French should be the only one canadien official language. It's enough to say.
French should be the only one canadien official language. It's enough to say
French Canada is the best Canada
I like the song and the girl though
When is Quebec going to activate Justin's Manchurian programming and seize independence by coup?
French sounds masterrace
I don't know how canadian English sounds, I have to check and try to watch the Black Hole High in original
But French is fucking awesome, I even tried watch How I Met Your Mother in French (now I forgot the language but wanna restore my skills)
otherwise a qt
Are you that guy that used to come here and talk about how great Quebec is?
On and your flag would offend most Quebecois, because that's pretty much a Toronto Maple Leafs flag.
Nope but I see how fast nations can dissapear and worring for quebecians
Did you know that Russia has a millions of ethinical poles who think that they are """russians"""?
nègre is just isnt as good as nigger
French Canadians are disgusting. Fuck the French Language.
You don't know how weird English sounds for us. French is easier to learn and french people aren't so cucked like anglos
and yes, I know that Russian|Polish can sounds weird too
stfu ivan just becuase your old soviet block hates you doesnt mean our old colonies hate us
But I like it the way it is
It's a fetish user. Get a hold of yourself because if it's worldwide it not gonna be "hot" to your eyes.
At least, quebec have a culture
Frenches have better architecture than anglos
they are the masterrace and I'm agree to globalisation only if French will be the Human language
I lived in Montreal for several years and Quebec is a parody of actual Canada. Although it's all gone to shit nowadays anyway because you guys are enamoured with the idea of importing brown people and Asians like they're your pets to placate whatever moral complex you have.
>$0.01 has been added to your account
Both languages have that 'blyu' sound in them. It's really hard for suckers like me who never learned either to make.
o shit this qcboo is on Sup Forums now too.
Shouldn't you be offering your sister to pakis, George?
Actually I'm a polandboo and now learn Polish. Quebec is more like a sympathy.
I don't speak French, it's disgusting
how will the canadians take our jerbs if they don't know engl--
ohhhhhh. i'm on board for this
Montreal is a shit hole like ontario. There's not argument for that.
Projecting a little bit too much there mate
You will never be independent
as for me accent like this isn't good
I don't use words like "discusting" because don't want to hurt anyone, but it's not a good example of how the lingua franca should sound
Nah, I just know your cousins pretty well
En Chinois SVP
>Your cousins
>Your sister
Family issues, I get it.
Tell us user, when did it all go wrong for you?
Ha caмoм дeлe этo caмaя oбoccaнaя пpoвинция. Бaзapю
Did you know that Ukraine has millions of russians who think they are """ukrainian"""?
>What's Nationalty
>lets make the rest of the world hate us even more
Do you know how common it is to see a mixed-race couple somewhere in Montreal, and then hear them speaking English? Anglos have maybe a generation or two left at this rate
yeah, but it's shit.
also it's funny, but ukrainians have the best accent in Russian.
but only from Kiev and ect, because ukrainians can speak Russia in the other ways
>Montreal is the second largest primarily French-speaking city in the world, after Paris.
>56% of the population able to speak both English and French.
Living in denial desu senpai
Still need counselling on the family issues?
Compared to what standard?
A fucking blue leaf
Хз, нe знaю пoчeмy, нo мнe нpaвитcя caмa идeя фpaнцyзcкoй Кaнaды, пoтoмy чтo кaк я зaмeтил - aнглoгoвopящиe coвceм ёбнyтыe нa пoчвe фeминизмa и т.п.
Hy этo тaк видитcя из PФ.
English strength :
Good with Money
Good organisation
French strength :
not autistic with sex
Combative (knows when to rebel)
Open minded
Both are top-tier nation
>this is what wikipedia says about your city!
Ebin. And guess what language the immigrants end up adopting (so they can fuck your Anglo-Canadian cousins)?
The French part you listed applies to France only though
oh look proxpierre is back
your a dorable
open a book
Meh, i speak both. English is far more of a utility. Almost everyone on earth can sputter out some English.
>Was raised bilingually in Quebec
English is just faster, man. Most everything is faster to say in English than in French.
Пpичём ecли aвcтpaлийцы или бpитaнцы eщё yмepeннo ёбнyтыe, тo кaнaдцы coвceм.
Taк и ecть. Ho квaки мeнee oтвeтcтвeнныe люди, пoэтoмy тyт знaчитeльнo хyжe дopoги, бoльшe пpoблeм c кoppyпциeй и мигpaнты c aлжиpoв и Гaити вытecняют мecтных нaхyй
>Anglo-Canadian cousins
Showing it more and more mate.
Not sure if you also noticed but English is one of the most used languages in the world, given the choice it's more than likely they are going to use something which is more globally useful to them - especially living in Canada, a country next to America; primarily English speaking countries.
Thanks for the geography lesson. If things continue at the present rate, Canada will be a totally French country in the future since Anglos are miscegenating themselves to death (or not reproducing)
Canadian French sounds disgusting.
But you implied the new inhabitants speak English, does that not mean that they will continue to speak English? Or are the French-Canadians going to embrace them with their culture ;^)
English sounds good when it shows the german's nature
also Scots (I actually don't know is scottish English or actual Scots language) sounds great , like English on steroids
That depends if you believe that you should speak like a poof who's in the act of sucking dick (like the Parisians) or not
French Canadian culture is not something that outsiders assimilate into, so Canada will increasingly be a country of French Canadians on one hand and mongrelised English-speakers on the other. And then we just deport the muds
>Canadian French sounds disgusting.
I don't hear a big differences, like between british and american English
So you let the issue continue now so that you can try solve it later- when there is more of them? That doesn't sound too smart
Parisian French and Québécois are barely the same language.
Are either of you from Montreal? Because I am, and it's pretty goddamn white here.
And that bilingualism statistic is meaningless to any discussion of race -- you pretty much have to speak both to do any kind of daily business. And for the most part, it's new immigrants who only speak french, not 2nd gens or whites. 2nd gens and beyond are mostly at least a little bilingual.
tell it to also do you have some modern music in Arpetan or another rare roman language from the French's group?
Really depends where in Montreal, man.
Montreal North, for instance, isn't what you'd call "white".
I could understand that if you don't speak it, but there's entire tenses that Quebec has dropped or invented compared to France french. And the acceptable anglicisms are way different. "Stationnment" and "Cul-De-Sac" and "Depanneur" are not a things in France, nor do they like it very much if you say "Mon fucking char est totallement finis" to say "My fucking car is totaled"
People generally pay no attention to what happens in Anglo-Canada. When people complain about immigration, they make the provincial government reduce its numbers and nobody really cares how much the Anglos cuck themselves, since nobody moves from another province to Quebec unless they're a French Canadian anyway.
Maybe in westmount or some shit. Leav your suburbs senpai and you'll see that this city is progressively getting more shitskinish
It depends where. Lots of racemixing at Anglo schools though (I went to Anglo schools) and in the Anglo community.
>lives in the ghetto
and afaik montreal north is gentrifying and whitening up a lot. I live in centre-ville and grew up in NDG, and most of the people I meet in a day are white as fuck and speak english first. Mixed people are rare, and mixed couples only exist among the young-ish (college/uni aged people)
If anything, what's ~Killing The White Race~ here is every anglo fleeing to Toronto as soon as they can, not the coal-burning boogeywoman.
>rest of the world
>thinks Sup Forums is the world
do you people ever leave this echo chamber?
Anglos and their Jewish allies can't stand that they need to speak another language
Except he's right. Québécois is rough and loose. We skip almost every syllable in a word, we compress everything together and pepper it with swear words. It's far from a "pretty" dialect.
Honestly, it's not that they don't pay attentiont to what happens in Anglo-Canada, it's just that the info never gets to them because of the linguistic divide.
Nah, I lived near the stadium (Was hilarious when playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution and I could see the tower you land on from my bedroom window).
As for fleeing to Toronto, I'm guilty of that, lol. Just couldn't fucking handle the language bullshit anymore. Had my office raided by the language police and everything.
Most québécois (french canadian) are idiots and I say this as a 100% pure laine.
Mentalité de colonisé
Les Québécois intelligents habitent en Ontario, maintenant. Viens nous joindre! :D
Most people are idiots, everywhere, dumbass
All of the Canadians around me can't speak French. If they can its a paragraph they memorized in highschool. It's fucking useless to most of us.
Non c'est à cause de la pensée unique et la "culture" de marde. Faut que tout le monde pense comme Guy A. Lepage sinon t'es banni de partout
coz they were born in the wrong part of canada i can assume.
But it could separate you from the herring feminist whores which have the power in anglosphere.
Also I learn Polish too, because I see how our goverment wants to islamize Russia.
>because I see how our goverment wants to islamize Russia.
Only places that speak French are Quebec and surrounding. The whole entire rest of Canada is basically English.
Québec est la meilleure province du Canada, pour la simple et unique raison que cette province n'est pas une copie conforme des USA
This is in Moscow, at 2013.
It's also funny because ЛДПP (LDPR) is the biggest far-right party, their leader even did something closer to sieg heil (and the anchormen near him is jewish, lol):
Putin supports far right only in Europe
But most of them aren't citizens, they are like a working migrants, and mostly peacefull, but we have this problem too and it's a very big problem, because in Moscow half of people are non-slavs actually
Il faut avoir du courage