what are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of private citizens who happen to be running for president against their chosen trainwreck candidate and is now going to jail? No, I ain't gonna ask the faggots over at Sup Forums
What are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of...
great thread
Who cares nigger, give me bill and red 3
good thread
First of all he didn't order it. The FBI did. Secondly it was perfectly legal. Your nigger president Trump says he likes the NSA, funny I guess it isn't quite the same when the NSA is violating your privacy.
Trump is a terrorist
Putin is the devil
Neofascism is destroying western civilization
Nationalism is a mental illness.
good thread
Nice hair
Its funny that you're trying to reason with someone who is using the repeated deletion of this post that violates a number of sitewide rules as validation of his opinions on this matter.
>there are cucks who actually believe this
solid thread
All The President's Men
hehe nigger
Sage and report.
what a dumb bitch
I'm glad she lost.
Imagine spending your ENTIRE life working and schemeing and busting your ass to become president. Spending years after years studying and playing the game of politics and ruthlessly climbing your way to the top and almost being there, after all that work, and you finally get your shot at it
and then, some asshole who just decided to be president on a whim stroles in and steals it from you.
Problem Child 2
5* thread
damn Obama looks like THAT?
>and then, some asshole who just decided to be president on a whim stroles in and steals it from you.
Trump first ran for president in 2000
weak bait
here's your (you)
@these cucks getting BTFO
btfo FUCK ING BTFO by trump how the fukc canoyu go get so btfo'd iLLMAO
Ever wonder who scores on the bottom 50% on those standardized tests?
>this guy
JUST fuck my presidency up
t.triggered KEKHOLD
who got BTFO the 9th of november
Yeah you dummies really showed those smarty pants smart people when you elected your favorite game show host
Human intelligence BTFO!!!
>45th President of the United States of America
Trump is full of shit, this is just a distraction from his ties with Russia and his shitty cabinet.