I’m a bit behind and just watched the latest episode.
So Woodes Rogers plan was to unleash the Spanish on Nassau and… let them slaughter everyone on the island, including the British subjects who weren’t rebelling?
I’m a bit behind and just watched the latest episode.
So Woodes Rogers plan was to unleash the Spanish on Nassau and… let them slaughter everyone on the island, including the British subjects who weren’t rebelling?
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Did nobody watch the latest episode?
>So Woodes Rogers plan was to unleash the Spanish on Nassau and… let them slaughter everyone on the island, including the British subjects who weren’t rebelling?
Yeah he didn't really seem to reflect on how medieval they'd get on the place, but not thinking things through seems to be the theme this season
All he seems to have considered is beating the pirates. but not what that would entail
The show sure dropped the nudity that was in the first season...
nudity was used to attract plebs and get them hooked.
I know her character is pants on head retarded and her accent is hit and miss but visually max is the perfect woman
Rogers had problems with the Nassau citizens earlier in the season, about how they werent aiding the British. He had a big thing with Max about it.
As far as he was concerned the loyal subjects were in the fort, which he explicitly told the Spanish to not attack (and they didnt).
Also get fucking rekt Eleanor.
we all knew it was coming but this ending (and this season in general) where the pirates all just get raped over and over is hard to watch
i hope they do a treasure island sequel series so it doesn't finish on such a tragic feel
Naah its great. Theres something cathartic about watching a bunch of doomed to die people fight fruitlessly against the end.
pretty much.
He essentially considered anyone not inside the fort enemies at that point and had no more fucks to give.
Wasn't until after he witnessed the shitstorm go down and the repercussions what would happen to unleashing an army on the island with no restraints did he even start to realize what exactly he'd done.
It's Flint's fault Mady and Eleanor died.
fucking make sure the Spanish are dead next time, jesus christ
To be fair, in the last thread we were talking about that last Spanish soldier and how he was the fucking terminator - despite being half dead he decided, instead of going back to his mates, to take out a bunch of sentries like a silent ninja and get shot in the arm without batting an eyelid, and had to be fucking burned alive to finally stop him.
No its the Lieutenants fault. Flint had no idea who were the competent men in the redcoats and let him decide who would remain behind to guard the pair, and he chose a bumbling retard.
Seriously the fucking spaniard was right in the middle of the path he was meant to be watching.
got a link to the thread?
i like reading this shit
im more interested in why the Spaniard goes for trying to rape Eleanor with a shot in his arm and a head injury
>got a link to the thread?
>im more interested in why the Spaniard goes for trying to rape Eleanor with a shot in his arm and a head injury
Well I would too tbqhwyf
How many Lieutenants does Rodgers have?
the kid with the ship gotkilled by Ann and Rackham, im sure one died with Berenger and there was the short haircut dude in the fort who was with Rodgers when they found Eleanor's body
>he's an Eleanorfag
Is it to late to start watching this series? I heard it gets more safe later on.
seriously that sonvabitch just refused to go down
Depends on how many companies came with him to Nassau and how many stayed. Lets say He had 3 companies. A company during that time consisted of 50-120 soldiers and was commanded by a captain, a lieutenant and an ensign with occasionally two other lieutenants.
But he only had one Captain left in season 4, meaning he had only one company's worth of soldiers then at best. So 1-3 lieutenants, maybe more if more troops deserted from the other recalled regiments and the numbers bloated.
it starts slow but god damn it get's really fucking nice at the end of Season 1 and all the way through to now
Fake French accent bitch and blonde bitch are worst characters
Flint is the best character imo, shits all over Long John Silver, Vane and Blackbeard
recalled companies*
would the companies be proportional to the Royal Navy ships that showed up with Commodore Chamberline to fight flint on nigger island?
they were at least 3 Ships of the line or Frigates at best.
Don't think there is any limit or requirement for the redcoats:ship ratio. Doesnt really matter anyway cause theres at most a dozen redcoats left alongside however many sailors are on the man of war.
Is she dead?
She's on the ship with based Featherstone following Max to their death.
Seriously why didnt they just blow her god damn brains out?
I'm sure Featherstone didn't leave her behind
>Spaniard says it's too late for Eleanor because the men have been 'unleashed'
>Like animals
>This is the so called civilization
really makes you think
Thank god this show exists. I've been making hundreds of dosh off of it.
Please keep watching it and spread the love for it.
>Seriously why didnt they just blow her god damn brains out?
A lot of problems would have been avoided if someone had shot Max back at the start of s1
How could Flint NOT be a buttpirate with hunks like that in his crew
Well it's ending soon lad, hope you got the DVD rights
how about pic related?
she's definitly been violently raped to death by the spanish by now, right?
Flint and Rodgers are the best characters pham
im almost 95% sure flint threw him off the ship
Fuck you Silver and Jack are great as well.
Wait, everyone is dying?
Eleanor is dead? Sweet.
How about Max? Is she dead?
I stopped watching the show because I absolutely hated the women on this show.
Rodgers is great this season
pretty meh at the start though, but this season has brought the best out of the actors
Max is Alive and on Rackhams ship with Ann and Featherstone
Eleanor got her and her baby slit to death by T:1000- Spanish edition. Anne is dying or near death after 1v1ing a giant asshole and slitting him up with shards of glass. Max is going to get everyone killed next episode by taking a bunch of fucking pirates to the home of a rich man who wants nothing to do with pirates.
He was trying to pray the gay away at that time
We're up to episode 6 and we've had a fuckload of skirmishes and fights.
have any been better than Season 2's razing of Charlestown or Season 3's Nigger Island battle with the Royal Navy?
well in ep5 the deal was to burn Nassau EXCEPT the fort. Rogers didn't knew his stubborn bitch will go out of the fortress
You're a Thief
We dont like Thieves
>Eleanor got her and her baby slit to death by T:1000- Spanish edition
fuck, i forgot she was preggo
> Anne is dying or near death after 1v1ing a giant asshole and slitting him up with shards of glass
give her a week and she'll be right
literally every soldiers during war, yes even americans
>attract plebs
When you masturbate to a character you're building a bond with them. It's the most patrician thing you can do.
>tfw cant jerk off to any videos he's in because he's so fucking depressed in that louis theroux doco
Flint has been the most consistently good character. I never cared for Vane, but he had his moments. The actor just stinks with his monotone grumbling Christian Bale as Batman school of emoting. I hated Silver in season 1, but he's grown on me these past few seasons. Wardrobe and make up made them all look far too clean in season 1, which was a detriment, imo. Same applies to Jack Rackham. Blackbeard was good, but could have been great if they had introduced him earlier and developed him as a character more. I wish Israel Hands had more airtime this season. Ned Low was pointless filler and his introduction should have been replaced by an early intro to BB and Hands. Fake Frenchie is the most beautiful on the show, but is easily the most hateable. Idelle is runner up + best tits. Eleanore was just awful all around
Not really. The underwater shots of the ships getting sunk in the beginning of this season were excellent, though.
that's pretty cool
>Ned Low was pointless filler and his introduction should have been replaced by an early intro to BB and Hands.
You're right but I think they couldn't use BB yet because of the shitty NBC show that failed.