Is there a worse performance by an actor in a major superhero film during the last 17 years?
Is there a worse performance by an actor in a major superhero film during the last 17 years?
Cracking pair of norks though.
You did see Gal Gadot in Batman V Superman, right?
literally ruined apocalypse
>dat hitler in the back ground
get me everytime
I'd say the bigger tragedy here is the diminished quality of the makeup artist, not her acting.
J Law's version of Mystique looks more like a particularly good cosplay than an actual character from a movie.
january jones is so hot she is never bad or wrong
Jennifer Garner as Electra in both Daredevil and her own movie
Yes I did, you're right. So bad it didn't even register.
Not a film, but holy fuck I've never hated someone more.
She goes right in the same bucket with the wife from Walking Dead.
the same thing that happens to everything else
No, the acting was fucking awful too. Even without a whole lot of lines Romjin was able to make the character seem confident, slithery and evil just by her body language. J Law doesn't look like she knows what the fuck she's doing. Just nothing about her fits Mystique.
She is literally just a blank slate. She's beautiful in an emaciated supermodel way and she can make the words come out of her mouth but they are completely empty of an emotional content whatsoever.
From where is this
Has there been a greater insult to human intelligence than superhero films in the last 100 years?
British period dramas like Downton Abbey and anything remotely like it, it's literally fuck all happens; the show.
reality tv
Yes, Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men: Apocalypse
this bitch makes no sense at all
none. not even hot enough to be with the blind lawyer guy tbqhfamalams
This is from Blazing Saddles.
Blazing Saddles
Anyone got that pic where she's waxing while half in the mystique costume? Makes me chortle every time
too slow you bundle of sticks
>not even hot
It makes sense, though.
Damn that's a good shot
I'd be mad too if the whole movie wasn't about me like I wanted it to be.
Thats Jennifer Lawrence, not Will Smith.
please plaes post this
You didn't read where she was complaining about not having a bigger part or getting paid more.
This chick is ugly as shit irl how does she keep getting roles??
Dane Dehaan is great fuck off
Worse than Halle Berry desu
jesus what a old crone
Apart from Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney, everybody in Suicide Squad was either phoning it in or chewing scenery
She's just like us!
Is she a public masturbater?
Underage get out
Joel Kinnaman in Suicide Squad
I swear to Christ he's the worst mainstream actor alive
Nepotism, her father literally bought her a career just like her grandfather bought her mother one
Nothing wrong with chewing the scenery. If you're gonna debase yourself by appearing in capeshit you might as well have fun
what a dumb bitch
Greatest ending in cinematic history next to the holy mountain and secret window.
>face is literally glowing with cranial heat
T-thats not how your use a toothbrush?
liked how they pulled of the "ears" with practicality
>First 5 episodes
>Amazing drama with Punisher
>Rest of the season
>Ninjas, Matthew!