>liberals are suddenly applauding a movie for demonizing interracial relationships now
Can anyone please explain this to me?
Liberals are suddenly applauding a movie for demonizing interracial relationships now
Mainstream literalism is only about being anti white and nothing else
its simply a movie that makes fun of your retarded implications
Does this movie not have a worthwhile poster? All I ever see is this still image.
Anyway it's clearly a "wait for Netflix" kinda movie.
Except the people who are praising it are claiming it's attacking white privilege, so they agree with me and not you.
>Attacking white privilege
What are you talking about? The movie makes fun of self hating white people who idolize and stereotype black people, who view them as some sort of commodity instead of people. Its "good racism".
It's attacking cultural appropriation. Whites who want to use blacks for their own purposes, that want to wear blackness like a costume. yet don't care about black culture or people.
>The movie makes fun of self hating white people who idolize and stereotype black people
And yet those same self-hating white people are fawning over the movie, and anyone can go on Rotten Tomatoes and read them praising it for its message that black people should be scared of white people.
Go make an account and set 'em straight, champ.
(((They're))) praising it because
white people = evil
black "people" = good
guys i just watched the godfather
i literally will never trust italians again wtf
black murder and crime through the roof yet whitey is the devil
ok nigs
is he a nigrofroggo
Just let them have this one.
This and the "Dear White People" thing.
Just let them have it. Not worth the energy.
Black guy here
This movie is supremely overrated
Ol stuck in the sunken place ass nigga.
Every thread about this movie is just thinly veiled bait for buttmad white people. Good movie though.
To be honest, this movie should have used Japanese people because white people are often weeaboos.
How the hell do you think this all got so out of hand?
We've been "just letting them have it" with every little bit they've been socially undermining an entire race undeservedly.
It's victory by inches. If you only take an inch, sure, your opponents will get upset and outraged for a bit, but they'll cool off eventually. Then, you just have to take another inch. They'll rage and whine for a little then quiet down... then you take another inch. They never really try to fight back because, well, it's just an inch! An inch is practically nothing in the grand scheme of things. But eventually, you've taken so many inches, that it's no longer just inches, it's miles, and it happened so slowly that once you take that very last inch and your opponent's back is to the wall, they're saying "Wait, how the hell did we get here? Oh, they want their usual inch again? Yeah, that's okay, it's just an inch. Let them have it. Not worth the energy." and then they have nothing left.
Yes, but the simple fact is that people missed this point entirely. There are people going to twitter saying it made them hate whites more.
It's almost kind of funny.
Despite this being the "me" generation, with the most socially relevant populations obsessing over themselves and their persona, plastering their name and face everywhere, these are the exact type of people to almost completely lack self-awareness.
thats fair because i havent trusted a single black person my entire life based on almost every black movie ive seen ever
Yes...yes... Let the hate flow through you.
Gimme that race war
It's not demonizing interracial relationships. Director is mixed (half black, half white), and married to a white woman (actress on Brooklyn Nine Nine)
When will people learn that figurativism is the only rational school of thought?
There's people saying everything on Twitter. I've always been honestly baffled that you alt righterinas are so stupid that you think finding 10 or even 100 examples of something on Twitter means anything at all. You'd have to be so fucking stupid to the point where simple logic is like a foreign language to you.
Look, I see what you're saying but I'm white and not for one second do I feel like the white race is in danger or in turmoil. Sure, this constant race baiting, this move, and all these "Hollywood doesn't have enuf nigs" stuff is poison, but I'm not worried about inches because we're already ahead by miles.
Let them rage, let them hate.