He wears tv/movie related apparel

>He wears tv/movie related apparel

Why not?

Based numale!

psh... DCucks just wouldn't understand real fashion...

>He wears clothes.

>he cares what normies think

I would only wear something subtle like this

>He washes his clothes

>he uses tv/movie quotes all the time

>Game of Thrones

jesus christ can we raise the minimum age limit on Sup Forums to 25 alright


wow thats fr*cking epic, I want that. Here's another epic shirt, it's really subtle and obscure normies would never know where its from xD

I wear dota related clothes which hide the power level quite effectively, i receive compliments left right and center, nothing to do with dota, never once have I had anyone come up to me like "oh I play dota". Pic related.

The problem isn't buying Sup Forums related material, it's buying non-gaudy Sup Forums related material that essentially only you and true fans know it's homage. There is nothing wrong with buying products form the brands you love, just make sure, like all things, it's not TOO gaudy.

I would only wear something subtle like this


Most normies don't even know Pulp Fiction though

By subtle he means it's not flashy. A lot of people wear these shirts, nobody would find it weird. GoT is a very popular show.

you have to be 18 or older to post here

>Wearing anything but black
Not that that t shirt isn't vile

only nerds like myself will get this one

what's this from?

>wearing graphic tees

I'm 24. Literally none of my co-workers of more or less the same age knew what Pulp Fiction was about.


>Why do I need to worry about gay ass fashion? I just wear a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers...

What's wrong with that?

Normally I hate guys like this, but he goes to such extremes to make himself a living goofball, caring nothing about his image, that somehow I've developed a liking for him.

He took his Sup Forums trolling like a champ I'll give him that

He looks like a cartoon character somehow found their way into our world. I don't know whether to be amazed or terrified.

I unironically thought about making a shirt with a small civic tv logo on it.