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heroes was underrated
did he die ?
he got the better end of the stick
This the guy from Heroes?
underrated post
what ever happened to that guy from heroes?
He was in hawaii 5 O for 7 seasons.
he was busy being an audience member for an acapella singing show.
Haha sellout faggot. I used to enjoy watching their LAN party vids with corridor digital. And he betrayed us.
Rike and subscribe for more action videos
Was LAN Minecraft kino?
Used to hear this shit quoted all the time.
Haha yeah that was definitely the best.
>ywn have a dedicated group of friends who legitimately want to fight the enderdragon.
dude disgusting food lmao
DJ Not Nice?
a quick rundown?
Rocket Jump Film School is actually pretty decent
>how to properly hand someone a lens
It seems silly but I can see how it could save you from spilling your spaghetti
have you seen the car brandon drives? holy shit he's loaded
Node is better off without him anyway.
You must be at least 18 years old to post here
didnt this guy launch a really successful special effects career?
Is he ever going to make something that isn't a shitty action short with bb guns?
I actually forgot all about this guy
What happened?
Nigger, everyone who remembers him is already old.
RIP in peace freddie and andy
I liked his videos but I didnt like watching an overweight asian guy kicking ass, it felt out of place.
Yeah, VGHS sucked. Brian was at least good in it.
The youtube algorithm fucked him over.
Actually thought that was Hiro from Heroes
he is doing a PhD at Berkeley
here's his MO profile
Gay bacon strips
Last I checked he was supposed to be working on a show, but that was 2 years ago.
kids born in 1999 will be 18 this year.
For real, Brandon seems to be having a much better time with his life. Gets paid to play video games with his friends and uses that money to make video games with his friends.
There's something about this guys face which makes me want to punch it.