Will this be the death of DC?

Will this be the death of DC?


this will be the death of CGI

Who is the solider shooting at?

Who gives a fuck about female superheroes anyway.

What an awful move on their part.


it feels like a Marvel movie so it will probably be very successful

he's leading his shot.

The added feminism can't hurt either.

who watches this, this looks awful
holy fuck man I'm getting more and more disconnected from this shit

the last capeshit I watched was spider-man 3 and boy I sure don't regret skipping all this shit

Who decided to ok this scene?

Holy shit

6000000 Jews.

i hope so
i want a complete reboot

hope so
they outstayed their welcome

This is a fake trailer.

This is anime-tier
She would have to be turning her head as fast as the bullet

Bullets don't move that slow

>after the slow-mo ends it shows Wonder Woman on the ground with a snapped neck

>That shoulder and armpit.



will (you) go to theaters to watch this?


I'm not a fan of Wonder Woman or shit

>Wonder Woman helped to fight against the Germans in WW1
>Wonder Woman just watched and stayed back while the Germans holocausted the jews

really grinds your gears


>Wonder Woman helped to fight against the Germans in WW1
You just know that they're going to play the germans as EBIL NATZIS in ww1 too.

DC died the day they chose her as Wonder Woman

Good, fuck the Germans

dont be mad desu semapi

Looks too digital, can't believe retards think this is "good cinematography".


holy shit look at those biceps

is she on the juice?


I can see WW moving at bullet time easily if she's a non-trivial fraction of Superman in strength and speed, which she is.

But whoever is swinging there, they might as well be at a standstill compared to the bullet, so that's messesed up.

Somebody put that soldier in the justice league or whatever hes a btter shot than hawkeye

whoever is responsible for making innocent conscripted german imperial soldiers cannon fodder should be skullfucked

wtf I just noticed they caste some skeletor chick that has no boobs to play wonder woman wat

please god be true

>that look on her face

the marvel stuff is decent if a bit by the numbers, dc is pure trash though

would pay to see


So if she didn't jump off the cliff and try to be a hero she wouldn't have accidentally swung directly into the path of the bullet that the solider wasn't even aiming for?

So how does she just lose all forward momentum and start swinging in a perfect arc

>its a feminist movie
It is not. As a strong tough nu male I feel empowered because I could smash wonder woman's face in so hard that it would be anudda shoah, the stick thin motherfucker.