Why does this board have such a hard on for little girls, it's seriously freaking me out

Why does this board have such a hard on for little girls, it's seriously freaking me out

They always turn out ugly when they grow up too. Delusions and poor taste all round.

There's only like 1 or 2 pedos on this board (which is very few for Sup Forums). The rest of us just want to bake her cookies and keep her safe from danger.

Take the cvnnypill m8.

This. We enjoy their innocence and beauty. It's not sexual.

I wanna fuck her innocence and beauty

Because there is an obsessed, sick minority that literally have hard ons for little girls.

Because they are kawaii


I think this board is proof of the existence of psychic abilities.

With an essentially 100% success rate, Sup Forums can predict which girls will grow up to be incredibly ugly. Every time they obsess about a new underage girl, she is guaranteed to grow up into a Chloe

please return to reddit


wtf i dont think dafne king is adorable anymore

They aren't mature enough to be into the TRUE patrician fetish which is of course, upper middle class pregnancy



southern teen poverty pregnancy is more endearing when its between whites that grew up in unfortunate circumstances but managed to avoid drug and alcohol problems

Because people with unorthodox views don't get le downboat here, they just get banned by overzealous mods.

Because little girls are sexy

Dunno. Why do you?

Speak for yourself faggot, I want to pump my cum into her womb.

Holy shit. The amazing part is that I'm not into her in the second pic.

This thread was created by a pedo to solicit pedo (You)s. I'm on to you OP.

Die you barneyfag

yeah dafne is ugly af.
so is millie too.
no one likes them.

Millie is uggo but dafne is cute in a weird way. Her eyes seem far apart though.


Look at BriBri and how she hit the wall at 13

It's a simple formula.

If a girl gets too hot too early, she'll be ugly.
If a girl is just cute, she'll be pretty.

>If a girl is just cute, she'll be pretty.

Chloe was just cute

She was fuckable in the pigtails and schoolgirl outfit. Then again even I would be fuckable in pigtails and a schoolgirl outfit.