are nige
Brit/pol/ - Do it for him edition
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xth for perfect cabinet
Will Leadsom get the NEET vote?
1st for UKIP
No, its down to the Tory membership of 150k
Its Leadsom who will win, I know this.
nth for reborn Pitt
Getting adrelalin off the dallas police scanner
Jesus lads what the fuck is happening in America right now
Someone stole a hat
Just another day in the land of the free.
>we are going to wake up to BBC breakfast talking about yet another American gun massacre
A nig harassing an officer got shot again and the BLM chimps are rioting. 6 cops shot by protestors.
Niggers nogging
>6 cops shot by protestors.
Literally race war tier
Is the race of the attacker confirmed?
How long until BLM is classed as a terrorist organisation?
>Is the race of the attacker confirmed?
Multiple attackers. Most likely niggers.
bit late ay it lads
I don't watch the news
1 cop killed, 3 non-life threatening wounded, 4-5 in serious condition
fucking niggers, gas them all
Maybe I should hold onto your guns for the time being?
For...safekeeping...and that 2nd amendment while we're at it too...
Tbqhwyf it is nice not having this type of shit happen here.
Not going to pretend everything's okay here, but we do get less gun massacres
This country is shit. The only positive thing about it is that the founding fathers never got to see the pile of garbage we've become.
If you guys were intelligent you would ban Americans from coming into the UK along with pakis
>uk and usa are going mad at the same time
Do our nations have a peculiar shared destiny that cause us to erupt into a new phase of history at the same time?
Update: 3 police officers killed, 1 transit officer killed
shit's getting really serious
Massive political earthquakes cause by legitimate political grievances, leading to public nuanced debate and political change.
Well ,Americans love their shows
This is why their politics look like some bad political thriller
Well, this unfortunate news has sourced the Andrea victory a little.
I'm going to bed, hopefully the situations clearer by morning.
Was it just me or did Hislop seem to be going fully in the fucking tank for Remain on QT? When did he become such a fucking establishment shill?
I thought you were memeing Andrea Leadsom but she seems pretty based.
It's a shame you Brits are asleep right now, you're gonna wake up and smell the ashes
mummy will protect us from the scary niggers and muslims
>Wake up
>Suddenly America is on the verge of Race War
Please exterminate your niggers America, i'm sick of their victim culture spreading
>HRA/ECHR (Theresa May was right)
what does this mean?
>Jesus lads what the fuck is happening in America right now
Niggers. Don't worry there George, as long as you keep importing Achmed into the UK you'll get to enjoy the same cultural enrichment.
What's all this about civil unrest I'm hearing?
Niggers gonna Nig
Lads I can't ducking breathe
Human rights act/European convention on human rights
Theresa may has said in he past she wants to revoke the human rights act and the European convention on human rights
Bear in mind this is a very extreme step as the echr isn't an EU thing as Russia and turkey etc. are in it
Just America doing it's thing.
shock horror: you give racists and sociopaths guns and let them be officers and they kill dumb civilians.
stupid american apes doing stupid american ape things
look at the state of america, this is the country your people are bleeding to get into
That was yesterday.
Today it's the police getting killed.
>Niggers then get removed by Whites and Yellows together
What a world
this is the backlash from that, similar to what happened when police shot that unarmed lad a few years ago and everyone lost their minds and started looting
a blm protests has turned violent when snipers started shooting policemen, 5 confirmed dead with 11 injured and two in surgery.
How a Russian(some English ancestry and BEADY look) with passion for Britain can possibly assist the cause?
>during an armed robbery
Disingenuous, at best.
Which video is this from m8?
Behind you stands a symbol of oppression, the EU. Where 28 nations have languished under the name of this "Union"
That has been held up to you as the shining example of progress. You have been supplied with a false idol. To stop you tearing down this corrupt institution!
Let me tell you the truth about EU. From the words of their Prime Minister. David Cameron
"Thomas Mair didn’t murder Jo Cox, he saved my campaign. Then took the blame for Cox’s appalling death, so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the madwoman who welcomed refugees. But I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of Britain with the truth, and it is time for me to resign."
And do you accept this man’s resignation?
And do you accept the resignation of all these liars?! Of all the corrupt?!
We take Europe from the Eurocrats! The elites! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity. And we give it to you, the people. Europe is yours! None shall interfere, do as you please
But start by storming Brussels and freeing the oppressed!
Step forward, those who would serve. For an army will be raised. The Elite will be ripped from their decadent nests.
And cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed.
Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true democracy. This great continent, it will endure. Europe will survive.
just be chill I reckon, people here still fantasize about russia being the end boss like it's a vidya game or something.
what do you mean? I mean what can I do for Britain, for the cause of British nationalism, for furthering the independence agenda? I have some ideas of my own, but I want to hear Brit/pol/ suggestions. I want to move there as I don't feel national identity with Russia. Perhaps English blood is calling me.
>furthering the independence agenda
Nothing left to do really. That's why Nige decided to resign.
The Tories know better than to try and ignore the vote and Labour (who would cancel Brexit in a heartbeat) aren't likely to win the next election while Corbyn is in charge.
While I personally would welcome you, you might want to leave it a while before moving here to settle.
Welcoming foreigners is not really top priority right now.
Come for a holiday though. Foreign tourists are always welcome.
But Tories can cuck out any moment. There is still nationalistic work to be made, don't you think.
Minimum quarter Anglo blood and I have a BEADY LOOK straight outta Krautposting.
Been around the British Isles countless times.
Heads up incase anybody didnt know, milo was on joe rogan again, but a section talked about brexit, farage, trump how islam is a big problem, it got pretty redpill amongst the faggotry with a serious roast of trannys, islam, sjws, clinton...desu etc.
Honestly think this fags gonna get banned from entering or killed in sweden when he attempts to horseride through a muslim ghetto at the end lf this month.
Some lf you guys might find it at least worth a listen if you have a few hours to kill even If you dont agree with rogan or the fag.
>Milo getting killed
>a bad thing
pick one!
>But Tories can cuck out any moment.
In theory they could but its not really their style.
If you look like god made you from the stuff left over after making the rest of the white race you should blend right in.
>Nothing left to do really
We need to abandon the ""special relationship"" to be honest.
While America is a useful ally, we need to make it much clearer that we're not another Satellite state of theirs. I'd honestly prefer closer relations with Europe (while independent of it) than with America.
>Not Russia
They're natural allies
What's the origin of the ribbons anyway?
Anyone get nice screencaps of the lovely Isabel Hardman on This Week last night?
Im a libertarian, so dont really care about faggots, that being said, i honestly want to see the outcome of fags vs islam with sjw's in the middle because ive been saying on brit/pol/ for years that sjw's and the left are going to have to pick sides, either homos or islam, because they cant have both as islam is comletely incompatible with the left wing western narrative that has become the norm these days.
People on the right only have to sit back and watch the fireworks on this one.
You won't be saying that when the we need a partner nation for the intergalactic golf tournament
I think we need to break out of the cold-war mindset of USA-or-Russia
The re-establishment of Europeanism would be a good start to this. Russia may also be a potential friend to us, but Russia's relationship with Europe is as odd as Americas.
We could always let Scotland go, then pick them.
They invented golf. And probably space travel too. And Sup Forums.
At least that's what the Scots tell me.
G'Day, mister Powell!
Interesting, he got away with referring to the Queen as Mrs Windsor.
Is it just a contextual thing when that gets you into trouble like Leanne "I called her that because that's her name" Wood? (
Are you picking up your copy today, Brit/pol/?
Requesting map of countries lining up to trade with the UK
>No Shetland
Guess I'm a #RemainBrain now
Might as well be real,Fuckin Eurocucks, Reeeeeee.
Is it not?
They were reviewing it on Press Preview last night.
I wasn't really paying attention.
Shits fucking going down stateside, this guy was clearly military trained.
Is this a real newspaper?
>Randy Biart
Welp, brit/pol/ is about to get buried under happening threads.
Andrea Leadsom is trending on twitter
You can't make this up, the lefties want Theresa May in.
They want Theresa "deport them to torture" May?
The left are a strange bunch.
Peter Hitchens has linked a video from the YouTube channel "Poz the neghole" saying
>Some kind person has assembled my contributions
>lefties having any sense
wew lad
Isn't miss May pro-immigration? She didn't do a good job at stoping any immigration whatsoever.
>Poz the neghole
They really will make Sonic OC's out of anything thse days.
No idea. Not like there was anything that could be done about immigration from the EU and from outside it was made so you need to be making more than 30 grand to move here.
When she was Home Secretary she spent years trying to deport Abu Qatada.
Every time he would appeal using EU human rights law.
In the end I think they made the Jordanian government promise not to torture him,
>Remainers wanting a remainer PM
Big surprise.
Hope they keep it up, means Tory members will vote for Leadsom in a landslide.
any new deals of trade?
Sajid Javid is in talks with India.
Nice. More tea and toilets.
1. Anthony 'Tony' Blair
2. Dodgy Dave
3. Pope 'Francis' Jorge Mario Bergoglio
4. Theresa May
5. Hilary Clinton
6. Alexander 'Boris' de Pleffel Johnson
7. Michael Gove
8. Gideon 'George Osborne' Oliver
9. Christopher Hitchens
10. Douglas Carswell
9001. Jeremivich Corbychev
9002. Nige
9003. Based Man of Wetherspoons
9000000001. The Hated Peter Hitchens
That has so many inaccuracies brought about by simple misunderstanding of the agreements I can't even begin to argue it. It's clearly bait.
Never kiss a Leave voter: Dating app for Remainers launched
Use it to lure them to you and Jo Cox them.
Pro-EU Lithuanian MEP Antanas Guoga to run for UKIP leader
ebin XD
Al Johnson is less Blairite than Gove and Osborne, if only for the fact that he's anti-mass-immigration and anti-EU.
TRST-0240 (KANA's final gravure before she went to the WWE)
It was only just uploaded the other day.
>actually believing this
Alexander is not a social conservative in any form. He's significantly worse than neocon Gove.