What's the highest movie on the imdb Top 250 you haven't seen and why?
This for me because I don't care for gangsta dramas and this monstrosity is four hours.
What's the highest movie on the imdb Top 250 you haven't seen and why?
This for me because I don't care for gangsta dramas and this monstrosity is four hours.
36. Logan
I only pirate bluray rips.. waiting..
You're not missing out on anything except inexplicable rape.
12 Angry Men, Forrest Gump and Se7en.
I don't really care about either of those movies and I'll prolly never watch them
>Citizen Kane
I don't care for Orson Wells.
>imdb Top 250
>the dark knight is number 4
I know, right? Should have been number one.
Didn't see 32 out of 250(I know that wasn't the point), if it weren't for shitty animated movies and Indian movies I'd have seen close to everything.
You aren't missing anything, Once Upon A Time in America is a terrible movie
I've never seen ROTK in full, but I have seen the "end" (no clue how long it was since it has a million endings). Never seen any of Two Towers
Outside of LOTR, It's a Wonderful Life. That's a shameful one
Both The Godfather and Part 2. Just never really had an urge to watch them even though I love gangster movies. Not sure why
>Outside of LOTR, It's a Wonderful Life. That's a shameful one
It's mostly praised for its last half hour which is great, but the remaining hour and a half is really nothing special.
Then what are you waiting for? Go watch them! They're not GOAT or anything, but pretty good.
From the top 20:
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Matrix
Star Wars
Se7en is rather entertaining
Schindler's List.
Holocaust just isn't very interesting, but I do like Spielberg so I might watch it one day.
This is incorrect.
ITT: Plebs
Loads of movies.
Schindler's List
Dr Strangelove
Citizen Kane
Maybe half the westerns (even though I loved the few I've seen)
6. Schindlers List
don't care enough about American-Jewish propaganda/cultural exports to bother with it
inb4 six gorillion, I dont care, I prefer movies about anything else honestly.
16. One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
sounds just weird
19. Seven Samurai, still haven't had the time and dedication to watch it, though planning to
and so on....
maybe seen 40-60% of the top250, sadly the list seems to be having lot of newer "popular" movies that simply get there for being released during the past decade. most people don't bother with older movies these days.
Fuck off man there's like 5 Chaplin films, and tons of stuff in the top 100 from the 40's through 70's
It does make me sad to see some good older films missing, and that some of my favorites might be bumped some day (Dog Day Afternoon, for example)
I haven't seen The Shawshank Redemption and it's number 1 on the list. lmao
>82. Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth) 2007
Overall at 216/250 (86%)
Haven't gotten around to it yet, and I'm seriously dreading most of this mediocre poo-in-loo shit dedicated Indian IMDb voters force upon the site so I tend to put them off.
at least joker was great
but Inception at 14? Interstellar at 32? Both are higher than anything Hitchcock or Kubrick have ever done. I mean REALLY?
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