts like two minutes ago you dumb whore. Now go free your dad.
>that entire subplot was just to set up "wtf I love terrorism now" for the highschool chick
what a waste of time
>"Maybe we shouldn't do it."
>Brother dies
>"Fine I'll do it."
Ok, fuck you.
Jesus Issac, what shit aim was that?
Ok..... come on, she was just having fucking doubts 10 minutes ago, and now she's gonna do it? Fuck off.
What happened to Eric's gf actually being capable like in the pilot?
>Basically killing your diabetic dad by tying him up
Or is that the plan?
They really need Designated Survivor canned so they can get Kiefer back, or find another white guy to do this damn thing.
This shit sucks ass.
The writers made her temporally retarded to make sure she gets caught probably.
the quest for insulin begins
>My boy that I hated is DEEEEEEEEAD!
>tfw they made a McVeigh special
>Not calling 911 right away
Are you fucking dumb?
He's a Muslim. What do you expect? He's only against her doing it because it's his daughter.
Any other Muslim's daughter and he'd be snackbaring in the street.
Be a hero Jenkins!
>it's a bridge collapse episode
as a minnesotan this is too soon
>having this fucker talk on his phone instead of liquidating the terrorist
Jesus fucking Christ.
>Bullet to the head
>HAH Physch!
>*Pushes trigger*
get outta here.
Story of our generation. Too much time on goddamn cellphones and not paying attention to your surroundings.
>HAHA! Now NYC traffic will be a gridlock for months MONTHS!
I thought the idea was to KILL people you fucking dumbasses...
Guys don't forget to buy an $800 VR headset for the epic prequel!!
Why the fuck wasn't his first instinct to yank the detanator.
If it was a dead mans switch it would have already gone off.
RIP Jenkins. The real MVP.
hate to say it, this show is really bad
>Fox so desperate they're creating Moon Cricket: The Shot with Shots Fired along with bringing Prison Break back.
Jesus Christ.
I thought with Live Another Day, 24 could have made a great comeback. But this sadly is not the way to do it.
I'm not really enjoying it tbqh
Prison Break made no sense to keep going after they broke out.
What is the x-axis variable?
Bad storyline, bad choice of actors, and that's sad because I loved Johnston Green in Jericho and was looking forward to him on this.
honestly it would've been better if jenkins succeeded, the whole "lol jk she's not actually dead BOOM" thing just ruined it
I guarantee Issac's gonna sacrifice himself to free his wife and give Carter a chance to 1v1 the bad guy.
Should've let her die, but use a dead mans switch that drops as soon as Jenkins opened the door.
Can Tony save this show?
Colonel Sanders is FUCKED
Pretty much. First season was GOAT-tier. Second Season was fine IMO, then it got kinda fucking silly after that.
Many better shows they could bring back.
>Sleeper Cell (would be really good right now)
>The Wire
>Tyrant died for this shit
>Over There reboot
dre day
If he can't, no one can
except maybe Jack
Agreed. Le spooky jumpscares are beneath 24. Or at least they used to be...
HE should have been the spin-off.
>Tony is now some torturer for hire if you have an old white guy who thought he could fuck with the country and get away with it
dude nice
Wait, CTU has to hire torturers now instead of doing it themselves?
>Doing some on-the-books torture when you can just get Tony Almeda to do it for you
someone jack bauer is yelling "he terk mer jerb"
>We will never get a season where Jack is escaping a Russian Gulog and "fun times in Russia"
Someone please tell ABC to cancel Designated Survivor so Kiefer can come back....
Designated survivor is going to get canceled right? Fucking preachy borefest.
Probably going to get a second season, then cancelled.
Really should have been a miniseries imo
how was it then
The Wire directed by Barry Jenkins with Moonlight cinematography is guaranteed every possible Emmy.
It's amazing how bad that show is. You couldn't make a more thrill-less and boring script with such a premise if you tried.
there is no point in watching this anymore now that best girl is dead
tony always gets the best gash...
I like it, fuck ya'll.