>Computer, create a simulation on Holodeck 4
>2006-era Sup Forums
>remove all traces of reddit
>Wednesday night
>load LOST stream
>run program
Computer, create a simulation on Holodeck 4
That was over 10 years ago, get over it
reddit is actually a pretty cool place to chat about politics and swap memes.
what's not cool is posting yet another star trek thread when there are already five of them in the catalog. wow, just wow...
>I Probably Wasn't 5 in 2006 Starter Pack
>reddit is actually a pretty cool place to chat about politics
Yeah if you're a turbocuck
>reddit is actually a pretty cool place to shill for my liberal overlords and misuse memes.
>Computer, beam Wesley Crusher to Holodeck 4
>Lock all exits
>Pour lava into the room
>Disengage safety protocols
2006 good times. Fresh high school pussy everywhere. I miss those days.
Sup Forums didn't exist in 2006 you newfaggot.
>melting through the hull of the ship
mai Fatfu
SO fat
I hope the mods will get the punishment they deserve
>April 6, 2006 - Three new trial boards are added: Sup Forums (Comics & Cartoons), /po/ (Papercraft & Origami), and Sup Forums (Sports). Two days later, five more boards are added: /cgl/ (Cosplay & EGL), /ck/ (Food & Cooking), Sup Forums (Music), /n/ (News) (Changing the previous /n/ to /an/ - Animals & Nature), and Sup Forums (Television).
Then it was deleted and didn't come back as television and film until 2007. Don't try to act like you were here after you read an encyclopedia dramatica article you reddit garbage.
>Sup Forums
that's when Sup Forums died, making a board to attract normies and people that like sports on a site full of nerds
Gamergate is when Sup Forums died
Sup Forums didn't exist in 2006 faggot, it wasn't created until 2007. Stop pretending to be an oldfag.
t. actual oldfag
Reddit is more conservative
could i get a rundown on these ovals?
>computer create a simulation of Sup Forums from November 9 2010
And everything got better.
>someone mentions reddit on Sup Forums
>reeeee its full of fucking liberals
>someone mentions reddit offline
>reeeee its full of alt-right
>not posting on Sup Forums in 2006