Literally "How to raise a bunch of degenerate hippies who later become psycho killers: the movie"

literally "How to raise a bunch of degenerate hippies who later become psycho killers: the movie"

god that was painful to watch

>use roads built by the government, even though you don't pay taxes
>stealing is perfectly fine
>desecrating a grave is okay as long as it's about you
>if you can regurgitate a few books, which makes you superior to everyone else, you can hang loose whenever and wherever you want
>serrations are for plebs

Other urls found in this thread:

I did not ask my mom to come to this world. Fuck socialization.

Also the father was just a tyrant.

Did Wes Anderson direct this film.

>ywn be this mad over a movie

he should have let the two sons leave and made babies with the qt daughters

The point of the movie is him realizing he's abusing his kids.

I don't like the message the father was giving to the kids but I still liked the movie. Weird idea. I cannot like a character but appreciate the movie.

Great poseidowns would their children be

don't believe so

yes, these hippies pissed me off

why couldn't they all kill themselves...

and yet life goes on like it was perfectly okay, no repercussions, no responsibility

Repercussion was his daughter almost dying.

My most hated part was it's Noam Chomsky shilling. The dude's a genocide denying jackass.

repercussions would be losing custody and or jail time for child endangerment/abuse

i watch it only for Annalise Basso

>a movie that shits on hippies
>painful to watch

You haven't watched it properly

didn't know noam denied genocide, you got any links i'd be interested to learn if there's substance to your claims.

I enjoyed it, felt like the coda kind of ruined the films climax with him giving up his kids to the grandpa. Although fuck not obeying someone's will that's just a piece of shit thing to do doesn't matter how hippyish the will was.

I liked it, not surprised it triggered trumptards. Vigga was /fa/ as fuck in this movie that red suit is tits.

This movie was cringeworthy, but entertaining at the same time. Viggo was great, and the kids were all pretty good, but they were a pretty insufferable group of people to watch for 2 hours.

Good goy

if it was that important to her, why didn't she tell her parents that when she was in the hospital

Better you abusing your child than society

He's also redpilled

>>use roads built by the government, even though you don't pay taxes
So what?

>Why can't every character in movies be just like me? Why do they have different opinions than me and do things that are different than what I would do?

Just stick to Batman bud

Anybody triggered by this movie is upset they will never have a father as based as Viggo and they will always be a slave to a system in which they are expendable. Stay sucking down chemical riddled soft drinks, genetically modified Monsantos frankenstein food, and brainwashed to the ZOG media and education system as well as accumulating debt for Mr.Goldberg.

>roads trigger the an-caps


Dude's a communist. Ahem, sorry, an 'anarcho-syndicalist'. The genocide denying thing is him denying the genocide at the hands of the fucking Khmer Rouge.

their bitching about government and business is completely hypocritical

>oh sure, the hospitals and healthcare industry is just a big scam, trying to poison everyone....but when we do something retarded and are injured, we expect the doctors to help us instead of healing it by rubbing some plants on it

who doesn't love brainwashing....

great movie but Hunt for the Wilderpeople was a million times better

>who doesn't love being a slave*


What? It was in her will, also she killed herself not like she was on the phone with her parents preparing her funera;.

The wife also ended up killing herself because hospitals and healthcare is not infallible

Because she went untreated for so long.

you two are dumb asses

"Nonetheless, in 1993, Chomsky acknowledged the massive scale of the Cambodian genocide in the documentary film Manufacturing Consent. He said, "I mean the great act of genocide in the modern period is Pol Pot, 1975 through 1978 - that atrocity - I think it would be hard to find any example of a comparable outrage and outpouring of fury."

>>desecrating a grave is okay as long as it's about you

What's wrong with this? Just some random dead ass person. They literally cannot mind.

Literally everything the kids read and parroted in the film was zog theory.

Fucking guns, germs and steal?

viggo going full frontal made me feel things

Damage control.

When he started feeling the heat he walked it back. Read my fucking link, the shittery of this man is extensively chronicled.

if she had the foresight to make up a will, which I doubt most hippies do, she probably would/should have said something, at some point, about what her wishes would be

it was a selfish act to make themselves feel better, the dead person doesn't know what happened to their body and can't care....they're dead

He was patently wrong and changed his mind on the issue what's wrong with that?

>your father will never raise you and your siblings outside of society in Platos perfect Republic

Feels bad man, my life fucking sucks

she literally had a will that the parents disregard to give her a traditional burial, it's the plot of the movie which you clearly din't watch

The facts were out there when he wrote his original claims. It wasn't a mea culpa, it was him realizing he overextended himself and he better massage his shit before people started dismissing him as the crypto-communist he is.

The point was what normalfags consider abuse is nothing. The scene where the wifes sisters kids and Viggos youngest kid both talk about the Constitution ring a bell?

>dude reciting force fed information is smart

Funny how the public educated kids were unable to even do that

Because they have the internet and don't need to retain useless knowledge to seem smart.

>commie apologist
geez i wonder who's behind this post

This excuse is breathtaking. Why learn anything when you have the internet then? Christ.

>use roads built by the government, even though you don't pay taxes

lol muh roads

Well he's right, trivia is useless, no one is impressed anymore that you know who the 42nd king of Thailand is because I can look it up on wikipedia.

>use roads built by the government, even though you don't pay taxes

Kind of like how Sup Forums thinks that no one shouldnt ever pay money to see or watch movies and yet expects Hollywood to make movies for their entartainment.

>the Constitution of the United States of America is 'trivia'
kek this country sure is fucked.

I stopped watching when his elite athlete daughter fell down the roof like a rag doll

The entire plot revolves around the idea that Aragorn's way of life isn't sustainable or even really beneficial. Where do you think all the tension between him and the two sons came from? Why do you think he compromised at the end of the movie? He realised it was fucking crazy. The movie is literally about Viggo coming to terms with the fact that his way of life isn't necessarily superior.

Sup Forums is literally triggered by anyone expressing an idea they don't agree with or understand. Anything that happens after that can never soothe their hurt feelings.

Didn't they celebrate Noam Chomsky Day instead of Christmas or something like that?

>use roads built by the government, even though you don't pay taxes

Neither does like every tourist

>everything and everyone I dislike is Sup Forums

I didn't say that

and it's been at redbox....very cheap with coupon

they're not tourists

That's why their visa are temporary.