Explain this

Explain this

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Cucks for Clinton, Alphas for Trump.

Kill yourself, faggot.

the president is supposed to represent his people, not the elite of the world

>being this naive

>Sultan Qaboos
That can't be real.

>90% hispanic, leftie, muslim
Gee... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. it..... i-it......UOOOOOOOHH YEH,..... MAKES ME THINKERINO

I respect literally nobody on that list and wouldn't trust them to pick a fucking plumber for me, much less a goddamn president.

Virtue signalling

There are more assholes on left than on the right, which makes me like Trump more.

I clearly said "supposed to", I never implied that this is how it actually works, I'm simply pointing that op's argument is invalid because what the elite of the world thinks is irrelevant

He organized a boycott of trump products


Following people in the list are dictators that support Clinton

Recep Erdogan

Raul Castro

Daniel Ortega

Mahmood Abbas

Hassan Rouhani

Sultan Qaboos

Tamim Al Than

Khalif Al Habtoor

Robert Mugabe

Yoweri Museveni

Leftists are scum?

>Robert Mugabe
List disregarded.

Seems like he is pissing off the right people to me

>dilma against trump
why is she even relevant?

Left side is trash.
Right side is ok.

>Cristina K

Your list is shit OP

Globalists want more control. Trump doesn't want globalist control.

Is DEAR LEADER really pro Trump? I've never actually heard his opinion on anything.

>Dilma Rouseff
>Brazillian """President"""


The bad guys have been the good guys all along.

Vladdy Daddy knows that he can walk all over Trump, and not over Shillary. Shillary is a cockroach with actual political experience and knows when, when not to, and how to play her cards. Trump as President will have no idea what he's doing

It's beneficial for him to see Trump as President. Everyone else on the right side doesn't matter.

Why does this man look like his name should be David Goldstein?

Like 2/3rds of the guys on the left are either middle eastern dictators or cuck-o-doodle-do European faggots. Both should be gassed.

The ones on the right are alphas.

Let's see, leaf nigger.

>Hillary will ruin our relations with Russia

>Trump will strengthen them

One can only wonder why he supports Trump.

Drink mercury leaf.

Trump supporters are arguably on the other end of the horseshoe theory to SJWs. They don't care about the reality, it goes against their narrative.
I mean look at these convincing arguments:
These answers really explain the reasoning well.

you clearly missed my point

Justin Trudeau is NOT against Trump.

Whoever made this image is an idiot. Don't fall for this fucking bait.

It's a lot easier to support a weak and corrupt politician you can bribe like Clinton than an unknown like Trump.