Best War Movie kino of all time?

Best War Movie kino of all time?

Other urls found in this thread:

Letters from Iwo Jima > Saving Private Ryan

>American """""History"""""

anything with war in it cannot be kino, it can be a film at best

but what you posted is flick tier


1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Longest Day
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Great Escape
5. Jar Head
6. Black Hawk Down
7. Letters from Iwo Jima
8. Glory
9. Sand Pebbles
10. The Patriot

Casualties of war

Top ten pleb war movies more like it.

name 10 better war movies faggot


1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Thin Red Line
3. Apocalypse Now
4. Jarhead
5. Inglorious Basterds

>all the german soldiers are mindless berserkers

thin red line is ass

1. Das Boot
2. Der Untergang
3. A Bridge Too Far
4. Platoon
5. Born on the Fourth of July
6. Thin Red Line
7. Taegukgi
8. The Deer Hunter
9. Stalingrad

That's all I got because Jarhead is actually pretty good and I'd throw it up there.

>War Movie kino
>Movie kino
>Posts a flick

Have a real kino, kiddo

Wait, fuck you nevermind I'd put 9th Company ahead of it.

>9th Company
Beat me to it. Solid list user.

the bridge on the river kwai

>ctrl + f "Green Berets"


Propaganda movies cant be kino

Born on the Fourth of July is an enormous piece of shit and one of the worst written and acted movies ive ever seen.

get FUCKED pile of SHIT

I feel like Saving Private Ryan really starts to suck after the omaha beach scene.

Actually you're wrong but that's okay.

Who says?

Triumph of the Will is kinography and you know it.

A Bridge Too Far

Iron Cross

Stripes and Kellys Heroes

>Jewish Propaganda

The Dirty Dozen
Where Eagles Dare

the GOAT

semi-auto weapons changed close quarters combat forever. with 5 rounds a clip and 1 shot per 2 seconds roughly, you had to use discipline, numbers, maneuvering and violence of action to overwhelm a position.

With modern weapons, it's all maneuvering. Patton recognized this.

>trying to fire a rifle with the clip in

Band of brother. Its a 12 hour movie

That's a pretty non-cohesive narrative.
It's really better read as separate narratives that only become whole when organized together into a series.

It's like a metaphor about the men. It just rhymes.

the stripper clip being in or out of the weapon has nothing to do with the number of rounds it can be used to load m8.

>top ten war movie lists
>no Apocalypse Now
You are not soldiers anons... you are errand boys

>Apoc Now
>war movie

I absolutely hated it


1. Apocalypse Now
2. Thin Red Line
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Das Boot


As long as a movie features killing nazis, I think it is one of the best movies.

was thinking about DLing this
is it mel/war kino?

haha yeah its just based in the Vietnam war, how is it a war movie!

>takes place during a war
>all the main characters are soldiers
>the actions of all these characters are in furtherance of the war effort throughout the entire film
>multiple scenes of battle that these characters take part in

Platoon and FMJ


Rounds were carried on clips.

It is well directed and it is near the top for special effects it Vietnam war movies.

It is hardly about vietnam however, arguably because it's set right at the start of the US entry into the conflict.
It is not about the war, and it is not trying to understand the conflict. It could be moved into a WWII setting, an Afghanistan settings, wherever. It is a movie about the characters, and the characters at that are reasonably simple.
The book may be about these topics, but the movie is not.

It is worth watching as an example of good direction elevating a mediocre script. It is not worth watching as a Vietnam war movie.

Best politically driven war movie

Pretty shitty posts so far. These are all easily found on imdb or from a minute or two on google.

Disappointing really.

This would really come out the moment I ask what the top documentaries are. It's just too easy to predict the responses.



>Pretty shitty posts so far. These are all easily found on imdb or from a minute or two on google.

Yes, we should purposely pick something based on its obscurity when answering "best war movie of all time"

"popular" does not mean "best"

hmm thanks for the info user

Yes, it's almost as if they're unrelated and your comment was retarded.

>Barry Lyndon
>Not kino
What are you talking about?

Hey man, I can't make the horse drink.

Stalingrad is shittiest shit ever

gee user, why don't you post one of YOUR favorites!

the fact that Robert Downey Junior spent the entire movie in blackface just cracks me up so hard


>this fucking scene

The Longest Day still holds up

enemy at the gates is much better

That movie is a horrendous piece of shit.

>meme at the gates

Pleb spotted. Your love triangle movie is shit.

how so

>British/Americans playing Russians in one of the most horrific battles ever fought in human history turned into a love story

Fuck off kike, you ain't fooling anyone.

the love story is lame, sure. but caring that much that the actors arent russian is just autism.

Come and See
Thin Red Line

not even a competition

>but caring that much that the actors arent russian is just autism

It's not autism and it's not autist to say maybe they could have picked a different battle and sniper story than fucking Stalingrad of all battles.

thin red line is pretentious bullshit


Fuck you faggot, you're not making any sense.

butthurt russian detected

>Saving Private Ryan
>literally all Germans are evil
>no humanizing elements to German characters
>German who was let go comes back to kill Americans because they are just that evil
>sniping at muh children

You just can't let a kike direct a war movie that has Germans.

>spike lee

top tier bait

What the fuck are you even talking about? The story of Stalingrad is about the 6th Army being surrounded and having to resort to barbarity and cannibalism. Could give two fucks about the amount of bolshevik scum thrown into that thresher.

Get some better taste, retard.

>I cant enjoy anything that doesnt appease my narrow worldview

Hacksaw Ridge

>that doesnt appease my narrow worldview

....what the fuck are you talking about? Since when is having a sense of history and what actually happened at Stalingrad now considered a narrow worldview?

So, you dont care about the russians who fought at stalingrad? thats a pretty silly reason to not like a movie, just saying

Lawrence Of Arabia
All Quiet on The Western Front.

Don't mind that retard. He probably thinks Russian soldiers were actually only given one gun per 2 men. I think the worst part about that shit movie is they made it into a human wave meme when Stalingrad was mainly house to house close combat.

Go back to Spielberg you're clearly aint ready for cinéma.

I don't like the movie because it's nothing like the actual battle. If you're going to make a historical war movie, do it right. Obviously if you want to make it a sniper love story you can take some liberties, but this movie paints the battle like this magnificent feat for love and Russia when in actuality it was a giant blunder on the German's side with absolutely no way to win.

House to house combat of incredible ferocity and brutality, but nope, gotta make that shit a love story with a cuck in the middle.

Red tails
lord of war

I can judge movies as movies. They dont need to be 100% historically accurate, they are not documentaries

Patrician taste


>They dont need to be 100% historically accurate, they are not documentaries

There's no point changing the entire scope of the battle, if you're going to do that you really don't care about the real battle, and at that point you should just make your own fictional war to set your stupid fucking love story in.

6. Black Hawk Down
get rid of this overrated bullshit faggot
where is Idi i smotri

how about "hacksaw ridge" guys

no one?

Im disgusted no one mentioned Tora! Tora! Tora!, this is grounds for a court martial you maggots.
