Dafne Keen a Cute! A CUTE!

Dafne Keen a Cute! A CUTE!

What's next for her career, Sup Forums?

fuck all

She looks like a young Kristen Stewart


Seguro que non sabe falar Galego en absoluto

She plays Logan's daughter, x-23.

Being my wife.

She's too good for you user.

Sultry eyes...

Who's Logan?
What's X-23?
Am I supposed to know who these characters are?

Nah. Go back to your icy rock fampai

>spelling Daphne with an F

Either retarded, pretending or living under a rock

>when she started shouting angrily in spanish
dang she a qt

>Anglo thinks Daphne is the original name
Not all revolves around you

Probably has something to do with being spanish and french.

When X-23 started punching Logan, was it actually hurting him?

it's daphne in french

In literally all other languages that use our alphabet is Dafne

> responding to b8
> calling others retarded


>you will never be her dad

Yeah well they're all third worlds so of course they're all retarded.

its greek and its originally with a ph
where do you think english gets its spellings from you mong
its a mash of languages.

>originally with a ph
No, originally is a Φ, in literally every other language that uses our alphabet that's a F, stop thinking everything revolves around you

>originally with a ph

Pretty sure English appeared before Spanish, you mong

this is ananas all over. damn you anglos.

In Latin Φ is F, and Latin (from which evolved) appeared before English, you lose again.

>In Latin Φ is F
excuse me

>In ancient Greek Φ was romanized to Ph
that's more like it

Try again

no, correct me.

oh you can't?


Daphne is from ancient Greek, which is romanized differently from modern Greek. In modern, it's f. In ancient (where Daphne comes from) it's ph.

That's why it's Daphne in English anyway.

>which was the origin of its usual romanization as "ph". In modern Greek, it represents a voiceless labiodental fricative ([f]) and is correspondingly romanized as "f"
Aren't you tired of losing?

>its (ancient) greek and its originally with a ph
>the original was ph
glad we agree.

How is she white if she's half Spanish?

Who said she was?
>this obsession

French people are white and original Spaniards are pretty much white.

>French people
? she's half Spanish half British, what has France anything to do with this?

Eleven's girlfriend in Stranger Things Season 3.

I thought her father, William Keen, was French.

>French people are white

They look arab to me.

How does someone get this dumb?

He's clearly non Anglo therefore non white, so go figure.

>Being this retarded


>le current year

>using shiggy

get out of here gramps the adults are talking

>Why is Dafne and not Daphne?!!one
Because in Spanish is Dafne. That was hard.

Casting couch auditions, a small series of hits, followed by drug addiction, multiple relapses and then maybe a comeback in her 40s.

I hope not ;_;

Search your feelings, you know it's true

My dick when she's 16.

Would be illegal, user.