French army is replacing the FAMAS and here are the possible replacements. Which option is best for killing suicide bombers in Paris?
French FAMAS Replacement
>Which option is best for killing suicide bombers
SCAR because it's French-made
416 all day every day. The SCAR is a POS that the US SOF are abandoning, ARX 160 is built by eye-talians, the SIGs are meme guns, and lol croatia are you srs?
>The SCAR is a POS
Is it?
desu, the Turk MPT-76 is looking pretty fucking awesome
though not a bullpup, it takes the best from the M16 platform and FNFAL
ak47 because your freedom fighters are already used to it from the home land
forgot link
kek, but would rather pistol t B H
SCAR is Belgian. It's also objectively the best one on that list.
Isn't the SCAR the one that only fires its own special snowflake rounds for some retarded reason?
FN is a run by Walloons which are French.
Yes. Incredibly overrated.
it's no longer in favor with the US SOF. they've more or less ditched them for the HK piston guns.
>no regular DI AR
Fucking frogs can't do anything right.
whats wrong with famas?
No, it's in regular 7.62
Maybe you're thinking of the P90 with 5.7?
Why not American gun? Is very good for kill.
They can buy the millions of f90s we're producing for our defence force.
>not quick scoping with the Scout
shiggy diggy
They will adopt the M4 because it's cheap and the French COS do so much of their training at Benning and Bragg anyways. At least they will have the same gun then.
>no Armalites
France, I know you want to be a special snowflake (FAMAS is a meme gun btw) but just accept we make superior rifles already
tec 9 armor is where its at
>tfw no SCAR 17 raifu
also it looks cool
true, the canadian military uses a variant of the ar15 which is pretty fucking good
fucking autoshitters
>tfw bullpup will never be popular
Just stop embarrasing yourself.
Thanks user
I hope they don't fall for the meme gun.
If american guns are so good how come spec ops of almost every country preffer euroshit?
Heard Tavor is bretty good actually, one of decent bullpups.
They're going to go with the SCAR. How is this even a question?
They should keep a bullpup rifle just so they can keep the gun shorter
That's the ACR by bushmaster
The Sig will never disappoint
It's a meme on /k/ now
>pffft, look at this fag, bet he doesn't even operate
You heard wrong. Tavors are shit, especially when compared to something like an AUG
fucking newfag
The FAMAS has got to be the ugliest rifle around.
SAR 21
SAR 21
VHS 2 is very advanced. Longest barrel, shortest overall length, castings expel on either side with no tools, can be fired with one hand because of weight distribution. It's got a lot going for it.
Personally, I think it would be best if the French army used rusty AKs because their recruits were raised on those anyway.
It takes us a while here at CSIS to get on top of all the meme magic that's taking place here
I heard AUGs have awful trigger pull and Tavors are better in this regard.
Decent but not worth its price from what others say- ie. overrated. There are cheaper alternatives.
>how come spec ops of almost every country preffer euroshit?
Great photo.
How about the American OICW? They should implement that. You could shoot and bomb the jihadists at the same time.
FN Scar
ARX 160
It's a gun with a computer! It's in video games! It's made by Germans, they know their gun stuff!
chinks have made a lighter knockoff
Cheaper for them to buy it in the EU
The only correct answer.
Belgian doesn't exist
This thing looks like something out of 40k.
From personal experience the HK416 is pretty reliable, and the norwegian army has had to make one modification since they was delivered from factory.
The French would get a later version with certain modification for their use, and a pretty reliable weapon.
It's expensive though.
It's probably as effective as a lasgun, too
Walloon does and they are not French, they speak French.
Guns are evil, you criminals.
I've also heard they are interested in MSBS Radon.
Meme gun
I think they should go with the Kel-Tec RDB.
Bang Bang
Apparently it's bad:
Fluff-wise lasguns are about as effective as modern firearms (covering the whole spectrum, too - they have a power setting, low it "non-lethal", standard is roughly equivalent to auto-guns (basically modern ARs), at max it's like .50 caliber but burns through the battery), while being more reliable and easy to produce. They're only "flashlights" when compared to bolters, pulse rifles, shootas etc.
Walloons are essentially French, the differences between the two are smaller than the differences between you and the Flemish, and even then there's barely a distinction.
They're also flashlights when used against anything other than shitty flak armour or bare flesh, excepting Space Marine skin of course
I always thought bullpups were cool until I held one. The balance is shit compared to an AR. With all the weight in the back of the rifle it makes shouldering it awkward maneuver.
I remember lasgun blowing and Ork's arm clean off in some source. It's not consistent, and well, they're effective enough in games, both TT and video ones. They're not worse then modern firearms (well, their accessories usually are, I guess).
m1 garand
Bullpups look gross desu.
I am surprised there weren't more Sig MCX jokes. You are letting me down /pol
lasguns blow regular firearms out of the water m8
it's not that lasguns are shit in 40k it's that everyone else's armor is so insanely durable you may as well be shining a flashlight at them
Bullpup guns, like the AUG and L85, are superior than your overrated M16s that couldn't do shit agains Peasants in Vietnam.
that h and k has very little recoil
you can go a lot longer before you get the shakes from firing.
>lasguns blow regular firearms out of the water m8
Nah, they're roughly equivalent to auto-guns. Remember, there were dark years of technological stagnation between our time and the 40k:
But they're UGLY
They do not consider themselves French and that is the correct position to hold. I live in this area, you can take it from me.
Go back to plebbit you're underage
Also there is not a single two peoples on earth so close to each other geographically and lingually that are so seperated culturally as the Dutch and Flemish.
absolutely shameless plug
what do you guys think about our next main firearm, MSBS (modular firearm system)?
I can't believe nobody has made a surrender joke yet.
It looks like it's half-melted from being left on the sun for too long. As for how it actually is, who knows before some actual tests? A lot of guns look good on paper and at expos.
Is it similar to montenegrins and serbians?
We're mature
I have no idea, don't know a lot about the balkans. maybe comparable to germans and german speaking swiss though.
The SCAR-L in 5.56mm is not so much a POS as it is unremarkable for the price it commands. The SCAR-H in 7.62mm is where the platform really shines.
Having spoken to a guy who is involved with doing ballistics and gun research for the French government. None of these are all that great for French needs. The reason being is that France still uses rifle grenades. This requires the guns to be much stronger than what would normally required. And none of these guns meet those requirements.
Most of them use M4 though