pls, no delet
/Cuck/ Chris stuckmann general
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c'on guys in a comfy thread all opinions welcome
his autism makes me autistic
Wish I had a personal army.
>pls, no delet
Tell that to Jannies snapped temper
>Tell that to my wife's black son!
What did Chris mean by this?
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
based mods, kys faggots
Do you think he misses cleaning up the bull?
I mean I know his wife makes him sit in the corner now and they have a towel, but You'd think they'd at least let him clean up.
Chris Sucks-men
You wish fagtron
what is this extremely large .png referencing
nice try Chris
>implying these aren't sneak chrisshill threads
you all need to die now
faggatron* you fucking faggatron10,000
i dont have strong opinions on him, some like him some dont. all are welcome here.
>You're a young girl, good looking, plucky.
>The sort of girl who leaves high school with her whole life ahead of her.
>You meet this guy.
>He's kinda funny, a little bit socially autistic but he's cute.
>He does film videos for YouTube and has a following so that's a bit of a turn on.
>You start dating and slowly the cracks begin to show. His social skills actually leave a lot to be desired, he can only ever talk about movies and true cinema and anime.
>It's fun sometimes but just once you'd like him to ask you about your day.
>You start to think about breaking up with him. But you worry that because he works from home he'll have no one else left.
>Not only that he seems very petty and that he wouldn't hesitate in publicly shaming you on his channel.
>You're at dinner one night, you're busy fantasising about the cute waiter that keeps smiling at you.
>You see your boyfriend get down off the chair to tie his shoe or something.
>You nod and agree to whatever he's saying while making eyes at the waiter.
>Suddenly the whole restaurant starts clapping.
>What's going on?
>You look down and realise he just proposed to you.
>Oh no.
>He starts crying and blubbering about how he's so happy and he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
>On the way back to the car the realisation sinks in.
>You're trapped with this sperg.
>Your hopes of becoming a photographer, traveling to India, and exploring the world disappear.
>He just grins as he sits in the passenger seat next to you (he can't drive of course).
>You look down and see that he's unzipped his pants.
>His 4.5 inch penis is at full mast.
>This is your life now.
>You go down and begin to blow him.
>You start to cry as you realise your hopes and dreams die in this moment.
>You look up at the man who ruined your life and see pic related
whoops wrong chris, meant to post this
that's one of his Black friend's he's roleplaying dragon ball with.
Why are his teeth so fucked up? Did he literally eat dog shit for years or something?
I can only imagine how horrible his breath must be. Like shit and cum
>that's one of his Black friend's he's roleplaying dragon ball with.
my goodness this description alone is filled with autism kek
>that's one of his Black friend's
does it need to be stated now whenever chris is in a shot with a black person that hes friends with them?
(If I remember right) Stuckmann made a video on facebook saying he heard RLM called him a prick and began to get teary eyed and maybe even full blown cry over it. Guy got way too invested in a quick passing joke where they insulted like 3 different people, but only Stuck reacted like a gigantic manchild.
Get Cuckmannized
here is the full video
Oh boy...
What a bitch...embarrassing
imagine if they made another joke about him, he'd implode
In which video did RLM call him a prick?
new ghosbusters
the ghostbusters one, but they didnt directly, they flashed up a pic of him and two other people
what the fuck is wrong with this dude
product of social media when there is no "dislike" button, that's all
Do you think the abuse he suffered at the hands of his wife had anything to do with it?
I'm pretty sure I heard that he stood up for himself once to his wife and she had the Bulls fuck him up.
I see what you did there
Does he know of this site? Specifically Sup Forums?
let's tell him
our goal is at least 26-minutes film on youtube about us and our thread
fanboys. all his fans identify with his medicore self and autism and think they can be as sucessful as him.
that wont work
the only way to get him to do that is flood his youtube comments and twitter
bamping for cucked stuckmann
pretty good list, all memes aside.
I agree
Cache... he has probably read some Ebert's reviews.
are these in order? like is american psycho his favourite movie?
i don't get it
it's a pretty inoffensive "not blockbusters but still sorta well known movies" list aside from a few superhero flicks
They're from a book called "The Film Buff's Bucket List"
it's mainly Hollywood and that's the problem.
I wonder if he has heard about Audiard, Weerasethakul or Svankmajer.
Also someone please scan or copypaste what he wrote about "Cache"? please, I pay in tits
Generic list. What you expect to be on it, is there. There's one anime fipm I wasn't expecting and then put Cache to seem artsy.
Garbage list.
nah, it's fine
please I want to read this Cache stuff and how much he has copied from
also fucking idiot: Cache - yes. White Ribbon, Amour - no. Noice choix, monsieur stuckerman
is this the circlejerk hate thread?
please take a seat and just enjoy the show
why do you want to join in?
>half of it is capeshit
>recommends you jump right into Return of the King without watching FSOTR or TT.
He's such a fucking faggot.
Bbb...bbut 90 oscars!
this is the kind of list a 14 year old boy who just discovered he loves movies would make.
Guess that should be manchild.
14 is a boy.
>cache out of nowhere
Out of www roger ebert dot com slash great moviez
Also this list is as if 14 y o girl wanted to be original and made a list to show her mom shes better than her
and you would know about 14yr old girls?
Have sister so i know
Also tell whatecer you like about genderism but i know that stuckmann will one day become a woman.
kek really? damn-explain.
Someone questionned his manhood.
He cries. He's overemotional. He's delicate. He probably likes to wear his wife's clothes when she is not looking. Hes one of those guys who get out of their closets after 20 years of marriage. Above all he is a pussy
so because he cries and is emotional and is a pussy that means hes a woman? kek you really dont leave the basement do you? i would say hes more likely to be gay.
that's stupid af
any girl would just say no afterwards if they didn't want to get married.
He is not... Not yet at least. But he thinks about being trans.
To whoever keeps starting these threads : I love you
Thanks, you london?
I started the other one
Metaphysical. Wouldnt call it a source.
we call that bullshit user.
no one cares about the other one.
The one who had bump limit asshoal
thats yesterdays news. stop living in the past old man.
But that was a part of my childhood
top kek. here, have a (not autistic) chris
>I watched space cop and enjoyed it
There is something wrong with him
Yeah, he is a faggot cuck.
This is why I prefer YMS and RedLettterMedia
>beautiful wife
>great shape
>good taste
Rlm and yms
>depressed alcoholics
>fucking furries
>fat pigs
His wife looks like him which is creepy
>man I HATE this guy
>better watch every single video he makes, follow him on twitter, tumblr, fb
>and most importantly post over and over again about how much I hate him in every Sup Forums thread
>basically make sure he's on my mind at all times
what's wrong with you people
What's this autismo done now?
yes perfect
Are there any good movie youtubers or is it just impossible to do.
It's all stuff from 2000 onwards. Did this guy think movies were invented at the turn of the century?
>not fellowship
true pleb