Tonight's shooting in Dallas is the fault of the police...

Tonight's shooting in Dallas is the fault of the police. If Alton Smith and that other guy were still alive so would those cops.

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Hope you're behind seven proxies my man because I just unironically reported you to the FBI for inciting violence against officers of the law.

>Dallas cops are somehow at fault for the actions of cops elsewhere

wew lad, that's nigger-logic.

Your grammar outed you as a nigger

>it's ok when niggers react on their emotions, but not when whitie does it!



Pick one.

BLM Logic..... smmfh

The police incite violence by their racist policing methods, such as always patrolling black neighborhoods

honestly, do you really think 4chin is anonymous? Forums-user-gets-busted-fbi

They are reporting that they have the shooter cornered in an alley...

Which of course is absurd, because everyone knows you can't corner the dorner

Psyop diverting attention from Comey testimony.

Honestly do you feel drawing attention to the holocaust of black men by police to be illegal?

And then niggers incite police always patrolling black neighborhoods and getting overly defensive by doing their shit.
But let's only make excuses for nigs.

>how dare the police patrol neighbourhoods where crime occurs

Don't be surprised when more niggers die after this.

Police, judges and juries should be drawn from the black community .and should be the only ones allowed to enforce laws for the black community

>ib4 no one is arrested because of favors and family ties

Yes. A separate but equal society would benefit us all. Looks like Whites and Blacks are both starting to long for the 1950s

The police are doing what the citizens don't have the guts or ability to do.

This country is better off than it was when the week started.

It's all just gang warfare. US police aren't really police, they're just a gang that calls themselves by that name.

You mean the same FBI that didn't charge Hillary????


If those cops don't get convicted shit is gonna go down bloody. Shooting a man reaching for his id after telling the officer he has a legal conceal carry and after shooting him letting him bleed out with his crying 4 year old in the back seat....

Yea, that's definitely nigger "logic".

Yea, I use to believe that when I was a edgy 13 year old too.

what do you mean? I'm going by what has happened in the recent past after certain police officers were not charged with a crime....

are you serious?

You don't know what he was reaching for faggot because there's no video of it. Go kys.

>police officers in Minnesota and Louisiana kill people
>better kill these completely unrelated police officers in Dallas in revenge!

thin blue line, cocksucker

No cops are better than racist cops. All police depts should be disbanded, federalized and restarted by police officers from around the country and from all races and genders

and you don't know what he was reaching for either faggot because there is no video of it

what the fuck does your kys mean, memelord?

I heard they have this in Africa.

which one of you guys did this?

Iran can you really judge them?

>xDDD they have migrants so they're any country meme xDDD
Only Syria and Somalia are acceptable names for the UK, happy meal.

I agree.

We should give them all a free ride back to their native lands, where we so cruelly took them from all those years ago. There their chocolate brothers and sisters can rule over them with a fair, even hand of equality that is shamefully missing in this disgusting, racist country.

If you actually think violence is a valid form of protest, you are scum and need to be purged from this earth.

Given that many African-Americans perceive police brutality to be systematic and nation-wide, I am not surprised that the actions of one department are superimposed onto all departments.

fuck you

so basically liberia 2.0?

Yeah sure, you roll up on any expectant well equipped white person with your little 9mm peashooter and proceed to get fucjed up cause you can't aim for shit coon

Yes, but this time we'll make them go for their own good.

It wouldn't surprise me if niggers don't know that each city has its own police force. Oh well it will give them an excuse to go loot- protest.

The Holocaust is the fault of the Jews.

If they hadn't destabilized the Reich by leading socialist movements and inciting strikes and riots during WWI, six million wouldn't have died.

False. This is the fault of the white people who rolled over and died on the battlefield to free the slaves and succeeded in doing so.
If human beings just eliminated the african animal after they served their purpose then this would not have happened.

this here be some nigger logic der

Kek, where you been?

The fault is on the anti-white, anti-police media actively fueling the flames.

i know its bait but, yes you're right

pathetic how these shits try and justify not respecting police

Go fuck yourself nigger lover.

Day of the rope is coming.

what am I watching here

the klan was right all along