Why is he the worst villain?

Why is he the worst villain?
and why are the pillar men the best

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Did you mean to post this on Sup Forums?

Also, you're wrong, Kira is superior to the Pillar men.
But the real best villain is based Pucci of course


pillar men confirmed for best villains

>Pillar men
>Good villains

Valentine > Kira > Pucci > Power gap > Dio > Kars > Diavolo

>Pillar Men besides Wamuu
>good villains

Also, the best villain is obvious if you aren't an animeonly.

This is correct.

Personally I thought Valentine was underdeveloped until towards the end where he did the Napkin speech

This is pretty much spot on

>japanese television on a japanese image board

Kira just mopes about hiding cowardly. His stand requires close range and bites the dust sends killer queen away leaving him to be stopped by most other stand users

The pillar men planned every move even in the event of failure and ultimately completed the goal. Only josephs actions killed them


Valentine is everything Part 3 DIO should have been.

He is in the background for the entire part, but you see snippets of him peppered everywhere that give clues to his personality, which is inherently meant to make you think he is villainous.

Then, towards the final 1/3rd of the manga, he does the napkin speech (that's not at the very end by the way) and becomes a very dangerous and convincing final boss while you wonder what the hell his Stand does.

Finally, and this is most important, you learn that he is doing it for a greater good beyond himself, although his ways to get there are selfish.

He's the best villain because more than any other part, his reasons are more noble and selfless than the main protagonist's.

What an incredibly shitty opinion. Not only that, I can't fucking believe that this is a Jojo thread on Sup Forums and this hasn't been posted yet. This thread is a fucking mess. youtube.com/watch?v=AR1sLatI5Fc

animeonlys were a mistake

I think I should reread Part 7, maybe I'll appreciate it more

part 2 is unbearably bad with all the asspulls. All the conflict is started and solved being pulled out of Araki's ass.

season 5 when?

btw Bruno is greatest jobro

Bruno and Mista got the best fights


Dubs of truth.

Pillarmen confirmed best villains.

Also fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Honestly why I like part 2. Its not intentional but it feels like it and its so ridiculous because of it.