Is it true that black German children showed no IQ gap between the White children?

at 6:14

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>IS X true because Y showed no Z between X(2)
>Because you know this one fucking source on fucking youtube is viable vs all these government run websites showing us the opposite.

Gill yourself.

Mate I just wanted confirmation. Even if it was true it doesn't say shit about the studies on diversity that shows us it has very negative affects on people.

There was still a gap, just not as wide as in America. These German "blacks" were also mixed.

Most american blacks are highly mixed too. Comparing the child of a 50% black man with a white woman raised outside nigger culture to subsaharans raised in the jungle is silly.

>Bad grammar

>Most american blacks are highly mixed too

I wouldn't call 13-15% European blood "highly" mixed.

user was probably talking about halfros.

>Even if it was true it doesn't say shit about the studies on diversity that shows us it has very negative affects on people.

Actually it says that those black children might have performed so well because the lack of diversity. They were just as german as the white kids. They weren't an "african-german" sub class with a cancerous bastardized culture.

>Just as german as the white kids
Fuck off.

Girls BTFO

There's a reason we let black men vote before white women

Not an argument bud.

>These German "blacks" were also mixed.

This is a fact Stefan Molyneux has left out conveniently when bringing up the example of those kids himself. They had German mothers.

Unless you're a hatchet chuckin redskin you can close your mouth

Are you talking about the children of Black American soldiers and White German women ?

I would think it would be pretty obvious why they would score higher on IQ tests'

American soldiers have to have at least a 90, I believe. American blacks are already and admixture of at least 25% European.

So yeah.. not hard to believe..

So it's no surprise to anyone that 50% nigger blood makes no statically significant difference, but 100% nigger blood means you are less intelligent than a gorilla

Do you feel hip now with your memes you gathered from other threads?

You are not one of us. You never will be.


Back when that study was done, immigration policy filtered out all but the smartest blacks.

To be clear, my meaning was that the smart 1st generation had above average (for blacks) children which were on par with the average white children.

They weren't immigrants you nigger

>The children studied had been raised by their unmarried German mothers. All of the fathers, white or black, had been members of the US occupation forces stationed in Germany.

German women jumped on that american cock, they smoked a cigarette, blew out and never called

Maybe these were the best and brightest nigger soldiers we had, how you would prove such a thing I don't know

fuck outta here cumskin


also no
The East -where far less mudslimes and niggers live- has continually performed better in PISA (test taken in schools country wide) in recent years.

See pic related for test scores, this could also be a map of niggerfication kek

as well as including some who were 'french blacks' who were about 40% or so mixed with french whites.

I knew a couple Black, German children in highschool. They were infinitely superior to the American Blacks.

No, I only think it's strange to bring up this example when those children are of mixed blood. It wasn't even that big of a testing sample to begin with.

However I think the culture is a very important part. The third generation Turks are doing much worse than their parents for example. The first generation didn't bring much of their culture with them because they just worked and cared for their family but soon this changed through welfare incentives and what you get is a split between generations that stop assimilating.

I've seen a TV show on our state-run television and they had this little Korean girl or something and she told the camera crew what she does all day. She basically gets home, sits down on her desk, does her homework and then she just starts with other school subjects until the day is over.
This was scary to watch too, you know? I never was like that in school...

Small sample size.

50% nigger makes a big difference, see dominican republic, Brazil etc.. I'm Cuban and see many mulatto's, they are vastly inferior and a step above niggers.

Negro iq 80, Mulatto iq 88.

>No, I only think it's strange to bring up this example when those children are of mixed blood.

Well every study is inconclusive and tainted by other factors. He brings up multiple studies in his books. They all need a fair shake and commentary. But If you believe in the gangsta subculture retarding blacks hypothesis, you'd be interested in the results in a foreign study like this one. Makes sense to me. Being black in america has a lot of baggage, not so in 1950s germany. You're just a chocolate kid.

He is right though. Even the state officially does account children as "German with migration background" as soon as one half of the parents is not an ethnic German.

Latin America: Unesco tests for 11 year olds in literacy, mathematics and science

Chile 557 pts
Costa Rica 546
Uruguay 532
Mexico 529
Colombia 526
Brazil 524
Argentina 509
Peru 505
Ecuador 491
Guatemala 489
Panama 482
Honduras 479
Nicaragua 479
Paraguay 469
Dominican Republic 456

As you can see it follows strictly the racial system we always had, no need to reinvent the wheel.

I didn't read the book Thomas Sowell brought this up. I only commented on it because Stefan Molyneux has brought up this example from him but did not mention the fact that they had German mothers. I'm sure Sowell makes a more established case out of this.

Yes but the problem is that (1) the test were done on children, which is problematic on the account that IQ tends to correlate most with the IQ of the parent in adulthood, ie. IQ is more a reflection of the environment in children and (2) the sample of black GI going to Germany was not random. Namely, they already had been screened by the army and therefore may have been of higher intelligence.

So the study isn't really conclusive. You need a true random sample and you need to test on adult, where the development of intelligence is complete.

The racial system of God can't have a revolution.
Very high
1 Argentina 0.836 40
2 Chile 0.832 42
High Human Development
Rank Country HDI World rank
3 Uruguay 0.793 52
4 Panama 0.780 60
5 Cuba 0.769 67
6 Costa Rica 0.766 69
7 Template:Country data Not Venezuela 0.762 71
8 Mexico 0.756 74
9 Brazil 0.755 75
10 Peru 0.734 84
11 Ecuador 0.732 88
12 Colombia 0.720 97
13 Dominican Republic 0.715 101
Medium Human Development
Rank Country HDI World rank
14 Paraguay 0.679 112
15 El Salvador 0.666 116
16 Bolivia 0.662 119
17 Nicaragua 0.631 125
18 Guatemala 0.627 128
19 Honduras 0.606 131
Low Human Development
20 Haiti 0.483 163

What was the sample size?

What it covers are the shitty schools here

Americans are dumb. Wow

How do IQ test for children differ to that of their adult self?

Someone should get Jared Taylor's opinion.

All races are equal in cognitive ability.
If you disagree with this, you disagree with science. This study PROVES this.

what was the sample size?

Everything in this post is right but this

>Namely, they already had been screened by the army and therefore may have been of higher intelligence.

You think the army turned down the dumbest niggers in the draft?

Are you talking about the study of white and black German soldiers? That's misleading because that population is not necessarily representative of the general population. Soldiers go through rigorous tests and it's quite possible all of the men here were above average.

Doesnt matter, sample size was big enough and accurately relative to the general population

>does not matter

wow, you are a poor statistician.

>You think the army turned down the dumbest niggers in the draft?
Why not? Stupid people in combat is the last thing you need.

And ur a stupid redneck racist

Wow when black people were treated as equals they performed equally to people of other races!

Sup Forums absolutely BTFO!

Do you know anything about sample size or repeatability?

you have to go back

Well, this is the largest sample size study of the IQs of german blacks, so we should probably assume it's the most accurate number right user?

They were mixed and blacks in the military have a minimum certain iq and do not represent the general black population

Ofcourse it's not true but the media will use 100% of it's recourses in trying to convince you the african animal is just a human being like everyone else.

Despite using the full force of government brainwashing human people still just don't buy it.

>Is it true that black German children showed no IQ gap between the White children?
Absolutely not true.
The evidence is plastered all over, but libmongs subtitute truth with narrative so what are you going to do eh.
Just affirmative action them the jobs that require an IQ of 130-140 and stay as far away as possible.

Interesting you mention third generation Turks declining performance. There is a study - I don't have the citation - of multi generational latinos. People who emigrated from Mexico and central America. Several generations into US citizenship and their academic performance is actually declining slightly.

I don't doubt it, I live in California and see it every day.

Most likely -- intelligence has nothing to do with race. Culture, upbringing, environment? Yes. Race No? Most African groups in America have a high median household income.




The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study showed the exact opposite result and this study was conducted more recently.


Prove him wrong dumb stormfag

the 70's were the last time these racial intelligence studies were conducted? why won't they do modern ones, they'd probably be more accurate.

If you don't see how stupid your post looks, explaining it wouldn't change anything.

There are other signs as well. For example, by the early 90s, the Flynn effect had more or less peaked and IQ in Scandinavia was around 102-104. After that, it started to regress down to 98-100. This coincides exactly with the growing immigrant population.

African households are immigrants and immigrants tend to be higher iq and more ambitious. They do not represent the general African population. They are exceptions.

Oh yeah prove him wrong?
What do you mean?
Intelligence has nothing to do with race, it's connected to median houshold income instead.
Why don't the both of you prove you don't have an extra chromosome?


well blacks at the $200k+ income level score about as well on the SAT as whites at the less than $20k level

so race is definitely a factor

>why won't they do modern ones
Because das racist

>just proved my argument

Incredible -- look at how the black IQ increases by 18 points by being raised in a culturally 'white' household. Only a minor difference between blacks and whites. 101.5 IQ for blacks raised in a white household and that 101.5 IQ is higher than most European nationalities average IQ.

I mean if you're seriously a proponent of hereditarianism, Cartesian-esque innatism, and nature over nurture than you're clearly a retarded Stormfaggot with an agenda.

>white girls tested to 93 IQ ???
>measuring the IQs of children ages 5-13
Jesus Shitfucking Christ
What a fucking pathetic study. Anyone citing this should just stop trying to debate anything.

Drafted Soldiers would not have been stationed in Germany. The Army required in the 70 and 80 and 90 an IQ above 90, if I recall correctly.

we all know that >American education
in works

>black people that have the Whitest names possible

Are you trolling or are you just retarded when it comes to analyzing graphs?

are you a nigger?
do you know how to read?

It's wrong on its face if you're familiar with the topic at all you insipid fuck.
If you're "familiar" but not yet aware you suffer SEVERE cognitive bias.

Holy shit are you actually this stupid? Read you nigger.

US Blacks are listed as 85 IQ you communist. Read and understand the whole issue before you chimp out. I personally tried to disprove the retarded Stormfaggots with their gay agendas, using science, and I was not able to. I'm sure you will be far more successful if you jump to conclusions because you're pissed.


Below average IQ JamalJamarque detected

>You think the army turned down the dumbest niggers in the draft?

I seem to remember the army using IQ test to screen soldiers, yes.

This would have been no different that making sure that a potential recruit didn't have a physical condition making him unfit for service.

>I have no idea what the answer to your question is so I'll get angry at you for asking it

wikipedia says they adopted a bunch of asians and I guess whites as well and averaged them all together.

Stefan mentions that American blacks have 15-20% European admixture literally every single time he talks about race. He did so in the latest race video put out only a few days ago.

See pic

If this is true, why are we afraid of immigrants then? We should be getting the best Africans.

which video?

There were 3 black people out of 700 students in my high school, they weren't violent, they had normal grades and one of them was my close friend.

Read the Bell Curve. So what if one study found this?

Seems like they don't have a clue what they did.
Is there even a source document for it?
It's so fucking PATHETIC that all I see are non-sourced shill articles on leftist news sites.
You'd think if it were such a great piece of evidence I could be immediately linked a .PDF of the original scanned research. Sad.

Congratulations. Want to try a black school in America?

Finntards like that are the ones yelling "let em all in"

I didn't hear him claim to be a Cherokee cuckboy.
A nigger isn't a German.

You are one dumb nigger IQ motherfuck

no its not true
hundreds of other studies prove the opposite

Jared taylor is fucking clown. The dumbass couldn't beat cock sucking tim wise in a debate.

This is an interesting study and I'd like to see it.
It hasn't convinced me because the evidence against it is much heavier, but I'd look over it.
Some guy saying it isn't really enough, because the propaganda, the desire to believe in equality, and the censorship and persecution of any that oppose the idea of equality makes me a bit skeptical of equality studies.

Especially how equalists will worship this little unsourced tidbit but instantly dismiss the mountains of data that indicate something else.
>There were 3 black people out of 700 students in my high school, they weren't violent, they had normal grades and one of them was my close friend.
t. everyone white that supports immigration