>not allowed to watch her own movie
Not allowed to watch her own movie
In Poland we don't give a shit and there was lots of childern in theater. I once saw one on wolf of wall street with parents. Probably thought it would be a cartoon or something.
Little girl is half european so she will watch it. America is so fuckin puritan. No wonder europeans kicked your asses far far away
movie ratings aren't fucking laws, theaters simply require parental supervision for the children while they watch gratuitous violence and sex on super huge screens being blasted with surround sound of simultaneous orgasm and death rattle
The movie was violent with a good amount of cussing but nothing I feel would "shock" a minor in 2017. This movie was a light R-rating at best. I took my 13 year old cousin and he didn't give a damn because you can see worse shit on the internet or television.
Can someone explain why I find her so endearing? Is there a scientific explanation?
She has great facial expressions. The cocked eyebrow and the "I'm going to stab you in the throat" stare are great.
kids aren't banned from R rated movies. they just have to be with someone who is of age.
Even on von trier-s nymphomaniac 1 and 2?
> Living in the states
> go watch deadpool in theaters
>entire row in front of me is mostly kids
>the parent in charge face when Ryan Renolds takes it in the ass
We trollin' haaarrrrrrd
Not at all my fellow
I found her character endearing from the grand scheme of things, which basically comes from the fact that she finally gives Logan's life some purpose/meaning. I mean the guy never got a fucking break, not once, where everyone he loved or cared about died. He's suicidal, pissed off, and wanting the whole show to be over.
Then X-23 comes in and changes everything for Logan. He realizes that she looks up to him as a hero, and idolizes him, even after seeing all the messed up things he does to people. Laura doesn't see Logan as a weapon, but sees him as her daddy, which is something that no one else was ever really capable of doing (besides Charles of course). She is the only person next to Charles that would be able to accept him and love him for what he is, because she is very much like him.
Finally at the end of the road all those buried feelings he had for his daughter came out, and he realized that he was finally happy, and in a sense experiencing the love that he always wanted, but could never have. I find her character endearing because she is Logan's daughter, and the fact she finally gave him happiness at the end of the road was enough for me to like the character.
Masterful response. You summed up exactly what I loved about her. The character was just perfect and exactly what Logan's finale needed. Plus she was adorable.
the movie was made by america, im from here and i grew up on R rated films, but basically kids watch them at home. people just dont want kids making noise during a good fucking movie, and also because they probably dont want to be judged
yah thats my thinking too. She was very emotive and i think on some level its deliberately endearing to males
>No wonder europeans kicked your asses far far away
What did he mean by this?
I know that feel.
Not even the coldest son of a bitch would hurt a girl that adorable.
>she's crying at the end and snot is running down her nose
That's when I lost it bros.
In that image she reminds me of a less attractive, very young Winona Ryder.
I would gib huggies and tuck her into bed.
There were tons of kids when I saw Deadpool. Fucking annoying
she looks gross and i dont like her
you're a pedo?
You need to swiftly kill yourself if you don't have the desire to protect this cutie with your life.
Nope. She's endearing on a strictly paternal level.
you go.
kill yourself
GTFO. This is a Dafne Keen thread now.
Why is the sexualization of little girls allowed, I mean she's a total qtpie but still....
Sullen lolis are cute! CUTE!
How is she being sexualized? She's literally just getting her picture taken.
I am but besides that. She has some little girl magic not all little girls have.
How can white girls even compete with this cuteness
the entire point of that pic being taken is to make the viewer want to unbutton her and pull down her shorts and give the cute little folds of her cunny a quick little kiss
no. NO
This guy is not this guy. Just fyi
Thanks FBI, you're always so helpful.
Are we gonna see more of her slice and dice fools in the future?
Her foot game is good too. This girl is one to watch.
no she doesnt. she looks gross. other little girls are much cuter.
She is not going away.
Any time
A minor can view a rated R film with parental permission. It's basically just a typical "cover our asses policy" so stupid bitchy bitches can't sue because they are offended by something (people being professionally offended has been around longer than the internet).
Her foot game is on point. She could have tri-Emma quality by the time she matures.
This is propaganda, showing that supposedly a man can find happiness only if he has and raises and child.
Don't fall for their tricks, we are winning, the tide is turning.
Only a couple more decades before the everlasting collapse of this corrupt society.
I have no desire to raise a kid after this, just snuggled with X-23. Nice try, Marvel.
It's absolutely true. Every man needs a little laura to raise to adulthood.